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    Other [SOLVED]SQLite ROW_NUMBER don't work

    (Exception) java.lang.Exception: android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: near "OVER": syntax error (code 1 SQLITE_ERROR[1]): , while compiling:
    INSERT INTO RigheOrdine (sigla, serie, numero, data, cliente, riga, articolo, quantita, quantitamx) SELECT ? as sigla, ? as serie, ? as numero , ? as data, ? as cliente, (ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY r.riga))+1000 riga, r.articolo, r.quantita, 0 as quantitamx FROM RigheOrdineSpeciale r INNER JOIN Articoli a ON r.articolo=a.codice WHERE cliente=?; Using other value instead of "(ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY r.riga))+1000" (for example a fixed data or a field r.riga) all work correctly but result isn't my pourpose.
    I'll try to use ROW_NUMBER function on SQLiteStuio in my Winows PC wtith the same database and all work correctly.
    This is my Code but i'am nearly sure thet is correct:
    Public Sub ReplaceWithSpecialOrder(o As Order) As Boolean
        Dim success As Boolean=False
            mSQL.ExecNonQuery2($"UPDATE RigheOrdine SET quantita=0
                                WHERE sigla=? AND serie=? AND numero=? AND data=? AND cliente=?"$, _
                        Array As String (o.document,o.Serial,o.Number,DateTime.Date(o.date),o.Customer.code))
            mSQL.ExecNonQuery2($"INSERT INTO RigheOrdine (sigla, serie, numero, data, cliente, riga, articolo, quantita, quantitamx)
                                SELECT ? as sigla, ? as serie, ? as numero , ? as data, ? as cliente, (ROW_NUMBER () OVER (ORDER BY riga))+1000 riga, r.articolo, r.quantita, 0 as quantitamx
                                    FROM RigheOrdineSpeciale r INNER JOIN Articoli a ON r.articolo=a.codice
                                WHERE cliente=?;"$, _
                                Array As String (o.Document, o.Serial, o.Number, DateTime.Date(o.date), o.Customer.Code,o.Customer.Code))
            'Solo se ha rilevato i dati di testata ordine legge le relative righe
            If o.IsInitialized Then
                Dim rs As ResultSet
                rs=mSQL.ExecQuery2($"SELECT riga, articolo, quantita, quantitamx
                            FROM RigheOrdine
                            WHERE sigla=? AND serie=? AND numero=? AND data=? AND cliente=?"$, _
                        Array As String (o.document,o.Serial,o.Number,DateTime.Date(o.date),o.Customer.code))
                Do While rs.NextRow
                    Dim r As OrderRow
            End If
        End Try
        Return success
    End Sub
    I know that i can solve using only a SELECT statement and then cycling the ResultSet, using an INSERT, i could write my data on table, but is less performant.
    Someone could help me?
    I have found the solution.
    Is a SQLite version problem. ROW_NUMBER is avaible only from SDK 30 (Anroid 11) and i'll try with an Android 10.
    P.S.: Sorry but i'am non able to delete this thread
    I have found the solution.
    Is a SQLite version problem. ROW_NUMBER is avaible only from SDK 30 (Anroid 11) and i'll try with an Android 10.
    P.S.: Sorry but i'am non able to delete this thread
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