Institute of International Rivers and Eco-security, Yunnan University, Kunming 650091, China
State Key Laboratory of Tibetan Plateau Earth System, Resources and Environment, Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
College of Grassland, Resource and Environment, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Hohhot 010011, China
植物性状能够反映植物的生存策略, 是植物生态学的研究热点之一。植物CSR策略模型将植物物种分为3类: 在资源丰富环境中能够最大程度提高生物量的物种(竞争型物种: C策略); 在干扰频率较高的环境中能够快速摄取资源并繁殖的物种(投机取巧型物种: R策略); 在资源贫瘠环境中能够保持个体生存的物种(耐受型物种: S策略)。植物叶片性状对环境梯度具有适应性的改变, 性状的改变对植物生存策略产生影响, 但是青藏高原植物叶片性状是如何影响植物CSR生存策略的, 其机制尚不清楚。该研究探究了高寒草地植物CSR生存策略的分布特征, 以及环境因子对CSR生存策略的影响机制。2020年7-8月, 对青藏高原高寒草地53个样点进行了调查, 测定植物叶片叶面积、叶片鲜质量和叶片干质量等性状, 并计算C、S、R值。然后, 分析关键地理环境要素对植物CSR策略影响的主要因子和作用机理。结果表明: (1)在青藏高原高寒草地, 植物的生存策略主要以S策略(41.6%-96.7%)为主。(2)随着经度的增加, 青藏高原高寒草地C策略植物所占比例自西向东逐渐上升; 在海拔梯度上, 高寒草地C策略植物所占比例随着海拔的升高而降低。(3)随机森林分析结果显示降水量对C策略的贡献率最高(25.74%), 海拔对S策略的贡献率最高(27.34%); 分析气候因子对植物性状的影响发现降水量和温度只对叶面积产生显著影响, 且叶片含水量对植物C、S策略具有显著效应。综合而言, 研究发现降水量是影响植物CSR生存策略最关键的因子, 这对于研究高寒草地植物对环境梯度的生态适应具有十分重要的意义。
Vegetation traits are one of the research hotspots in plant ecology and they reflect the strategies of plant survival. According to the CSR survival strategy model, plant species may be classified into three categories: C strategy that can maximize biomass in resource-rich environments (competitive species); R strategy that can rapidly intake resources and reproduce in environments with a high frequency of disturbance (opportunistic species); and S strategy that can maintain individual survival in resource-poor environments (tolerant species). Leaf traits have adaptive changes in response to environmental gradients, which have impacts on plant adaptation. The mechanisms of how leaf traits affect CSR survival strategies in the alpine grassland of Qingzang Plateau remain unclear. The objective of this paper is to investigate the spatial patterns of CSR survival strategies of alpine plants and the mechanisms by which environmental factors influence plant survival.
We surveyed a field transect which consists of 53 sample sites in an alpine grassland on the Qingzang Plateau from July to August 2020. Vegetation traits of leaf area, leaf fresh mass, and leaf dry mass were measured and C, S, R values were calculated. Finally, we analyzed the critical drivers and mechanism of plant CSR strategies in response to geographical elements.
Important findings
Our results showed that: (1) In the alpine grassland of the Qingzang Plateau, 41.6%-96.7% of plants are identified as S strategy. (2) With the increase of the longitude, the proportion of C strategy plants increased gradually from the west to the east, whereas along the altitude gradient, the proportion of C strategy plants decreased with the increasing altitude. (3) Random forest analysis showed that the contribution of precipitation to C strategy is the highest (25.74%), and the contribution of altitude to S strategy is the highest (27.34%). Additionally, both precipitation and temperature had significant effects on leaf area, and leaf water content significantly affects plant CSR strategies. In summary, results of our study highlighted that precipitation is the most critical factor that governs plant CSR survival strategies. This finding has important implications for studying the ecological adaptation along environmental gradients in alpine grasslands.
Key words:
CSR strategy,
leaf trait,
environmental gradient,
Qingzang Plateau,
alpine grassland
林马震, 黄勇, 李洋, 孙建. 高寒草地植物生存策略地理分布特征及其影响因素. 植物生态学报, 2023, 47(1): 41-50. DOI:
LIN Ma-Zhen, HUANG Yong, LI Yang, SUN Jian. Geographical distribution characteristics and influencing factors of plant survival strategies in an alpine grassland.
Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology
, 2023, 47(1): 41-50. DOI:
青藏高原高寒草地常见植物C策略(A)和S策略(B)与各环境因子的相关性热度图。*, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01。AI, 干旱指数; Alt, 海拔; C, 竞争型; Lat, 纬度; Lon, 经度; Pre, 降水量; S, 忍受型; Tem, 温度。
Fig. 3
Heat map of the correlation between C (A) and S (B) strategies and environmental factors in alpine grassland on the Qingzang Plateau. *, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01. AI, aridity index; Alt, altitude; C, competitor; Lat, latitude; Lon, longitude; Pre, precipitation; S, stress-tolerator; Tem, temperature.
青藏高原高寒草地常见植物C策略(A)和S策略(B)与各环境因子的相关性热度图。*, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01。AI, 干旱指数; Alt, 海拔; C, 竞争型; Lat, 纬度; Lon, 经度; Pre, 降水量; S, 忍受型; Tem, 温度。
Fig. 3
Heat map of the correlation between C (A) and S (B) strategies and environmental factors in alpine grassland on the Qingzang Plateau. *, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01. AI, aridity index; Alt, altitude; C, competitor; Lat, latitude; Lon, longitude; Pre, precipitation; S, stress-tolerator; Tem, temperature.
青藏高原高寒草地环境因子对C策略(A)、S策略(B)的相对重要性分析。AI, 干旱指数; Alt, 海拔; C, 竞争型; Lat, 纬度; Lon, 经度; Pre, 降水量; S, 忍受型; Tem, 温度。
Fig. 4
Relative importance of effect of environmental factors on C (A) and S (B) strategies in alpine grassland on the Qingzang Plateau. AI, aridity index; Alt, altitude; C, competitor; Lat, latitude; Lon, longitude; Pre, precipitation; S, stress-tolerator; Tem, temperature.
青藏高原高寒草地环境因子对C策略(A)、S策略(B)的相对重要性分析。AI, 干旱指数; Alt, 海拔; C, 竞争型; Lat, 纬度; Lon, 经度; Pre, 降水量; S, 忍受型; Tem, 温度。
Fig. 4
Relative importance of effect of environmental factors on C (A) and S (B) strategies in alpine grassland on the Qingzang Plateau. AI, aridity index; Alt, altitude; C, competitor; Lat, latitude; Lon, longitude; Pre, precipitation; S, stress-tolerator; Tem, temperature.
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