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Related email: ABC.ZXC@gmail.com , QWE234@yahoo.com.au
I found @Diane Poremsky post on " find a code in the message body, then forward " and changed Regex pattern to suit my need
With Reg1
.Pattern = "(Related email:\s*([\w-\.]*\@[\w-\.]*)\s*)\.\s*([\w-\.]*\@[\w-\.]*)\s*)"
.IgnoreCase = True
.Global = False
However the result forward recipients is only the first email address. ie. ABC.ZXC@gmail.com . What i need is all email addresses after the word "related to: "
What is the correct pattern to regex those email addresses
Thank you in advance
Is it all on one line /one sentence, nothing else on the line, with the address separated by colons or semicolons?
If so, this should work - if not try with just \r or \n at the end.
(Related email:\s*(.*)\r\n)
If not, how are they formatted in the line?
Is it all on one line /one sentence, nothing else on the line, with the address separated by colons or semicolons?
If so, this should work - if not try with just \r or \n at the end.
(Related email:\s*(.*)\r\n)
If not, how are they formatted in the line? Hi Diane,
Addresses are separated by comma in one sentence.
Related email: ABC.ZXC@gmail.com , QWE234@yahoo.com.au
My code below:
Sub FWNew(Item As Outlook.MailItem)
Dim Reg1 As Object
Dim M1 As Object
Dim M As Object
Dim strAddress As String
Set Reg1 = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
With Reg1
.Pattern = "(Related email:\s*([\w-\.]*\@[\w-\.]*)\s*)\.\s*([\w-\.]*\@[\w-\.]*)\s*)"
.IgnoreCase = True
.Global = False
End With
If Reg1.test(Item.Body) Then
Set M1 = Reg1.Execute(Item.Body)
For Each M In M1
strAddress = M.SubMatches(1)
End If
Set myForward = Item.Forward
myForward.Recipients.Add strAddress
Hi @Diane Poremsky ,
I managed to get the email addresses as my forward email recipients but encounter another error.
Run-time error '-2147467259 (80004005)': Outlook does not recognize one or more names.
However the recipients email address become send-able if I leave it awhile which I believe outlook manage to find in address books.
Been googling and check forums but seems like there is no solution to this issue. I have tried the followings
1. Disable check names
2. Custom order of checking address lists in starting with the list with most address.
Any workaround?
Thank you in advance
Dim objRecip As Recipient
Set objRecip = myForward.Recipients.Add(strAddress)
objRecip.Type = olTo ' olCC or olBCC
objRecip.resolve Dim objRecip As Recipient
Set objRecip = myForward.Recipients.Add(strAddress)
objRecip.Type = olTo ' olCC or olBCC
objRecip.resolve Hi Diane,
Your resolve solution does not solve the error.
I notice if strAddress is only one email address no issue at all but I will have at least two email addresses. Your resolve solution does not solve the error.
I notice if strAddress is only one email address no issue at all but I will have at least two email addresses. Hi Diane,
How about adding a code to "Tab" olTo? This seems to work when I manually "Tab" To field in myForward.Display. How to assign the value returned by the regex execute function to a variable? Using Outlook Why do Outlook Desktop 2021 tasks from my wife's email show up in my task pane? Using Outlook Create Outlook Task from Template and append Body with Email Body Outlook VBA and Custom Forms Copying email address(es) in body of email and pasting in To field Outlook VBA and Custom Forms Outlook 2016 Optimizing Email Searches in Outlook 2016: Seeking Insights on Quick Search vs Advanced Search Features Using Outlook Outlook VBA forward the selected email to the original sender’s email ID (including the email used in TO, CC Field) from the email chain Outlook VBA and Custom Forms Outlook 2019 Macro to seach in all contact Folders for marked Email Adress Outlook VBA and Custom Forms Outlook 365 Save Selected Email Message as .msg File - oMail.Delete not working when SEARCH Outlook VBA and Custom Forms Email Macros to go to a SHARED Outlook mailbox Draft folder...NOT my personal Outlook Draft folder Using Outlook Save Selected Email Message as .msg File - digitally sign email doesn't works Outlook VBA and Custom Forms Email was migrated from GoDaddy to Microsoft exchange. We lost IMAP ability Exchange Server Administration Outlook 365 How to integrate a third-party app with Outlook to track email and sms? Using Outlook vba code to auto download email into a specific folder in local hard disk as and when any new email arrives in Inbox/subfolder Outlook VBA and Custom Forms Outlook Email Body Text Disappears/Overlaps, Folders Switch Around when You Hover, Excel Opens Randomly and Runs in the Background - Profile Corrupt? Using Outlook Outlook 365 Outlook Macro to Sort emails by column "Received" to view the latest email received Outlook VBA and Custom Forms Outlook 2019 Help with forwarding email without mentioning the previous email sender. Outlook VBA and Custom Forms Outlook Macro to save as Email with a file name format : Date_Timestamp_Sender initial_Email subject Outlook VBA and Custom Forms Add a category before "Send an Email When You Add an Appointment to Your Calendar" Outlook VBA and Custom Forms This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register.
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