  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接
想旅行的太阳  ·  Areni Lodge·  2 月前    · 
阳刚的青蛙  ·  Chrome: ...·  5 月前    · 
寂寞的茶叶  ·  Error while trying to ...·  5 月前    · 


The following is a list of compile dependencies for this project. These dependencies are required to compile and run the application:

GroupId ArtifactId Version Classifier Licenses commons-cli
commons-cli Apache License, Version 2.0 org.apache.maven maven-compat 3.8.1 Apache License, Version 2.0 org.apache.maven maven-core 3.8.1 Apache License, Version 2.0 org.apache.maven maven-embedder 3.8.1 Apache License, Version 2.0 org.apache.maven maven-slf4j-provider 3.8.1 Apache License, Version 2.0 org.apache.maven.resolver maven-resolver-connector-basic 1.6.2 Apache License, Version 2.0 org.apache.maven.resolver maven-resolver-transport-wagon 1.6.2 Apache License, Version 2.0 org.apache.maven.wagon wagon-file 3.4.3 Apache License, Version 2.0 org.apache.maven.wagon wagon-http 3.4.3 shaded Apache License, Version 2.0 org.eclipse.sisu org.eclipse.sisu.plexus 0.3.4 Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 org.fusesource.jansi jansi 1.17.1 The Apache Software License, Version 2.0


The following is a list of runtime dependencies for this project. These dependencies are required to run the application:

GroupId ArtifactId Version Licenses org.jsoup
jsoup 1.12.1 The MIT License org.slf4j jcl-over-slf4j 1.7.29 Apache License, Version 2.0

The following is a list of test dependencies for this project. These dependencies are only required to compile and run unit tests for the application:

GroupId ArtifactId Version Licenses junit
junit Eclipse Public License 1.0

Project Transitive Dependencies

The following is a list of transitive dependencies for this project. Transitive dependencies are the dependencies of the project dependencies.


The following is a list of compile dependencies for this project. These dependencies are required to compile and run the application:

GroupId ArtifactId Version Classifier Licenses com.google.guava
guava 25.1-android The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 com.google.inject guice 4.2.1 no_aop The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 commons-io commons-io Apache License, Version 2.0 javax.annotation jsr250-api COMMON DEVELOPMENT AND DISTRIBUTION LICENSE (CDDL) Version 1.0 javax.enterprise cdi-api Apache License, Version 2.0 javax.inject javax.inject The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 org.apache.commons commons-lang3 3.8.1 Apache License, Version 2.0 org.apache.maven maven-artifact 3.8.1 Apache License, Version 2.0 org.apache.maven maven-builder-support 3.8.1 Apache License, Version 2.0 org.apache.maven maven-model 3.8.1 Apache License, Version 2.0 org.apache.maven maven-model-builder 3.8.1 Apache License, Version 2.0 org.apache.maven maven-plugin-api 3.8.1 Apache License, Version 2.0 org.apache.maven maven-repository-metadata 3.8.1 Apache License, Version 2.0 org.apache.maven maven-resolver-provider 3.8.1 Apache License, Version 2.0 org.apache.maven maven-settings 3.8.1 Apache License, Version 2.0 org.apache.maven maven-settings-builder 3.8.1 Apache License, Version 2.0 org.apache.maven.resolver maven-resolver-api 1.6.2 Apache License, Version 2.0 org.apache.maven.resolver maven-resolver-impl 1.6.2 Apache License, Version 2.0 org.apache.maven.resolver maven-resolver-spi 1.6.2 Apache License, Version 2.0 org.apache.maven.resolver maven-resolver-util 1.6.2 Apache License, Version 2.0 org.apache.maven.shared maven-shared-utils 3.2.1 Apache License, Version 2.0 org.apache.maven.wagon wagon-provider-api 3.4.3 Apache License, Version 2.0 org.codehaus.plexus plexus-classworlds 2.6.0 Apache License, Version 2.0 org.codehaus.plexus plexus-component-annotations 2.1.0 Apache License, Version 2.0 org.codehaus.plexus plexus-interpolation Apache License, Version 2.0 org.codehaus.plexus plexus-utils 3.2.1 Apache License, Version 2.0 org.eclipse.sisu org.eclipse.sisu.inject 0.3.4 Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 org.slf4j slf4j-api 1.7.29 MIT License org.sonatype.plexus plexus-cipher Apache Public License 2.0 org.sonatype.plexus plexus-sec-dispatcher Apache Public License 2.0

The following is a list of test dependencies for this project. These dependencies are only required to compile and run unit tests for the application:

GroupId ArtifactId Version Licenses org.hamcrest
hamcrest-core New BSD License

Project Dependency Graph

Dependency Tree

  • org.apache.maven:apache-maven:pom:3.8.1 [Information]
  • org.apache.maven:maven-embedder:jar:3.8.1 (compile) [Information]
    Maven Embedder

    Description: Maven embeddable component, with CLI and logging support.

    URL: https://maven.apache.org/ref/3.8.1/maven-embedder/

    Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0

  • org.apache.maven:maven-settings:jar:3.8.1 (compile) [Information]
    Maven Settings

    Description: Maven Settings model.

    URL: https://maven.apache.org/ref/3.8.1/maven-settings/

    Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0

  • org.apache.maven:maven-settings-builder:jar:3.8.1 (compile) [Information]
    Maven Settings Builder

    Description: The effective settings builder, with inheritance and password decryption.

    URL: https://maven.apache.org/ref/3.8.1/maven-settings-builder/

    Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0

  • org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-api:jar:3.8.1 (compile) [Information]
    Maven Plugin API

    Description: The API for plugins - Mojos - development.

    URL: https://maven.apache.org/ref/3.8.1/maven-plugin-api/

    Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0

  • org.apache.maven:maven-model:jar:3.8.1 (compile) [Information]
    Maven Model

    Description: Model for Maven POM (Project Object Model)

    URL: https://maven.apache.org/ref/3.8.1/maven-model/

    Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0

  • org.apache.maven:maven-model-builder:jar:3.8.1 (compile) [Information]
    Maven Model Builder

    Description: The effective model builder, with inheritance, profile activation, interpolation, ...

    URL: https://maven.apache.org/ref/3.8.1/maven-model-builder/

    Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0

  • org.apache.maven:maven-builder-support:jar:3.8.1 (compile) [Information]
    Maven Builder Support

    Description: Support for descriptor builders (model, setting, toolchains)

    URL: https://maven.apache.org/ref/3.8.1/maven-builder-support/

    Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0

  • org.apache.maven.resolver:maven-resolver-api:jar:1.6.2 (compile) [Information]
    Maven Artifact Resolver API

    Description: The application programming interface for the repository system.

    URL: https://maven.apache.org/resolver/maven-resolver-api/

    Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0

  • org.apache.maven.resolver:maven-resolver-util:jar:1.6.2 (compile) [Information]
    Maven Artifact Resolver Utilities

    Description: A collection of utility classes to ease usage of the repository system.

    URL: https://maven.apache.org/resolver/maven-resolver-util/

    Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0

  • org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-utils:jar:3.2.1 (compile) [Information]
    Apache Maven Shared Utils

    Description: Shared utils without any further dependencies

    URL: https://maven.apache.org/shared/maven-shared-utils/

    Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0

  • commons-io:commons-io:jar:2.5 (compile) [Information]
    Apache Commons IO

    Description: The Apache Commons IO library contains utility classes, stream implementations, file filters, file comparators, endian transformation classes, and much more.

    URL: http://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-io/

    Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0

  • com.google.inject:guice:jar:no_aop:4.2.1 (compile) [Information]
    Google Guice - Core Library

    Description: Guice is a lightweight dependency injection framework for Java 6 and above

    URL: https://github.com/google/guice/guice

    Project Licenses: The Apache Software License, Version 2.0

  • com.google.guava:guava:jar:25.1-android (compile) [Information]
    Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java

    Description: Guava is a suite of core and expanded libraries that include utility classes, google's collections, io classes, and much much more.

    URL: https://github.com/google/guava/guava

    Project Licenses: The Apache Software License, Version 2.0

  • javax.inject:javax.inject:jar:1 (compile) [Information]

    Description: The javax.inject API

    URL: http://code.google.com/p/atinject/

    Project Licenses: The Apache Software License, Version 2.0

  • javax.annotation:jsr250-api:jar:1.0 (compile) [Information]
    JSR-250 Common Annotations for the JavaTM Platform

    Description: JSR-250 Reference Implementation by Glassfish

    URL: http://jcp.org/aboutJava/communityprocess/final/jsr250/index.html


  • org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:jar:3.2.1 (compile) [Information]
    Plexus Common Utilities

    Description: A collection of various utility classes to ease working with strings, files, command lines, XML and more.

    URL: http://codehaus-plexus.github.io/plexus-utils/

    Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0

  • org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-classworlds:jar:2.6.0 (compile) [Information]
    Plexus Classworlds

    Description: A class loader framework

    URL: http://codehaus-plexus.github.io/plexus-classworlds/

    Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0

  • org.sonatype.plexus:plexus-sec-dispatcher:jar:1.4 (compile) [Information]
    Plexus Security Dispatcher Component

    Description: There is currently no description associated with this project.

    URL: http://spice.sonatype.org/plexus-sec-dispatcher

    Project Licenses: Apache Public License 2.0

  • org.sonatype.plexus:plexus-cipher:jar:1.7 (compile) [Information]
    Plexus Cipher: encryption/decryption Component

    Description: There is currently no description associated with this project.

    URL: http://spice.sonatype.org/plexus-cipher

    Project Licenses: Apache Public License 2.0

  • org.slf4j:slf4j-api:jar:1.7.29 (compile) [Information]
    SLF4J API Module

    Description: The slf4j API

    URL: http://www.slf4j.org

    Project Licenses: MIT License

  • org.apache.commons:commons-lang3:jar:3.8.1 (compile) [Information]
    Apache Commons Lang

    Description: Apache Commons Lang, a package of Java utility classes for the classes that are in java.lang's hierarchy, or are considered to be so standard as to justify existence in java.lang.

    URL: http://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-lang/

    Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0

  • org.apache.maven:maven-core:jar:3.8.1 (compile) [Information]
    Maven Core

    Description: Maven Core classes.

    URL: https://maven.apache.org/ref/3.8.1/maven-core/

    Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0

  • org.apache.maven:maven-repository-metadata:jar:3.8.1 (compile) [Information]
    Maven Repository Metadata Model

    Description: Per-directory local and remote repository metadata.

    URL: https://maven.apache.org/ref/3.8.1/maven-repository-metadata/

    Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0

  • org.apache.maven:maven-artifact:jar:3.8.1 (compile) [Information]
    Maven Artifact

    Description: Maven is a software build management and comprehension tool. Based on the concept of a project object model: builds, dependency management, documentation creation, site publication, and distribution publication are all controlled from the declarative file. Maven can be extended by plugins to utilise a number of other development tools for reporting or the build process.

    URL: https://maven.apache.org/ref/3.8.1/maven-artifact/

    Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0

  • org.apache.maven:maven-resolver-provider:jar:3.8.1 (compile) [Information]
    Maven Artifact Resolver Provider

    Description: Extensions to Maven Resolver for utilizing Maven POM and repository metadata.

    URL: https://maven.apache.org/ref/3.8.1/maven-resolver-provider/

    Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0

  • org.apache.maven.resolver:maven-resolver-impl:jar:1.6.2 (compile) [Information]
    Maven Artifact Resolver Implementation

    Description: An implementation of the repository system.

    URL: https://maven.apache.org/resolver/maven-resolver-impl/

    Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0

  • org.apache.maven.resolver:maven-resolver-spi:jar:1.6.2 (compile) [Information]
    Maven Artifact Resolver SPI

    Description: The service provider interface for repository system implementations and repository connectors.

    URL: https://maven.apache.org/resolver/maven-resolver-spi/

    Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0

  • org.eclipse.sisu:org.eclipse.sisu.inject:jar:0.3.4 (compile) [Information]

    Description: JSR330-based container; supports classpath scanning, auto-binding, and dynamic auto-wiring

    URL: http://www.eclipse.org/sisu/org.eclipse.sisu.inject/

    Project Licenses: Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0

  • org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-component-annotations:jar:2.1.0 (compile) [Information]
    Plexus :: Component Annotations

    Description: Plexus Component "Java 5" Annotations, to describe plexus components properties in java sources with standard annotations instead of javadoc annotations.

    URL: http://codehaus-plexus.github.io/plexus-containers/plexus-component-annotations/

    Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0

  • org.apache.maven:maven-compat:jar:3.8.1 (compile) [Information]
    Maven Compat

    Description: Maven2 classes maintained as compatibility layer.

    URL: https://maven.apache.org/ref/3.8.1/maven-compat/

    Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0

  • org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-interpolation:jar:1.25 (compile) [Information]
    Plexus Interpolation API

    Description: The Plexus project provides a full software stack for creating and executing software projects.

    URL: http://codehaus-plexus.github.io/plexus-interpolation/

    Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0

  • org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon-provider-api:jar:3.4.3 (compile) [Information]
    Apache Maven Wagon :: API

    Description: Maven Wagon API that defines the contract between different Wagon implementations

    URL: https://maven.apache.org/wagon/wagon-provider-api

    Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0

  • org.eclipse.sisu:org.eclipse.sisu.plexus:jar:0.3.4 (compile) [Information]

    Description: Plexus-JSR330 adapter; adds Plexus support to the Sisu-Inject container

    URL: http://www.eclipse.org/sisu/org.eclipse.sisu.plexus/

    Project Licenses: Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0

  • javax.enterprise:cdi-api:jar:1.0 (compile) [Information]
    CDI APIs

    Description: APIs for JSR-299: Contexts and Dependency Injection for Java EE

    URL: http://www.seamframework.org/Weld/cdi-api

    Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0

  • commons-cli:commons-cli:jar:1.4 (compile) [Information]
    Apache Commons CLI

    Description: Apache Commons CLI provides a simple API for presenting, processing and validating a command line interface.

    URL: http://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-cli/

    Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0

  • org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon-http:jar:shaded:3.4.3 (compile) [Information]
    Apache Maven Wagon :: Providers :: HTTP Provider

    Description: Wagon provider that gets and puts artifacts through HTTP(S) using Apache HttpClient-4.x.

    URL: https://maven.apache.org/wagon/wagon-providers/wagon-http

    Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0

  • org.jsoup:jsoup:jar:1.12.1 (runtime) [Information]
    jsoup Java HTML Parser

    Description: jsoup is a Java library for working with real-world HTML. It provides a very convenient API for extracting and manipulating data, using the best of DOM, CSS, and jquery-like methods. jsoup implements the WHATWG HTML5 specification, and parses HTML to the same DOM as modern browsers do.

    URL: https://jsoup.org/

    Project Licenses: The MIT License

  • org.slf4j:jcl-over-slf4j:jar:1.7.29 (runtime) [Information]
    JCL 1.2 implemented over SLF4J

    Description: JCL 1.2 implemented over SLF4J

    URL: http://www.slf4j.org

    Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0

  • org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon-file:jar:3.4.3 (compile) [Information]
    Apache Maven Wagon :: Providers :: File Provider

    Description: Wagon provider that gets and puts artifacts using file system protocol

    URL: https://maven.apache.org/wagon/wagon-providers/wagon-file

    Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0

  • org.apache.maven.resolver:maven-resolver-connector-basic:jar:1.6.2 (compile) [Information]
    Maven Artifact Resolver Connector Basic

    Description: A repository connector implementation for repositories using URI-based layouts.

    URL: https://maven.apache.org/resolver/maven-resolver-connector-basic/

    Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0

  • org.apache.maven.resolver:maven-resolver-transport-wagon:jar:1.6.2 (compile) [Information]
    Maven Artifact Resolver Transport Wagon

    Description: A transport implementation based on Maven Wagon.

    URL: https://maven.apache.org/resolver/maven-resolver-transport-wagon/

    Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0

  • org.apache.maven:maven-slf4j-provider:jar:3.8.1 (compile) [Information]
    Maven SLF4J Simple Provider

    Description: Maven SLF4J provider based on SLF4J's simple provider, extended to support Maven styled colors for levels and stacktraces rendering.

    URL: https://maven.apache.org/ref/3.8.1/maven-slf4j-provider/

    Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0

  • org.fusesource.jansi:jansi:jar:1.17.1 (compile) [Information]

    Description: Jansi is a java library for generating and interpreting ANSI escape sequences.

    URL: http://fusesource.github.io/jansi/jansi

    Project Licenses: The Apache Software License, Version 2.0

  • junit:junit:jar:4.12 (test) [Information]

    Description: JUnit is a unit testing framework for Java, created by Erich Gamma and Kent Beck.

    URL: http://junit.org

    Project Licenses: Eclipse Public License 1.0

  • org.hamcrest:hamcrest-core:jar:1.3 (test) [Information]
    Hamcrest Core

    Description: This is the core API of hamcrest matcher framework to be used by third-party framework providers. This includes the a foundation set of matcher implementations for common operations.

    URL: https://github.com/hamcrest/JavaHamcrest/hamcrest-core

    Project Licenses: New BSD License

  • Licenses

    Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0: org.eclipse.sisu.inject, org.eclipse.sisu.plexus

    Apache Public License 2.0: Plexus Cipher: encryption/decryption Component, Plexus Security Dispatcher Component

    Eclipse Public License 1.0: JUnit

    MIT License: SLF4J API Module

    The MIT License: jsoup Java HTML Parser

    Apache License, Version 2.0: Apache Commons CLI, Apache Commons IO, Apache Commons Lang, Apache Maven Distribution, Apache Maven Shared Utils, Apache Maven Wagon :: API, Apache Maven Wagon :: Providers :: File Provider, Apache Maven Wagon :: Providers :: HTTP Provider, CDI APIs, JCL 1.2 implemented over SLF4J, Maven Artifact, Maven Artifact Resolver API, Maven Artifact Resolver Connector Basic, Maven Artifact Resolver Implementation, Maven Artifact Resolver Provider, Maven Artifact Resolver SPI, Maven Artifact Resolver Transport Wagon, Maven Artifact Resolver Utilities, Maven Builder Support, Maven Compat, Maven Core, Maven Embedder, Maven Model, Maven Model Builder, Maven Plugin API, Maven Repository Metadata Model, Maven SLF4J Simple Provider, Maven Settings, Maven Settings Builder, Plexus :: Component Annotations, Plexus Classworlds, Plexus Common Utilities, Plexus Interpolation API

    COMMON DEVELOPMENT AND DISTRIBUTION LICENSE (CDDL) Version 1.0: JSR-250 Common Annotations for the JavaTM Platform

    New BSD License: Hamcrest Core

    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0: Google Guice - Core Library, Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java, jansi, javax.inject

    Dependency File Details

    Filename Entries Classes Packages Java Version Debug Information guava-25.1-android.jar 2.6 MB guice-4.2.1-no_aop.jar 520.7 kB commons-cli-1.4.jar 53.8 kB commons-io-2.5.jar 208.7 kB jsr250-api-1.0.jar 5.8 kB cdi-api-1.0.jar 44.9 kB javax.inject-1.jar 2.5 kB junit-4.12.jar 314.9 kB commons-lang3-3.8.1.jar 501.9 kB maven-artifact-3.8.1.jar 57.8 kB maven-builder-support-3.8.1.jar 14.3 kB maven-compat-3.8.1.jar 288.3 kB maven-core-3.8.1.jar 633.5 kB maven-embedder-3.8.1.jar 98.1 kB maven-model-3.8.1.jar 215.4 kB maven-model-builder-3.8.1.jar 192.3 kB maven-plugin-api-3.8.1.jar 47 kB maven-repository-metadata-3.8.1.jar 27.2 kB maven-resolver-provider-3.8.1.jar 66.2 kB maven-settings-3.8.1.jar 44.3 kB maven-settings-builder-3.8.1.jar 42.1 kB maven-slf4j-provider-3.8.1.jar 23.8 kB maven-resolver-api-1.6.2.jar 149.2 kB maven-resolver-connector-basic-1.6.2.jar 45.7 kB maven-resolver-impl-1.6.2.jar 179.7 kB maven-resolver-spi-1.6.2.jar 38.4 kB maven-resolver-transport-wagon-1.6.2.jar 32.8 kB maven-resolver-util-1.6.2.jar 168.9 kB maven-shared-utils-3.2.1.jar 166.6 kB wagon-file-3.4.3.jar 11.4 kB wagon-http-3.4.3-shaded.jar 2.2 MB wagon-provider-api-3.4.3.jar 55.1 kB plexus-classworlds-2.6.0.jar 52.9 kB plexus-component-annotations-2.1.0.jar 4.2 kB plexus-interpolation-1.25.jar 85.3 kB plexus-utils-3.2.1.jar 261.8 kB org.eclipse.sisu.inject-0.3.4.jar 379.2 kB org.eclipse.sisu.plexus-0.3.4.jar 205.3 kB jansi-1.17.1.jar 283.9 kB hamcrest-core-1.3.jar 45 kB jsoup-1.12.1.jar 397.1 kB jcl-over-slf4j-1.7.29.jar 16.5 kB slf4j-api-1.7.29.jar 41.4 kB plexus-cipher-1.7.jar 13.4 kB plexus-sec-dispatcher-1.4.jar 27.7 kB Total Entries Classes Packages Java Version Debug Information 10.9 MB compile: 41 compile: 10.1 MB compile: 7399 compile: 6250 compile: 388 compile: 39 test: 2 test: 360 kB test: 375 test: 331 test: 33 test: 2 runtime: 2 runtime: 413.7 kB runtime: 287 runtime: 255 runtime: 9 runtime: 2