But NodeJS makes it easy to also launch a debugging endpoint, so-called Inspector, along with application:
node --inspect= app.js
The above command will bind the Inspector service to the IP
and port 9229
. Replace
with whatever interface you later want to connect to.
Note that opening up any debugger to the open world is generally a bad idea as access to the debugger essentially means you can execute any code in that environment. If you are not in a closed test environment where you trust the network and its participants, consider running the Inspector on the loopback address and then use SSH port forwarding for a secure connection.
Once the Inspector is running we need one more detail to connect to it: the UUID which is assigned when the process starts and which needs to be known to the connecting client.
If you don’t see it in the output when starting your app, you can connect to the following endpoint (on the interface you specified with --inspect
) to discover it:
$ curl
"id": "618339fa-2a18-4fea-b1f5-c20522e17a2b",
"title": "app.js",
"type": "node",
"webSocketDebuggerUrl": "ws://"
Setting up the local debugger
Back at our local machine we have three requirements:
We need a debugging client (I’m using VSCodium)
We need a copy of the source code of the application to debug
We need the address and UUID of the Inspector running on the remote machine
Let’s start by opening the folder with the source code (in this example with only the app.js
file in it) in VSCodium.
Next, we create a “launch configuration” so that our debugger knows where and how to connect.
By default, the configuration will sit in .vscode/launch.json
. For our sample app we use the following contents:
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"type": "pwa-node",
"request": "attach",
"name": "Sample app",
"skipFiles": [
"address": "",
"localRoot": "${workspaceFolder}",
"remoteRoot": "/path/on/remote/machine/",
Essentially, we are saying that we want to attach to an existing process, define the address of the remote machine (including UUID), and point to the directories where the code resides locally and remotely.
Make sure to adjust the values for the keys address
and remoteRoot
to fit your setup.
Start debugging
With the launch configuration in place we can connect to the remote process by clicking on the “Run and Debug” button or just press F5
With the client connected to the remote process, we can start setting breakpoints in the code, send a request (e.g. curl
) and then (as usual) use the debugger to inspect variables, step through the code, etc.:
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