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Connect and discuss with the Denodo team and data management professionals and enthusiasts unsupported type nvarchar type for database : SQL Server stored proc Getting the error while trying to create a baseview selecting the stored proc **"unsupported type nvarchar type for database : SQL Server stored proc"** But I'm able to create the view for other SP with similar input and output parameters of same type(nvarchar). SP (MS SQL) has insert statement and upon sucess it returns 0. Please let me know if this is known issue in denodo..? Thanks in advance!! I have worked with stored procedures in Denodo and it works perfectly fine for me. So I would ask you to try executing the same stored procedure using SQL Server Management Studio or using an external client like DBVisualizer to ensure if it works fine. You can also look inside the Virtual DataPort server log file in the below location for more information, <DENODO_HOME>\logs\vdp\vdp.log I have found this for your reference [Creating views on SQL Server Functions and Stored Procedures](https://community.denodo.com/kb/view/document/Creating%20views%20on%20SQL%20Server%20Functions%20and%20Stored%20Procedures?category=Data+Sources). Hope this helps you! Thanks for the reply!! I figured out the issue it was due to the multiline comment the SQL stored proc it was not parsing while creating the base view but the error it was throwing is irrelevent... **Work Around:** Created dummy stored proc by taking the copy of original removed the multi-line comments and imported/created the view, Once view is created successfully pointed back the stored proc to original one (with one having multi-line comments)...it worked.