  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
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  • Verifying your installation
  • Updating conda and Anaconda
  • Installing previous versions of Anaconda Distribution
  • Using Anaconda on older operating systems
  • Uninstalling Anaconda Distribution
  • Getting started with Anaconda Distribution
    • Your first Python program: Hello, Anaconda!
    • Anaconda installer file hashes
    • Current Anaconda package lists
    • All package lists
      • Anaconda 2024.02-1
      • Anaconda 2023.09-0
      • Anaconda 2023.07-2
      • Anaconda 2023.07-1
      • Anaconda 2023.07-0
      • Anaconda 2023.03-0
      • Anaconda 2022.10
      • Anaconda 2022.05
      • Anaconda 2021.11
      • Anaconda 2021.05
      • Anaconda 2021.04
      • Anaconda 2020.11
      • Anaconda 2020.07
      • Anaconda 2020.02
      • Anaconda 2019.10
      • Anaconda 2019.07
      • Anaconda 2019.03
      • Anaconda 2018.12
      • Anaconda 5.3.0
      • Anaconda 5.2.0
      • Anaconda 5.1.0
      • Anaconda 5.0.1
      • Anaconda 5.0.0
      • Anaconda 4.4.0
      • Anaconda 4.3.1
      • Anaconda 4.3.0
      • Anaconda 4.2.0
      • Anaconda 4.1.1
      • Anaconda 4.1.0
      • Anaconda 4.0.0
      • Anaconda 2.5.0
      • Anaconda 2.4.1
      • Anaconda 2.4.0
      • Anaconda 2.3.0
      • Anaconda 2.2.0
      • Anaconda 2.1.0
      • Anaconda 2.0.1
      • Anaconda 1.9.2
      • Anaconda 1.9.1
      • Anaconda 1.9.0
      • Anaconda 1.8.0
      • Anaconda 1.7.0
      • Anaconda 1.6.1
      • Anaconda 1.5.0
      • Anaconda 1.4.0
      • Anaconda 1.3.1
      • Anaconda 1.2.1
      • Anaconda v.1.1
      • Anaconda v.1.0
      • Disabling the anaconda-anon-usage package
      • Anaconda release notes
      • Miniconda
        • System requirements
        • Latest Miniconda installer links by Python version
        • Installing Miniconda
        • Miniconda release notes
        • Other resources
        • Miniconda hash information
        • Working with conda
          • Working with Packages
            • Configuring a shared package cache
            • Installing conda packages
            • Using R language with Anaconda
            • Working with GPU packages
            • Applications/Integrations
              • Cloudera CDH
              • Docker
              • Launch an Anaconda AMI on AWS
              • TensorFlow
              • System/Environment configurations
                • Switching between environments
                • Using Anaconda behind a company proxy
                • Moving from one directory to another
                • Finding your Anaconda Python interpreter path
                • Using IDEs
                  • Eclipse and PyDev
                  • IntelliJ
                  • Microsoft Visual Studio Code (VS Code)
                  • Ninja IDE
                  • Using PyCharm
                  • Python for Visual Studio Code
                  • Python Tools for Visual Studio (PTVS)
                  • Spyder
                  • Sublime Text
                  • Wing IDE
                  • Reference
                    • Frequently asked questions
                    • How to contribute
                    • Using default repositories
                    • Excel plug-ins
                    • R language packages for Anaconda
                    • Documentation download packages
                    • Security practices
                    • How to search anaconda.org
                    • Connecting Navigator to Anaconda Cloud
                    • Connecting Navigator to other repositories
                    • Managing environments
                    • Managing packages
                    • Managing channels from Anaconda.org
                    • Hiding Navigator tiles
                    • Editing Navigator and conda configuration files
                    • Building Anaconda Navigator applications
                    • Enabling offline mode
                    • How to create an R environment and run RStudio
                    • Reviewing Navigator’s logs
                    • How to use the R programming language in Jupyter Notebook
                    • How to install and run Pandas from Anaconda Navigator
                    • Updating Navigator
                    • Downgrading Navigator
                    • Uninstalling Navigator
                    • Release notes
                    • Anaconda Notebooks
                      • Publishing Anaconda Notebooks
                      • Sharing Anaconda Notebooks
                      • Anaconda Assistant quickstart guide
                      • (Desktop) Anaconda Assistant in JupyterLab
                      • Data storage and memory
                      • Data catalogs
                      • Anaconda Notebooks FAQ
                      • Security practices for Anaconda Notebooks
                      • Anaconda.org
                        • User guide
                          • Getting started with Anaconda Client
                          • Accounts
                          • Organizations
                          • Groups
                          • Packages
                            • Building packages from scratch
                            • Finding and installing packages
                            • Uploading and installing conda packages
                            • Uploading and installing Standard Python packages
                            • Private packages
                            • Manage your hosted packages
                            • Other file types
                            • Labels
                            • Environments
                            • Notebooks
                            • Command reference
                            • Release notes
                            • Troubleshooting
                            • Troubleshooting #

                              If you encournter an issue that is not listed here, you can obtain free support for Anaconda through the Anaconda community . For Anaconda installation or technical support options, visit our support offerings page .

                              The Navigator and Anaconda.org troubleshooting pages have been consolidated into this page. Click to view their sections:

                            • Navigator

                            • Anaconda.org

                            • You can search this page for information using your browser’s search function (Ctrl/Cmd + F).

                              Anaconda Distribution issues #

                              Conda: Channel is unavailable/missing or package itself is missing #


                              After you have configured your .condarc on either the Pro or Business tier, in some cases you may be unable to install packages. You may receive an error message that the channel or package is unavailable or missing.


                              A 403 errors is a generic Forbidden error issued by a web server in the event the client is forbidden from accessing a resource.

                              The 403 error you are receiving may look like the following:

                              Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): failed
                              UnavailableInvalidChannel: The channel is not accessible or is invalid.
                                channel name: pkgs/main
                                channel url: https://repo.anaconda.com/pkgs/main
                                error code: 403
                              You will need to adjust your conda configuration to proceed.
                              Use `conda config --show channels` to view your configuration's current state,
                              and use `conda config --show-sources` to view config file locations.
                              There are several reasons a 403 error could be received:

                              There are a few possible reasons for receiving this error:

                            • The user has misconfigured their channels in their configuration (for example, the secure location where the token is stored was accidentally deleted (most common)

                            • A firewall or other security device or system is preventing user access (second most common)

                            • We are blocking their access because of a potential terms of service violation (third most common)

                            • First, run the following to undo your configuration:

                              conda config --remove-key default_channels

                              When conda is first installed, the default channels it uses to install packages are https://repo.anaconda.com/main and https://repo.anaconda.com/r (as well as https://repo.anaconda.com/msys2 for Windows operating systems).

                            • If your other channels require a token, install or upgrade the conda-token tool by running the following command:

                              conda install --freeze-installed conda-token
                            • Lastly, re-apply the token and configuration settings:

                              # Replace <TOKEN> with your token
                              conda token set <TOKEN>

                              If you receive this error message, first run the following command:

                              conda config --set ssl_verify false

                              (Package Security Manager users) If necessary, install conda-token by running the following command:

                              conda install conda-token -n base

                              (Package Security Manager users) Ensure the token verification step ignores SSL errors by running the following command:

                              # Replace <TOKEN> with your token
                              conda token set --no-ssl-verify <TOKEN>

                              You may see the following warning, though you can safely ignore it:

                              /Users/<USER_NAME>/Applications/miniconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/urllib3/connectionpool.py:1020: InsecureRequestWarning: Unverified HTTPS request is being made to host 'repo.anaconda.cloud'. Adding certificate verification is strongly advised. See: https://urllib3.readthedocs.io/en/latest/advanced-usage.html#ssl-warnings

                              Using Anaconda behind a firewall or proxy#

                              Corporate security policies may prevent a new Anaconda installation from downloading packages and other functionality that requires connecting to an external server. To make external connections, you may need to connect to a firewall/proxy. Additionally, your IT team may need to allow connections to https://anaconda.org and https://repo.anaconda.com, as these are the main package repositories.


                              To add the proxy information, you will need to add two entries to your .condarc file, located in the user’s home directory. This information should be made available by your IT team and may contain a username and password that is included in the URL. For more information, see configure conda for use behind a proxy server.

                              Example .condarc file configuration:

                                - defaults
                                http: http://username:[email protected]:8080
                                https: https://username:[email protected]:8443

                              In some situations, it may be necessary to export the HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY environment variables.

                              set HTTP_PROXY=http://username:[email protected]:8080
                              set HTTPS_PROXY=https://username:[email protected]:8443

                              Anaconda search error: not recognized as an internal or external command/unrecognized arguments#


                              If anaconda-client is not installed and you search for a package on anaconda.org using the Anaconda search command:

                              # Replace <PACKAGE_NAME> with the name of a package you want to search for
                              anaconda search -t conda <PACKAGE_NAME>

                              You will receive the following error message:

                              'anaconda' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
                              operable program or batch file.

                              Then search for a package:

                              # Replace <PACKAGE_NAME> with the name of the package you are looking for
                               search -t conda <PACKAGE_NAME>
                            • You haven’t started a new shell after installing Anaconda/Miniconda (assuming you allow it to modify your startup script).

                            • You didn’t allow the installer to modify your startup script.

                            • You have set auto_activate_base to false. You need to run conda activate <ENV>, replacing <ENV> with the environment you want active. If you do not specify an environment the default is base.

                            • Conda has been corrupted, usually by a change in the Python package (e.g. 3.6->3.7).

                            • If your install is new, close and reopen your terminal application. If you want your terminal to remain open, you can source your ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc file. When you “source” a script, your terminal re-reads it and applies the changes, which usually only happens when the terminal is first opened.:

                              # Replace bash_profile with bashrc on Linux and Windows Subsystem for Linux
                              . ~/.bash_profile

                              To initialize conda in your current terminal, run the following command:

                              <PATH-TO-CONDA-INSTALL>/bin/conda init

                              For instance, if you installed Anaconda Distribution to the default location on macOS or Linux, your command would look like the following:

                              ~/anaconda3/bin/conda init

                              To see the value for auto_activate_base, run the following command:

                              conda config --describe auto_activate_base

                              If your terminal returns true, this means that conda is not automatically activating your base environment when you start a new shell. This behavior emulates your system Python, and some users prefer to have their conda environment be inactive until they need it. However, this is not conda’s default behavior after installation.

                              To change the value of auto_activate_base, run the following command:

                              # Replace <TRUE-OR-FALSE> with true or false
                              conda config --set auto_activate_base <TRUE-OR-FALSE>

                              If you have auto_activate_base set as false, the conda command will still be available as a shell function, but your base environment will not be active when a new shell is started. To activate your base environment, run conda activate.

                              Collecting package metadata (repodata.json): - Killed#


                              When installing or searching for a package, you may see the process end abruptly with a “Killed” message:

                              $ conda install numpy
                              Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): done
                              Solving environment: failed with initial frozen solve. Retrying with flexible solve.
                              Collecting package metadata (repodata.json): - Killed

                              This may be because your system lacks the sufficient disk space or memory to complete the process.


                              Error message: Unable to remove files#

                              When trying to update or install packages with conda, you may see an error message such as:

                              Error: Unable to remove files for package: <package-name>
                              Please close all processes running code from conda and try again.

                              Before updating or installing any packages with conda, be sure to terminate any running Anaconda processes, such as Navigator, Spyder, or IPython.

                              You can also force the installation of the package:

                              # Replace <PACKAGE_NAME> with the name of the package
                              # you want to install
                              conda install -f <PACKAGE_NAME>

                              Using 32- and 64-bit libraries and CONDA_FORCE_32BIT#

                              To work with both 32- and 64-bit libraries, Anaconda recommends that you have two separate installs: Anaconda32 and Anaconda64 or Miniconda32 and Miniconda64.


                              When working with both versions, add the path to your installer files to the PATH.

                              To get the information about conda, including your PATH, run the following command:

                              conda info -a


                            • Always specify which version you want to work with because mixing 32- and 64-bit packages can cause problems in your environment.

                            • Using force_32bit is not recommended because it forces 32-bit packages to be installed in the environment, but does not force 32-bit libraries to load at runtime.

                            • force_32bit should be used only when running conda-build to build 32-bit packages on a 64-bit system.

                            • Cannot get conda to run after installing#

                              In macOS or Linux, you may get “conda not found” or “conda is not recognized as an internal or external command” or a similar message, and you cannot execute conda in a terminal window regardless of what path you are on. This will not happen in Windows if you use the Anaconda Prompt terminal dialog.


                              Manually edit your .bash_profile file to prepend the Anaconda or Miniconda install location.

                            • Open your .bash_profile file in a text editor with the following command:

                              open ~/.bash_profile
                            • Add this line to the .bash_profile file and save:

                              # Replace <USERNAME> with your username
                              export PATH=/Users/<USERNAME>/anaconda3/bin:$PATH
                            • Close and re-open your terminal window before running a conda command again.

                            • Linux

                              Manually edit your .bashrc file to prepend the Anaconda or Miniconda install location.

                            • Open your .bashrc file in a text editor with the following command:

                              open ~/.bashrc
                            • Add this line to the .bashrc file and save:

                              # Replace <USERNAME> with your username
                              export PATH=/Users/<USERNAME>/anaconda3/bin:$PATH
                            • Close and re-open your terminal window before running a conda command again.

                            • Recovering your Anaconda installation#

                              If your Anaconda installation has become corrupted and is in a state where normal conda commands are not functioning, use the following steps to repair Anaconda and preserve your installed packages and environments.

                            • Open a terminal application, such as Command Prompt.

                            • Change your original installer’s name so you do not overwrite it:

                              move anaconda3 anaconda_old
                            • Run the Anaconda.exe installer as usual and use robocopy to sync the directories:

                              robocopy anaconda_old anaconda3 /S
                            • Delete your old Anaconda installation directory:

                              rd /s anaconda_old
                            • Open a terminal application.

                            • Change your original installer’s name so you do not overwrite it:

                              mv anaconda3 anaconda_old
                            • Install to same directory as your original installer:

                              # Change the name of your ``.sh`` file, if necessary
                              bash ~/Downloads/Anaconda3-2023.07-2-MacOSX-x86_64.sh
                              rsync -a anaconda_old/ anaconda3/
                            • Delete your old Anaconda installation directory:

                              rm -rf anaconda_old
                            • Open a terminal application.

                            • Change your original installer’s name so you do not overwrite it:

                              mv anaconda3 anaconda_old
                            • Install to same directory as your original installer:

                              # Change the name of your ``.sh`` file, if necessary
                              bash ~/Downloads/Anaconda3-2023.07-2-Linux-x86_64.sh
                              rsync -a anaconda_old/ anaconda3/
                            • Delete your old Anaconda installation directory:

                              rm -rf anaconda_old

                              “This package is incompatible with this version of macOS” error when running a .pkg installer on OSX#

                              When running the .pkg installer, you may encounter this error during the “Installation” step:


                              Manually select an appropriate install location. The following example shows how to select your user’s home directory.

                            • Re-run the installer and click through until you reach either the Installation Type or Destination Select page.

                            • If you reach the Installation Type page first, click Change Install Location…. This will take you to the Destination Select page.

                            • Download and install the smaller Miniconda (between 70 and 100 MB).

                            • Download and install the remaining packages in Anaconda by using the following command:

                              conda install anaconda
                            • Find the latest installer at anaconda.com, or an older installer at repo.anaconda.com/archive.

                            • In Chrome, use CTRL + J to open the Chrome download manager.

                            • Click Resume to continue the interrupted download.

                            • The Chrome download manager also enables you to pause and resume or cancel and retry downloads in progress.

                            • Find the latest installer at anaconda.com, or an older installer at repo.anaconda.com/archive.

                            • In Edge, click Settings and more

                            • Click Downloads to open the Downloads dialog.

                            • From here, you can use the play, pause, and cancel buttons to control downloads in progress.

                            • Go to edge://downloads/all to open the full page of recent downloads. From here, you can retry cancelled downloads.

                              Internet Explorer
                            • Find the latest installer at anaconda.com, or an older installer at repo.anaconda.com/archive.

                            • Click the Settings icon.

                            • Click View Downloads to open the Download Manager.

                            • Click Resume next to the stopped download to restart downloading. The download resumes at the point where it stopped.

                            • Open a terminal window.

                            • To download the file, use the following command:

                              # Replace <SH-FILE> with the the `.sh` installer file you want to install.
                              # See all available installers on https:://repo.anaconda.com/archive/.
                              curl -O https://repo.anaconda.com/archive/<SH-FILE>
                            • To pause the download, use CTRL + C.

                              While a download is paused, you can shut down or restart your computer.

                            • When you are ready to resume your download, use the following command:

                              #Replace <SH-FILE> with the same file you used above
                              curl -O -C https://repo.anaconda.com/archive/<SH-FILE>

                              The -C flag is the option for “continue”. You can pause and restart a download as many times as you wish.

                              For macOS and Linux, download and install the appropriate Miniconda for your operating system from the Miniconda download page using the force or -f option:

                              # Replace the name of the installer if you need
                              # a different version or operating system
                              bash ~/Downloads/Miniconda3-latest-MacOSX-x86_64.sh -f


                              Make sure to install to the same location as your existing install so it overwrites the core conda files and does not install a duplicate in a new folder.

                            • Obtain a list of the conflicting packages by running conda update anaconda or conda install anaconda=2023.07.

                              Replace 2023.07 with the latest version number.

                            • Enter n to cancel the installation or update.

                            • Once you know which packages are conflicting, you can:

                            • update all current packages without upgrading to the latest version of Anaconda, or

                            • remove the conflicting packages and then upgrade to the latest version of Anaconda.

                            • To update all current packages without upgrading to the latest version of Anaconda:

                            • Remove the Anaconda metapackage itself by running the following command:

                              conda remove anaconda

                              This will not remove any of the packages included with Anaconda.

                            • Update all currently installed packages by running the following command:

                              conda update --all

                              To remove the conflicting packages and upgrade to the latest version of Anaconda:

                            • Remove the conflicting packages by running the following command for each one:

                              conda remove <PACKAGE_NAME>
                            • Update to the latest version of Anaconda:
