I’m trying to find a way to trim the multi-pipe in my definition.
My goal is to get a custom node/connector at each point.
Maybe I am not using/doing this the right way, I am beginner with grasshopper.
Otherwise, I thought of using smaller lines as input for the Mutli-Pipe component, but i’m not too sure how to do that too
Curves + trim multipipe.gh
(22.8 KB)
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1522×657 95.3 KB
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1583×631 44.7 KB
Capture d'écran 3
1248×780 35.3 KB
Here’s a little script which takes a line network and separates it into nodes and struts.
It references some of the same graph functions that the MultiPipe component uses, so you’ll need to set the assembly reference for Kangaroo2Component.gha when opening it.
This will typically be in
C:\Program Files\Rhino 7\Plug-ins\Grasshopper\Components
It takes a value as input for how far away from the point you want the nodes to extend.
It would be possible to also output the connect…
Thanks for your help.
I looked for similar topics with the words ‘‘cut’’ or ‘‘trim’’ multipipe but I didn’t think of separate. Language barrier haha
It’s working, but I see it has some problems when the angle is too ‘‘small’’.
But I can definitely work with that