Department of Theory and Methodology of Translation and Interpreting, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
Department of Normal Education, Heilongjiang Agricultural Reclamation Vocational College, Harbin, China
Under the background of
Belt and Road
training top-class simultaneous interpreters becomes a focused topic. The purpose of this research is to draw the outline of SI history in China. To achieve this purpose we use descriptive-comparative approach to show the evolution of SI study in China. According to three historical stages we can discovery following changes: Chinese researchers gradually summarize experiences of interpreting practice, study foreign theories but keep exploring professional systems of training SI interpreters and researchers on the basis of unique Chinese characteristics. Through studying history we may came to the following conclusions: the development of SI history in China is mainly evolving on the path of complementation and modernization about
The Interpretive Theory of Translation
; cognitive psychology and psychological linguistics form the theoretic foundation of analyzing the mechanism about SI working memory; remote SI teaching during the epidemiological and post-epidemic era causes for concern; education informatization of interpreting under the background of artificial intelligence’s era is being on the rise; SI study in Russian language is gradually showing rising trend during the recent ten years. We can make a forecast for the further SI research: it is going on the road of digitization and intellectualization, which may cause deeper technological change.
SI History in China, Three Periods,
The Interpretive Theory of Translation
, Cognitive Psychology, Psychological Linguistics, SI Research in Russian Language, Digitization and Intellectualization
To cite this article
Wenjia Liu, Ruihong Ji. (2023). Analysis of History About Simultaneous Interpreting Research in China: Tradition and Modern.
International Journal of Education, Culture and Society
(4), 156-163.