  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接

Using the Python Connector

This topic provides a series of examples that illustrate how to use the Snowflake Connector to perform standard Snowflake operations such as user login, database and table creation, warehouse creation, data insertion/loading, and querying.

The sample code at the end of this topic combines the examples into a single, working Python program.

Snowflake now provides first-class Python APIs for managing core Snowflake resources including databases, schemas, tables, tasks, and warehouses, without using SQL. For more information, see Snowflake Python APIs: Managing Snowflake objects with Python .

Creating a database, schema, and warehouse

After you log in, create a database, schema, and warehouse if they don’t yet exist, using the CREATE DATABASE , CREATE SCHEMA , and CREATE WAREHOUSE commands.

The example below shows how to create a warehouse named tiny_warehouse , database named testdb , and a schema named testschema . Note that when you create the schema, you must either specify the name of the database in which to create the schema, or you must already be connected to the database in which to create the schema. The example below executes a USE DATABASE command before the CREATE SCHEMA command to ensure that the schema is created in the correct database.

conn.cursor().execute("CREATE WAREHOUSE IF NOT EXISTS tiny_warehouse_mg")
conn.cursor().execute("CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS testdb_mg")
conn.cursor().execute("USE DATABASE testdb_mg")
conn.cursor().execute("CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS testschema_mg")

Using the database, schema, and warehouse

Specify the database and schema in which you want to create tables. Also specify the warehouse that will provide resources for executing DML statements and queries.

For example, to use the database testdb, schema testschema and warehouse tiny_warehouse (created earlier):

conn.cursor().execute("USE WAREHOUSE tiny_warehouse_mg")
conn.cursor().execute("USE DATABASE testdb_mg")
conn.cursor().execute("USE SCHEMA testdb_mg.testschema_mg")

Creating tables and inserting data

Use the CREATE TABLE command to create tables and the INSERT command to populate the tables with data.

For example, create a table named testtable and insert two rows into the table:

    "test_table(col1 integer, col2 string)")
    "INSERT INTO test_table(col1, col2) VALUES " + 
    "    (123, 'test string1'), " + 
    "    (456, 'test string2')")

Loading data

Instead of inserting data into tables using individual INSERT commands, you can bulk load data from files staged in either an internal or external location.

Copying data from an internal location

To load data from files on your host machine into a table, first use the PUT command to stage the file in an internal location, then use the COPY INTO <table> command to copy the data in the files into the table.

For example:

# Putting Data
con.cursor().execute("PUT file:///tmp/data/file* @%testtable")
con.cursor().execute("COPY INTO testtable")

Where your CSV data is stored in a local directory named /tmp/data in a Linux or macOS environment, and the directory contains files named file0, file1, … file100.

Copying data from an external location

To load data from files already staged in an external location (i.e. your S3 bucket) into a table, use the COPY INTO <table> command.

For example:

# Copying Data
COPY INTO testtable FROM s3://<s3_bucket>/data/


  • s3://<s3_bucket>/data/ specifies the name of your S3 bucket

  • The files in the bucket are prefixed with data.

  • The bucket is accessed using a storage integration created using CREATE STORAGE INTEGRATION by an account administrator (i.e. a user with the ACCOUNTADMIN role) or a role with the global CREATE INTEGRATION privilege. A storage integration allows users to avoid supplying credentials to access a private storage location.

  • This example uses the format() function to compose the statement. If your environment has a risk of SQL injection attacks, you might prefer to bind values rather than use format().

    With the Snowflake Connector for Python, you can submit:

  • a synchronous query, which returns control to your application after the query completes.

  • an asynchronous query, which returns control to your application before the query completes.

  • After the query has completed, you use the Cursor object to fetch the values in the results. By default, the Snowflake Connector for Python converts the values from Snowflake data types to native Python data types. (Note that you can choose to return the values as strings and perform the type conversions in your application. See Improving query performance by bypassing data conversion.)

    By default, values from NUMBER columns are returned as double-precision floating-point values (float64). To return these as decimal values (decimal.Decimal) in the fetch_pandas_all() and fetch_pandas_batches() methods, set the arrow_number_to_decimal parameter in the connect() method to True.

    Performing a synchronous query

    To perform a synchronous query, call the execute() method in the Cursor object. For example:

    conn = snowflake.connector.connect( ... )
    cur = conn.cursor()
    cur.execute('select * from products')

    Use the Cursor object to fetch the values in the results, as explained in Using cursor to fetch values.

    Performing an asynchronous query

    The Snowflake Connector for Python supports asynchronous queries (i.e. queries that return control to the user before the query completes). You can submit an asynchronous query and use polling to determine when the query has completed. After the query completes, you can get the results.

    To perform asynchronous queries, you must ensure the ABORT_DETACHED_QUERY configuration parameter is FALSE (default value).

    If the connection to client is lost:

  • For synchronous queries, all in-progress synchronous queries are aborted immediately regardless of the parameter value.

  • For asynchronous queries:

  • If ABORT_DETACHED_QUERY is set to FALSE, in-progress asynchronous queries continue to run until they end normally.

  • If ABORT_DETACHED_QUERY is set to TRUE, Snowflake automatically aborts all in-progress asynchronous queries when a client connection is not re-established after five minutes.

  • With this feature, you can submit multiple queries in parallel without waiting for each query to complete. You can also run a combination of synchronous and asynchronous queries during the same session.

    Finally, you can submit an asynchronous query from one connection and check the results from a different connection. For example, a user can initiate a long-running query from your application, exit the application, and restart the application at a later time to check the results.

    Submitting an asynchronous query

    To submit an asynchronous query, call the execute_async() method in the Cursor object. For example:

    conn = snowflake.connector.connect( ... )
    cur = conn.cursor()
    # Submit an asynchronous query for execution.
    cur.execute_async('select count(*) from table(generator(timeLimit => 25))')

    After submitting the query:

  • To determine if the query is still running, see Checking the status of a query.

  • To retrieve the results of the query, see Using the query ID to retrieve the results of a query.

  • For examples of performing asynchronous queries, see Examples of asynchronous queries.

    Best practices for asynchronous queries

    When submitting an asynchronous query, follow these best practices:

  • Ensure that you know which queries are dependent upon other queries before you run any queries in parallel. Some queries are interdependent and order sensitive, and therefore not suitable for parallelizing. For example, obviously an INSERT statement should not start until after the corresponding CREATE TABLE statement has finished.

  • Ensure that you do not run too many queries for the memory that you have available. Running multiple queries in parallel typically consumes more memory, especially if more than one set of results is stored in memory at the same time.

  • When polling, handle the rare cases where a query does not succeed.

  • Ensure that transaction control statements (BEGIN, COMMIT, and ROLLBACK) do not execute in parallel with other statements.

  • Retrieving the Snowflake query ID

    A query ID identifies each query executed by Snowflake. When you use the Snowflake Connector for Python to execute a query, you can access the query ID through the sfqid attribute in the Cursor object:

    # Retrieving a Snowflake Query ID
    cur = con.cursor()
    cur.execute("SELECT * FROM testtable")

    You can use the query ID to:

  • Check the status of the query in the web interface.

    In the Classic Console, query IDs are displayed in the History History tab page. See Using the History Page to Monitor Queries.

  • Programmatically check the status of the query (e.g. to determine if an asynchronous query has completed).

    See Checking the status of a query.

  • Retrieve the results of an asynchronous query or a previously submitted synchronous query.

    See Using the query ID to retrieve the results of a query.

  • Cancel a running query.

    See Canceling a query by query ID.

    To check the status of a query:

  • Get the query ID from the sfqid field in the Cursor object.

  • Pass the query ID to the get_query_status() method of the Connection object to return the QueryStatus enum constant that represents the status of the query.

    By default, get_query_status() does not raise an error if the query resulted in an error. If you want an error raised, call get_query_status_throw_if_error() instead.

  • Use the QueryStatus enum constant to check the status of the query.

  • To determine if the query is still running (for example, if this is an asynchronous query), pass the constant to the is_still_running() method of the Connection object.

  • To determine if an error occurred, pass the constant to the is_an_error() method.

  • For the full list of enum constants, see QueryStatus.

    The following example executes an asynchronous query and checks the status of the query:

    import time
    # Execute a long-running query asynchronously.
    cur.execute_async('select count(*) from table(generator(timeLimit => 25))')
    # Wait for the query to finish running.
    query_id = cur.sfqid
    while conn.is_still_running(conn.get_query_status(query_id)):

    The following example raises an error if the query has resulted in an error:

    from snowflake.connector import ProgrammingError
    import time
    # Wait for the query to finish running and raise an error
    # if a problem occurred with the execution of the query.
      query_id = cur.sfqid
      while conn.is_still_running(conn.get_query_status_throw_if_error(query_id)):
    except ProgrammingError as err:
      print('Programming Error: {0}'.format(err))

    Using the query ID to retrieve the results of a query

    If you performed a synchronous query by calling the execute() method on a Cursor object, you don’t need to use the query ID to retrieve the results. You can just fetch the values from the results, as explained in Using cursor to fetch values.

    If you want to retrieve the results of an asynchronous query or a previously submitted synchronous query, follow these steps:

  • Get the query ID of the query. See Retrieving the Snowflake query ID.

  • Call the get_results_from_sfqid() method in the Cursor object to retrieve the results.

  • Use the Cursor object to fetch the values in the results, as explained in Using cursor to fetch values.

  • Note that if the query is still running, the fetch methods (fetchone(), fetchmany(), fetchall(), etc.) will wait for the query to complete.

    For example:

    # Get the results from a query.
    results = cur.fetchall()

    Using cursor to fetch values

    Fetch values from a table using the cursor object iterator method.

    For example, to fetch columns named “col1” and “col2” from the table named testtable, which was created earlier (in Creating tables and inserting data), use code similar to the following:

    cur = conn.cursor()
        cur.execute("SELECT col1, col2 FROM test_table ORDER BY col1")
        for (col1, col2) in cur:
            print('{0}, {1}'.format(col1, col2))

    Alternatively, the Snowflake Connector for Python provides a convenient shortcut:

    for (col1, col2) in con.cursor().execute("SELECT col1, col2 FROM testtable"):
        print('{0}, {1}'.format(col1, col2))

    If you need to get a single result (i.e. a single row), use the fetchone method:

    col1, col2 = con.cursor().execute("SELECT col1, col2 FROM testtable").fetchone()
    print('{0}, {1}'.format(col1, col2))

    If you need to get the specified number of rows at a time, use the fetchmany method with the number of rows:

    cur = con.cursor().execute("SELECT col1, col2 FROM testtable")
    ret = cur.fetchmany(3)
    while len(ret) > 0:
        ret = cur.fetchmany(3)

    Use fetchone or fetchmany if the result set is too large to fit into memory.

    If you need to get all results at once:

    results = con.cursor().execute("SELECT col1, col2 FROM testtable").fetchall()
    for rec in results:
        print('%s, %s' % (rec[0], rec[1]))

    To set a timeout for a query, execute a “begin” command and include a timeout parameter on the query. If the query exceeds the length of the parameter value, an error is produced and a rollback occurs.

    In the following code, error 604 means the query was canceled. The timeout parameter starts Timer() and cancels if the query does not finish within the specified time.

    conn.cursor().execute("create or replace table testtbl(a int, b string)")
       conn.cursor().execute("insert into testtbl(a,b) values(3, 'test3'), (4,'test4')", timeout=10) # long query
    except ProgrammingError as e:
       if e.errno == 604:
          raise e

    Using DictCursor to fetch values by column name

    If you want to fetch a value by column name, create a cursor object of type DictCursor.

    For example:

    # Querying data by DictCursor
    from snowflake.connector import DictCursor
    cur = con.cursor(DictCursor)
        cur.execute("SELECT col1, col2 FROM testtable")
        for rec in cur:
            print('{0}, {1}'.format(rec['COL1'], rec['COL2']))

    Examples of asynchronous queries

    The following is a simple example of an asynchronous query:

    from snowflake.connector import ProgrammingError
    import time
    conn = snowflake.connector.connect( ... )
    cur = conn.cursor()
    # Submit an asynchronous query for execution.
    cur.execute_async('select count(*) from table(generator(timeLimit => 25))')
    # Retrieve the results.
    results = cur.fetchall()

    The next example submits an asynchronous query from one connection and retrieves the results from a different connection:

    from snowflake.connector import ProgrammingError
    import time
    conn = snowflake.connector.connect( ... )
    cur = conn.cursor()
    # Submit an asynchronous query for execution.
    cur.execute_async('select count(*) from table(generator(timeLimit => 25))')
    # Get the query ID for the asynchronous query.
    query_id = cur.sfqid
    # Close the cursor and the connection.
    # Open a new connection.
    new_conn = snowflake.connector.connect( ... )
    # Create a new cursor.
    new_cur = new_conn.cursor()
    # Retrieve the results.
    results = new_cur.fetchall()

    Canceling a query by query ID

    Cancel a query by query ID:

    cur = cn.cursor()
      cur.execute(r"SELECT SYSTEM$CANCEL_QUERY('queryID')")
      result = cur.fetchall()

    Replace the string “queryID” with the actual query ID. To get the ID for a query, see Retrieving the Snowflake query ID.

    Improving query performance by bypassing data conversion

    To improve query performance, use the SnowflakeNoConverterToPython class in the snowflake.connector.converter_null module to bypass data conversions from the Snowflake internal data type to the native Python data type, e.g.:

    from snowflake.connector.converter_null import SnowflakeNoConverterToPython
    con = snowflake.connector.connect(
    for rec in con.cursor().execute("SELECT * FROM large_table"):
        # rec includes raw Snowflake data

    As a result, all data is represented in string form such that the application is responsible for converting it to the native Python data types. For example, TIMESTAMP_NTZ and TIMESTAMP_LTZ data are the epoch time represented in string form, and TIMESTAMP_TZ data is the epoch time followed by a space followed by the offset to UTC in minutes represented in string form.

    No impact is made to binding data; Python native data can still be bound for updates.

    Binding data

    To specify values to be used in a SQL statement, you can include literals in the statement, or you can bind variables. When you bind variables, you put one or more placeholders in the text of the SQL statement, and then specify the variable (the value to be used) for each placeholder.

    The following example contrasts the use of literals and binding:


    con.cursor().execute("INSERT INTO testtable(col1, col2) VALUES(789, 'test string3')")


        "INSERT INTO testtable(col1, col2) "
        "VALUES(%s, %s)", (
            'test string3'

    There is an upper limit to the size of data that you can bind, or that you can combine in a batch. For details, see Limits on Query Text Size.

    Snowflake supports the following types of binding:

  • pyformat and format, which bind data on the client.

  • qmark and numeric, which bind data on the server.

  • Each of these is explained below.

    pyformat or format binding

    Both pyformat binding and format binding bind data on the client side rather than on the server side.

    By default, the Snowflake Connector for Python supports both pyformat and format, so you can use %(name)s or %s as the placeholder. For example:

  • Using %(name)s as the placeholder:

        "INSERT INTO test_table(col1, col2) "
        "VALUES(%(col1)s, %(col2)s)", {
            'col1': 789,
            'col2': 'test string3',
  • Using %s as the placeholder:

        "INSERT INTO testtable(col1, col2) "
        "VALUES(%s, %s)", (
            'test string3'

    With pyformat and format, you can also use a list object to bind data for the IN operator:

    # Binding data for IN operator
        "SELECT col1, col2 FROM testtable"
        " WHERE col2 IN (%s)", (
            ['test string1', 'test string3'],

    The percent character (“%”) is both a wildcard character for SQL LIKE and a format binding character for Python. If you use format binding, and if your SQL command contains the percent character, you might need to escape the percent character. For example, if your SQL statement is:

    SELECT col1, col2
        FROM test_table
        WHERE col2 ILIKE '%York' LIMIT 1;  -- Find York, New York, etc.

    then your Python code should look like the following (note the extra percent sign to escape the original percent sign):

    sql_command = "select col1, col2 from test_table "
    sql_command += " where col2 like '%%York' limit %(lim)s"
    parameter_dictionary = {'lim': 1 }
    cur.execute(sql_command, parameter_dictionary)

    qmark or numeric binding

    Both qmark binding and numeric binding bind data on the server side rather than on the client side:

  • For qmark binding, use a question mark character (?) to indicate where in the string you want a variable’s value inserted.

  • For numeric binding, use a colon (:) followed by a number to indicate the position of the variable that you want substituted at that position. For example, :2 specifies the second variable.

    Use numeric binding to bind the same value more than once in the same query. For example, if you have a long VARCHAR or BINARY or semi-structured value that you want to use more than once, then numeric binding allows you to send the value to the server once and use it multiple times.

    The next sections explain how to use qmark and numeric binding:

  • Using qmark or numeric binding

  • Using qmark or numeric binding with datetime objects

  • Using bind variables with the IN operator

  • Using qmark or numeric binding

    To use qmark or numeric style binding, you can either execute one of the following or set paramstyle as part of the connection parameters when calling connect().

  • snowflake.connector.paramstyle='qmark'

  • snowflake.connector.paramstyle='numeric'

  • If you set paramstyle to qmark or numeric, you must use ? or :N (where N is replaced with a number) as the placeholders, respectively.

    For example:

  • Using ? as the placeholder:

    from snowflake.connector import connect
    connection_parameters = {
        'account': 'xxxxx',
        'user': 'xxxx',
        'password': 'xxxxxx',
        "host": "xxxxxx",
        "port": 443,
        'protocol': 'https',
        'warehouse': 'xxx',
        'database': 'xxx',
        'schema': 'xxx',
        'paramstyle': 'qmark'  # note paramstyle setting here at connection level
    con = connect(**connection_parameters)
        "INSERT INTO testtable2(col1,col2,col3) "
        "VALUES(?,?,?)", (
            'test string4',
            ("TIMESTAMP_LTZ", datetime.now())
  • Using :N as the placeholder:

    import snowflake.connector
    con = snowflake.connector.connect(...)
        "INSERT INTO testtable(col1, col2) "
        "VALUES(:1, :2)", (
            'test string3'

    The following query shows how to use numeric binding to reuse a variable:

        "INSERT INTO testtable(complete_video, short_sample_of_video) "
        "VALUES(:1, SUBSTRING(:1, :2, :3))", (
            binary_value_that_stores_video,          # variable :1
            starting_offset_in_bytes_of_video_clip,  # variable :2
            length_in_bytes_of_video_clip            # variable :3

    Using qmark or numeric binding with datetime objects

    When using qmark or numeric binding to bind data to a Snowflake TIMESTAMP data type, set the bind variable to a tuple that specifies the Snowflake timestamp data type (TIMESTAMP_LTZ or TIMESTAMP_TZ) and the value. For example:

    import snowflake.connector
    con = snowflake.connector.connect(...)
        "CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE testtable2 ("
        "   col1 int, "
        "   col2 string, "
        "   col3 timestamp_ltz"
        "INSERT INTO testtable2(col1,col2,col3) "
        "VALUES(?,?,?)", (
            'test string4',
            ("TIMESTAMP_LTZ", datetime.now())

    Unlike client side binding, the server side binding requires the Snowflake data type for the column. Most common Python data types already have implicit mappings to Snowflake data types (e.g. int is mapped to FIXED). However, because the Python datetime data can be bound to one of multiple Snowflake data types (TIMESTAMP_NTZ, TIMESTAMP_LTZ, or TIMESTAMP_TZ), and the default mapping is TIMESTAMP_NTZ, you must specify the Snowflake data type to use.

    Using bind variables with the IN operator

    qmark and numeric (server side binding) do not support the use of bind variables with the IN operator.

    If you need to use bind variables with the IN operator, use client side binding (pyformat or format).

    Binding parameters to variables for batch inserts

    In your application code, you can insert multiple rows in a single batch. To do this, use parameters for values in an INSERT statement. For example, the following statement uses placeholders for qmark binding in an INSERT statement:

    insert into grocery (item, quantity) values (?, ?)

    Then, to specify the data that should be inserted, define a variable that is a sequence of sequences (for example, a list of tuples):

    rows_to_insert = [('milk', 2), ('apple', 3), ('egg', 2)]

    As shown in the example above, each item in the list is a tuple that contains the column values for a row to be inserted.

    To perform the binding, call the executemany() method, passing the variable as the second argument. For example:

    conn = snowflake.connector.connect( ... )
    rows_to_insert = [('milk', 2), ('apple', 3), ('egg', 2)]
        "insert into grocery (item, quantity) values (?, ?)",

    If you are binding data on the server (i.e. by using qmark or numeric binding), the connector can optimize the performance of batch inserts through binding.

    When you use this technique to insert a large number of values, the driver can improve performance by streaming the data (without creating files on the local machine) to a temporary stage for ingestion. The driver automatically does this when the number of values exceeds a threshold.

    In addition, the current database and schema for the session must be set. If these are not set, the CREATE TEMPORARY STAGE command executed by the driver can fail with the following error:

    CREATE TEMPORARY STAGE SYSTEM$BIND file_format=(type=csv field_optionally_enclosed_by='"')
    Cannot perform CREATE STAGE. This session does not have a current schema. Call 'USE SCHEMA', or use a qualified name.

    For alternative ways to load data into the Snowflake database (including bulk loading using the COPY command), see Load Data into Snowflake.

    Avoid SQL injection attacks

    Avoid binding data using Python’s formatting function because you risk SQL injection. For example:

    # Binding data (UNSAFE EXAMPLE)
        "INSERT INTO testtable(col1, col2) "
        "VALUES(%(col1)d, '%(col2)s')" % {
            'col1': 789,
            'col2': 'test string3'
    # Binding data (UNSAFE EXAMPLE)
        "INSERT INTO testtable(col1, col2) "
        "VALUES(%d, '%s')" % (
            'test string3'
    # Binding data (UNSAFE EXAMPLE)
        "INSERT INTO testtable(col1, col2) "
        "VALUES({col1}, '{col2}')".format(
            col2='test string3')

    Instead, store the values in variables and then bind those variables using qmark or numeric binding style.

    Retrieving column metadata

    To retrieve metadata about each column in the result set (e.g. the name, type, precision, scale, etc. of each column), use one of the following approaches:

  • To access the metadata after calling the execute() method to execute the query, use the description attribute of the Cursor object.

  • To access the metadata without having to execute the query, call the describe() method.

    The describe method is available in the Snowflake Connector for Python 2.4.6 and more recent versions.

    The description attribute is set to one of the following values:

  • Version 2.4.5 and earlier: A list of tuples.

  • Version 2.4.6 and later: A list of ResultMetadata objects. (The describe method also returns this list.)

  • Each tuple and ResultMetadata object contains the metadata for a column (the column name, data type, etc.). You can access the metadata by index or, in 2.4.6 and later versions, by ResultMetadata attribute.

    The following examples demostrate how to access the metadata from the returned tuples and ResultMetadata objects.

    Example: Getting the column name metadata by index (versions 2.4.5 and earlier):

    The following example uses the description attribute to retrieve the list of column names after executing a query. The attribute is a list of tuples, and the example accesses the column name from the first value in each tuple.
