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Neo.ClientError.Security.Forbidden: Write operations are not allowed for user 'neo4j' with FULL restricted to READ.
Neo.ClientError.Security.Forbidden: Write operations are not allowed for user 'neo4j' with FULL restricted to READ.
opened this issue
May 7, 2018
I use Neo4j 3.3.5 and apoc-
I have installed the following triggers:
CALL apoc.trigger.add('RELATIONSHIP_INDEX_ADD_HAS_VALUE_ON', 'UNWIND {createdRelationships} AS r MATCH (d:Decision)-[r:HAS_VALUE_ON]->(ch:Characteristic) CALL apoc.index.addRelationship(r, keys(r)) RETURN count(*)', {phase:'after'});
CALL apoc.trigger.add('RELATIONSHIP_INDEX_REMOVE_HAS_VALUE_ON', \"UNWIND {deletedRelationships} AS r MATCH (d:Decision)-[r:HAS_VALUE_ON]->(ch:Characteristic) CALL apoc.index.removeRelationshipByName('HAS_VALUE_ON', r) RETURN count(*)\", {phase:'after'});
but when I try to access the index with the following query:
CALL apoc.index.relationships('HAS_VALUE_ON', 'property.1.4:"1"') YIELD start as childD
it fails with the following exception:
Neo.ClientError.Security.Forbidden: Write operations are not allowed for user 'neo4j' with FULL restricted to READ.
What am I doing wrong and how to fix it ?
Which user are you using there? And what permissions do they have?
tried with both a user I created myself (gave it admin), and then the neo4j user.
I did realise using APOC to run my cypher query wasn't needed in the end, so that's how I got to move forward..
I have the same issue wile calling apoc.jdbc.load within apoc.when. Even without writing anything.
Neo4j version is 3.5.19. apoc version