[Espresso] Unable to build Espresso server - spawn ./gradlew ENOENT
[Espresso] Gradle error message:
[debug] [Espresso] Deleting espresso session
[debug] [W3C] Encountered internal error running command: A new session could not be created. Details: Unable to build Espresso server - spawn ./gradlew ENOENT
[debug] [W3C] Gradle error message:
[debug] [W3C] . Check https://github.com/appium/appium-espresso-driver#troubleshooting regarding advanced session startup troubleshooting.
[debug] [W3C] Error: Unable to build Espresso server - spawn ./gradlew ENOENT
[debug] [W3C] Gradle error message:
[debug] [W3C] . Check https://github.com/appium/appium-espresso-driver#troubleshooting regarding advanced session startup troubleshooting.
[debug] [W3C] at Object.wrappedLogger.errorAndThrow (/Users/zhaojy/ui-test/node_modules/@appium/support/lib/logging.js:94:35)
[debug] [W3C] at ServerBuilder.runBuildProcess (/Users/zhaojy/ui-test/node_modules/appium-espresso-driver/lib/server-builder.js:195:4)
[debug] [W3C] at ServerBuilder.build (/Users/zhaojy/ui-test/node_modules/appium-espresso-driver/lib/server-builder.js:73:5)
[debug] [W3C] at EspressoRunner.buildNewModServer (/Users/zhaojy/ui-test/node_modules/appium-espresso-driver/lib/espresso-runner.js:188:5)
[debug] [W3C] at EspressoRunner.installTestApk (/Users/zhaojy/ui-test/node_modules/appium-espresso-driver/lib/espresso-runner.js:146:7)
[debug] [W3C] at EspressoDriver.initAUT (/Users/zhaojy/ui-test/node_modules/appium-espresso-driver/lib/driver.js:552:7)
[debug] [W3C] at EspressoDriver.startEspressoSession (/Users/zhaojy/ui-test/node_modules/appium-espresso-driver/lib/driver.js:422:5)
[debug] [W3C] at EspressoDriver.createSession (/Users/zhaojy/ui-test/node_modules/appium-espresso-driver/lib/driver.js:225:7)
[debug] [W3C] at AppiumDriver.createSession (/Users/zhaojy/ui-test/node_modules/appium/lib/appium.js:387:35)
[HTTP] <-- POST /wd/hub/session 500 4537 ms - 1977
[Gradle] [STDOUT] > Task :app:preBuild UP-TO-DATE
[Gradle] [STDOUT] > Task :app:preDebugBuild UP-TO-DATE
[Gradle] [STDOUT] > Task :app:compileDebugAidl NO-SOURCE
[Gradle] [STDOUT] > Task :app:compileDebugRenderscript NO-SOURCE
[Gradle] [STDOUT] > Task :app:generateDebugBuildConfig FROM-CACHE
[Gradle] [STDOUT] > Task :app:checkDebugAarMetadata FROM-CACHE
[Gradle] [STDOUT] > Task :app:generateDebugResValues FROM-CACHE
[Gradle] [STDOUT] > Task :app:generateDebugResources UP-TO-DATE
[Gradle] [STDOUT] > Task :app:mergeDebugResources FROM-CACHE
[Gradle] [STDOUT] > Task :app:createDebugCompatibleScreenManifests FROM-CACHE
[Gradle] [STDOUT] > Task :app:extractDeepLinksDebug FROM-CACHE
[Gradle] [STDOUT] > Task :app:processDebugMainManifest FROM-CACHE
[Gradle] [STDOUT] > Task :app:processDebugManifest FROM-CACHE
[Gradle] [STDOUT] > Task :app:processDebugManifestForPackage FROM-CACHE
[Gradle] [STDOUT] > Task :app:processDebugResources FROM-CACHE
[Gradle] [STDOUT] > Task :app:compileDebugKotlin FROM-CACHE
[Gradle] [STDOUT] > Task :app:javaPreCompileDebug FROM-CACHE
[Gradle] [STDOUT] > Task :app:compileDebugJavaWithJavac FROM-CACHE
[Gradle] [STDOUT] > Task :app:bundleDebugClasses FROM-CACHE
[Gradle] [STDOUT] > Task :app:preDebugAndroidTestBuild SKIPPED
[Gradle] [STDOUT] > Task :app:compileDebugAndroidTestAidl NO-SOURCE
[Gradle] [STDOUT] > Task :app:processDebugAndroidTestManifest
[Gradle] [STDOUT] > Task :app:generateDebugAndroidTestBuildConfig FROM-CACHE
[Gradle] [STDOUT] > Task :app:checkDebugAndroidTestAarMetadata FROM-CACHE
[Gradle] [STDOUT] > Task :app:compileDebugAndroidTestRenderscript NO-SOURCE
[Gradle] [STDOUT] > Task :app:generateDebugAndroidTestResValues FROM-CACHE
[Gradle] [STDOUT] > Task :app:generateDebugAndroidTestResources UP-TO-DATE
[Gradle] [STDOUT] > Task :app:mergeDebugAndroidTestResources FROM-CACHE
[Gradle] [STDOUT] > Task :app:processDebugAndroidTestResources FROM-CACHE
[Gradle] [STDOUT] > Task :app:compileDebugAndroidTestKotlin FROM-CACHE
[Gradle] [STDOUT] > Task :app:javaPreCompileDebugAndroidTest FROM-CACHE
[Gradle] [STDOUT] > Task :app:compileDebugAndroidTestJavaWithJavac FROM-CACHE
[Gradle] [STDOUT] > Task :app:mergeDebugAndroidTestShaders FROM-CACHE
[Gradle] [STDOUT] > Task :app:compileDebugAndroidTestShaders NO-SOURCE
[Gradle] [STDOUT] > Task :app:generateDebugAndroidTestAssets UP-TO-DATE
[Gradle] [STDOUT] > Task :app:mergeDebugAndroidTestAssets FROM-CACHE
[Gradle] [STDOUT] > Task :app:compressDebugAndroidTestAssets FROM-CACHE
[Gradle] [STDOUT] > Task :app:processDebugAndroidTestJavaRes NO-SOURCE
[Gradle] [STDOUT] > Task :app:mergeDebugAndroidTestJniLibFolders FROM-CACHE
[Gradle] [STDOUT] > Task :app:mergeDebugAndroidTestNativeLibs NO-SOURCE
[Gradle] [STDOUT] > Task :app:checkDebugAndroidTestDuplicateClasses FROM-CACHE
[Gradle] [STDOUT] > Task :app:desugarDebugAndroidTestFileDependencies FROM-CACHE
It looks like it failed when spawning the subprocess to run ./gradlew
but the command was executed successfully.
System: macOS Monterey Version 12.3.1
Node: v17.8.0
Appium: v1.22.3
Appium-Epsresso-Driver: v2.2.0
Workarounds found
Adding shell: true
in the options passed to create the SubProcess
instance in server-builder.js
, runBuildProcess
const gradlebuild = new SubProcess(cmd, args, {
// added
shell: true,
cwd: this.serverPath,
stdio: ['ignore', 'pipe', 'pipe'],
windowsVerbatimArguments: true
With this it seems the error is gone.
2. Changing the command to `${this.serverPath}/gradlew`
instead of ./gradlew
I wonder if it's just my environment issue. I also tried to run a separate file using Node's child_process's spawn function and it also fails with ENOENT:
import { SubProcess } from 'teen_process'
import { spawn } from 'child_process'
// const cmd = '/var/folders/ym/czsz9g516kj4hnxkz3n7405jtjlz7x/T/espresso-server-emulator-5554/gradlew'
const cmd = './gradlew'
const args = [
const cwd = '/var/folders/ym/czsz9g516kj4hnxkz3n7405jtjlz7x/T/espresso-server-emulator-5554'
// const gradlew = spawn(cmd, args, { cwd })
const gradlew = spawn(cmd, args,
// shell: true,
gradlew.on('error', (err) => {
gradlew.stdout.on('data', (data) => {
gradlew.stderr.on('data', (data) => {
gradlew.on('close', (code) => {
console.log(`child process exited with code ${code}`)
Again, uncommenting // shell: true
will also fix the issue
I'm still encoutering the same error using 2.2.1 on an M1 Mac using the appium boilerplate project.
This is the config I am using:
`config.capabilities = [
platformName: 'Android',
//maxInstances: 1,
// For W3C the appium capabilities need to have an extension prefix
// http://appium.io/docs/en/writing-running-appium/caps/
// This is `appium:` for all Appium Capabilities which can be found here
'appium:deviceName': 'Pixel_3_10.0',
// 'appium:platformVersion': '10.0',
'appium:orientation': 'PORTRAIT',
'appium:automationName': 'Espresso',
// The path to the app
'appium:app': join(process.cwd(), './apps/Android-NativeDemoApp-0.4.0.apk'),
// @ts-ignore
'appium:appWaitActivity': 'com.wdiodemoapp.MainActivity',
'appium:newCommandTimeout': 240,
'appium:showGradleLog': true,
'appium:forceEspressoRebuild': true,
'appium:espressoBuildConfig': "{ \
\"toolsVersions\": { \
\"gradle\": \"7.4.2\", \
\"androidGradlePlugin\":\"7.1.1\", \
\"sourceCompatibility\": \"VERSION_11\", \
\"targetCompatibility\": \"VERSION_11\", \
\"jvmTarget\": \"11\" \
I've tried this with appium and the espresso driver installed globally and locally, and with Node 16 and 17 and get the error but with no additional information as to why. If I browse into the module folder and run npm run build:server
the server will build just fine.
@JasonSznol how did you solve it, i am getting this error and not able to resolve it. Tried real devices as well as emulator
[debug] [ADB] Removing forwarded port socket connection: 8300
[debug] [ADB] Running '/Users/abc/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb -P 5037 -s emulator-5554 forward --remove tcp:8300'
[debug] [W3C] Encountered internal error running command: A new session could not be created. Details: Unable to build Espresso server - spawn ./gradlew ENOENT
[debug] [W3C] Gradle error message:
[debug] [W3C] . Check https://github.com/appium/appium-espresso-driver#troubleshooting regarding advanced session startup troubleshooting.
[debug] [W3C] Error: Unable to build Espresso server - spawn ./gradlew ENOENT
[debug] [W3C] Gradle error message:
[debug] [W3C] . Check https://github.com/appium/appium-espresso-driver#troubleshooting regarding advanced session startup troubleshooting.
[debug] [W3C] at Object.errorAndThrow (/opt/homebrew/lib/node_modules/appium/node_modules/appium-support/lib/logging.js:94:35)
[debug] [W3C] at ServerBuilder.runBuildProcess (/opt/homebrew/lib/node_modules/appium/node_modules/appium-espresso-driver/lib/server-builder.js:191:11)
[debug] [W3C] at ServerBuilder.build (/opt/homebrew/lib/node_modules/appium/node_modules/appium-espresso-driver/lib/server-builder.js:72:5)
[debug] [W3C] at EspressoRunner.buildNewModServer (/opt/homebrew/lib/node_modules/appium/node_modules/appium-espresso-driver/lib/espresso-runner.js:188:5)
[debug] [W3C] at EspressoRunner.installTestApk (/opt/homebrew/lib/node_modules/appium/node_modules/appium-espresso-driver/lib/espresso-runner.js:146:7)
[debug] [W3C] at EspressoDriver.initAUT (/opt/homebrew/lib/node_modules/appium/node_modules/appium-espresso-driver/lib/driver.js:435:7)
[debug] [W3C] at EspressoDriver.startEspressoSession (/opt/homebrew/lib/node_modules/appium/node_modules/appium-espresso-driver/lib/driver.js:298:5)
[debug] [W3C] at EspressoDriver.createSession (/opt/homebrew/lib/node_modules/appium/node_modules/appium-espresso-driver/lib/driver.js:190:7)
[debug] [W3C] at AppiumDriver.createSession (/opt/homebrew/lib/node_modules/appium/lib/appium.js:387:35)
[HTTP] <-- POST /wd/hub/session 500 1222 ms - 1709
@psangwan8 In my case when I ran npm install
it would resolve version 1.45 of the espresso driver instead of the 2.2.1 defined in the package.json file. To fix this I edited the package-lock.json file to remove the resolved dependency of the old espresso driver, removed the node_modules directory and ran npm ci
to reinstall all the dependent packages; npm ci
will respect what is in the package-lock.json file whereas npm install
would not.