create HTML5 prototypes and relevant CSS rules for a mock-ups. it should have:
• Use proper HTML page structure
• Use HTML5 elements where appropriate
• CSS style rules are consistent across all pages
Create Landing Page: index.html
You must implement the HTML and CSS code to achieve this design. Requirements are:
• Include all sections from the design
o Header, Content, and Footer
o Dotted line indicate page boundaries and is not required
• Use hyperlinks for navigation links with the 5 provided images
o Images can be found in
o Each image should have a hyperlink
o For now, 4 news categories should link to list.html
o The add news image should link to add.html
• Use CSS to:
o Ensure all pages use the same font scheme (of your choice)
n.b. any font family, size, colour is acceptable, but must be specified clearly in the CSS file
o Layout the images as a grid
n.b. table layout or simple flow layout are accepted, but receive less marks