  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接
An error occurred while trying to create the UDP endpoint for %1 provider on interface %2. This can happen if the network interface was disabled or changed, or some other application is already using the port. The provider will not be able to receive requests on this interface. %n %n Error Information: %3 %n There might a replay attack on a particular user.%n%nUser %1 is attempting to send data that was in request sent by user %2%nCause: This could happen because an attacker is trying to use the data sent by another user.%nResolution:%nRefer to the logs to see the user who is performing the replay attack and consider disabling the user Translation in context Traduction en contexte Traducción en contexto Tradução em contexto Traduzione in contesto Übersetzung im Kontext الترجمة في السياق 文脈に沿った翻訳 Vertaling in context תרגום בהקשר Перевод в контексте Tłumaczenie w kontekście Traducere în context Översättning i sammanhang İçerik tercümesi Переклад у контексті