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[Solved] Can't access REPL on macOS - Works on Windows

General discussions and questions abound development of code with MicroPython that is not hardware specific.
Target audience: MicroPython Users.
I flashed my first device with MicroPython today. I used a Wemos D1 Mini (ESP8266) and flashing worked as supposed. I used macOS 10.13 to flash and also verified the correct installation using esptool.py. I've also been using Arduino on this machine for months without any problems. But as soon as I try to access REPL through a terminal program - no matter if the macOS-native screen or picocom, I just get no response at all from the ESP.
The output just stays empty on screen (screen /dev/cu.Repleo-CH341-001314FD 115200) and picocom (picocom /dev/cu.Repleo-CH341-001314FD -b115200) just says "Terminal ready".
It works fine with PuTTY on windows so I can only assume that the installation of MicroPython on the ESP worked correct but I would prefer using my Mac as all my dev-tools are on macOS.
Thank you in advance for any helping ideas,
Thank you for the replies so far - and sorry it took me so long to react but I wasn't at home for a few days...
> Try to reset the module, while connected to the UART. I have same issue and I'm using Mac. I'm also using Esplorer (java based) as it has a proper interface and Micropython reference as well, unlike 'screen'.
Tried that several times unfortunately without any change... and I also tried different programs to access it.
> you need to use the /dev/tty device not the /dev/cu
Also no difference :(
What I did notice: It works on my MacBook which runs macOS Mojave - my main workstation still runs on High Sierra as it can't run a newer version. I am even more confused now...
That might be a workaround though my whole development environment is on macOS... And I could just use the windows machine then as well ;)
I am planning to replace this old iMac anyway at some point as it doesn't get updates anymore. So I will probably just use my Macbook till then.
Did you search for a suitable driver for the USB/UART chip of the Wemos D1 Mini? It is a CH340G. I faintly recall that on my stone age OS-X laptop I once had to install a driver for the ch340 device. I have it on my machine, found it by googling. I have attached it. Most of the Zip is a one page PDF.
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