  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接


¥Buttons provide a clickable element, which can be used in forms, or anywhere that needs simple, standard button functionality. They may display text, icons, or both. Buttons can be styled with several attributes to look a specific way.


¥Basic Usage


此属性允许你指定按钮的宽度。默认情况下,按钮具有 display: inline-block ,但设置此属性会将按钮更改为具有 display: block 的全角元素。

¥This property lets you specify how wide the button should be. By default, buttons have display: inline-block , but setting this property will change the button to a full-width element with display: block .


此属性允许你指定按钮的形状。默认情况下,按钮是矩形,边框半径较小,但将其设置为 "round" 会将按钮更改为圆形元素。

¥This property lets you specify the shape of the button. By default, buttons are rectangular with a small border radius, but setting this to "round" will change the button to a rounded element.



¥This property determines the background and border color of the button. By default, buttons have a solid background unless the button is inside of a toolbar, in which case it has a transparent background.



¥This property specifies the size of the button. Setting this property will change the height and padding of a button.





CSS 自定义属性

¥CSS Custom Properties



按钮被设计为易于访问,但可能需要根据其内容进行一些调整。按钮组件渲染原生 按钮元素 ,使其能够利用原生按钮提供的功能。

¥Buttons are built to be accessible, but may need some adjustments depending on their content. The button component renders a native button element which allows it to take advantage of the functionality that a native button provides.


¥Overflowing Text Content


¥There are many cases where a button's text content may overflow the container. It is recommended to wrap the text inside of the button when this happens so that all of the text can still be read. The button component will automatically adjust its height to accommodate the extra lines of text.

当文本太长而无法容纳时,按钮文本不会自动换行到下一行。为了使文本换行,可以添加 ion-text-wrap 类,这会将 white-space 属性设置为 "normal" 。这将成为未来主要版本中的默认设置。

¥The button text does not automatically wrap to the next line when the text is too long to fit. In order to make the text wrap, the ion-text-wrap class can be added, which will set the white-space property to "normal" . This will become the default in a future major release.


在下面的按钮上设置 max-width 样式仅用于演示目的。文本换行将与动态按钮宽度一起使用。

¥The max-width style is set on the button below for demo purposes only. Text wrapping will work with a dynamic button width.



Description The type of button.
Attribute button-type
Type string
Default 'button'


Description The color to use from your application's color palette. Default options are: "primary" , "secondary" , "tertiary" , "success" , "warning" , "danger" , "light" , "medium" , and "dark" . For more information on colors, see theming .
Attribute color
Type "danger" | "dark" | "light" | "medium" | "primary" | "secondary" | "success" | "tertiary" | "warning" | string | undefined
Default undefined


Description If true , the user cannot interact with the button.
Attribute disabled
Type boolean
Default false


Description This attribute instructs browsers to download a URL instead of navigating to it, so the user will be prompted to save it as a local file. If the attribute has a value, it is used as the pre-filled file name in the Save prompt (the user can still change the file name if they want).
Attribute download
Type string | undefined
Default undefined


Description Set to "block" for a full-width button or to "full" for a full-width button with square corners and no left or right borders.
Attribute expand
Type "block" | "full" | undefined
Default undefined


Description Set to "clear" for a transparent button that resembles a flat button, to "outline" for a transparent button with a border, or to "solid" for a button with a filled background. The default fill is "solid" except inside of a toolbar, where the default is "clear" .
Attribute fill
Type "clear" | "default" | "outline" | "solid" | undefined
Default undefined


Description The HTML form element or form element id. Used to submit a form when the button is not a child of the form.
Attribute form
Type HTMLFormElement | string | undefined
Default undefined


Description Contains a URL or a URL fragment that the hyperlink points to. If this property is set, an anchor tag will be rendered.
Attribute href
Type string | undefined
Default undefined


Description The mode determines which platform styles to use.
Attribute mode
Type "ios" | "md"
Default undefined


Description Specifies the relationship of the target object to the link object. The value is a space-separated list of link types .
Attribute rel
Type string | undefined
Default undefined


Description When using a router, it specifies the transition animation when navigating to another page using href .
Attribute undefined
Type ((baseEl: any, opts?: any) => Animation) | undefined
Default undefined


Description When using a router, it specifies the transition direction when navigating to another page using href .
Attribute router-direction
Type "back" | "forward" | "root"
Default 'forward'


Description Set to "round" for a button with more rounded corners.
Attribute shape
Type "round" | undefined
Default undefined


Description Set to "small" for a button with less height and padding, to "default" for a button with the default height and padding, or to "large" for a button with more height and padding. By default the size is unset, unless the button is inside of an item, where the size is "small" by default. Set the size to "default" inside of an item to make it a standard size button.
Attribute size
Type "default" | "large" | "small" | undefined
Default undefined


Description If true , activates a button with a heavier font weight.
Attribute strong
Type boolean
Default false


Description Specifies where to display the linked URL. Only applies when an href is provided. Special keywords: "_blank" , "_self" , "_parent" , "_top" .
Attribute target
Type string | undefined
Default undefined


Description The type of the button.
Attribute type
Type "button" | "reset" | "submit"
Default 'button'


Name Description Bubbles
ionBlur Emitted when the button loses focus. true
ionFocus Emitted when the button has focus. true


No public methods available for this component.

CSS 阴影部分

¥CSS Shadow Parts

Name Description
native The native HTML button or anchor element that wraps all child elements.

CSS 自定义属性

¥CSS Custom Properties