  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接

有关 Git 的更深入的指南可以在 Git 网站 上找到。

git 是 Linus Torvalds 创建的分布式版本控制系统 (VCS),也因创建和维护 Linux 内核而闻名。版本控制是一个为开发人员跟踪代码更改的系统。 Git 版本控制的优点是:

  • Separation of testing environments into branches

  • 能够导航到特定的 提交 而不删除历史记录

  • 能够以多种方式管理 提交 ,包括将它们组合在一起

  • 各种其他功能,请参见 这里

  • 先决条件

    本教程使用 Windows 操作系统

    你必须从以下链接下载并安装 Git :

  • Windows

  • macOS

  • Linux

  • 你可能需要将 Git 添加到 路径 <https://www.google.com/search?q=adding+git+to+path> __

    Git 词汇

    Git revolves around several core data structures and commands:

  • Repository 代码的数据结构,包括根目录中的 .git 文件夹

  • Commit: a particular saved state of the repository, which includes all files and additions

  • Branch: a means of grouping a set of commits. Each branch has a unique history. This is primarily used for separating development and stable branches.

  • Push: 使用本地更改更新远程存储库

  • Pull: 使用远程更改更新本地存储库

  • Clone: retrieve a local copy of a repository to modify

  • Fork: duplicate a pre-existing repository to modify, and to compare against the original

  • Merge: combine various changes from different branches/commits/forks into a single history

  • 资料库

    Git 存储库是一种数据结构,其中包含项目的结构,历史记录和文件。

    Git 存储库通常包括:

  • 一个 .git 文件夹。此文件夹包含有关存储库的各种信息。

  • 一个 .gitignore 文件。该文件包含您你在提交时不希望包含的文件或目录。

  • 文件和文件夹。这是存储库的主要内容。

  • 创建存储库

    You can store the repository locally, or through a remote – a remote being the cloud, or possibly another storage medium or server that hosts your repository. GitHub is a popular free hosting service. Numerous developers use it, and that’s what this tutorial will use.

    有许多提供托管存储库服务的提供者。 “Gitlab < https://about.gitlab.com >”_和 “Bitbucket < https://bitbucket.org/ >”_是Github 的一些替代方案。

    创建一个 GitHub 帐户

    Go ahead and create a GitHub account by visiting the website and following the on-screen prompts.






    然后点击*“New Repository” *


    填写适当的信息,然后单击 * “Create repository” *



    The keyboard shortcut Ctrl + ~ can be used to open a terminal in Visual Studio Code for Windows.

    现在,你将要打开一个 PowerShell 窗口并导航到您的项目目录。可以在此处找到< https://programminghistorian.org/en/lessons/intro-to-powershell > __ 上有关 PowerShell 的优秀教程。请使用你的搜索引擎,以了解如何在其他操作系统上打开终端。


    If a directory is empty, a file needs to be created in order for git to have something to track. In the below Empty Directory example, we created a file called README.md with the contents of # Example Repo . For FRC® Robot projects, the below Existing Project commands should be run in the root of a project created by the VS Code WPILib Project Creator . More details on the various commands can be found in the subsequent sections.

    将文件路径 “C:Users ExampleUser9007 Documents Example Folder” 替换为你要在其中创建存储库的路径,然后替换远程 URL ‘ https://github.com/ExampleUser9007/ExampleRepo.git ’. 以及你在先前步骤中创建的仓库的 URL。

    > cd "C:\Users\ExampleUser9007\Documents\Example Folder"
    > git init
    Initialized empty Git repository in C:/Users/ExampleUser9007/Documents/Example Folder/.git/
    > echo "# ExampleRepo" >> README.md
    > git add README.md
    > git commit -m "First commit"
    [main (root-commit) fafafa] First commit
     1 file changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
     create mode 100644 README.md
    > git remote add origin https://github.com/ExampleUser9007/ExampleRepo.git
    > git push -u origin main