  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接
Platform: Selenium IDE

You can use the SIDE Eyes eyes check commands to execute checkpoints, that is, to capture a screenshot from the current browser window and to send it to Eyes for matching.

There are three variations of this command:
  • eyes check window . This command captures the entire image in the browser or application window. If the content in the window is larger than the viewport, i.e., the content is scrollable, then the command captures multiple images, each at a different vertical and horizontal offset, and stitches them together, so that all the content is captured and one large image is sent to Eyes for processing.
  • eyes check region . With this command, you define a rectangular area on the screen that should be captured. You can enter the region numerically (in pixels) or using the mouse.
  • eyes check element . With this command, you provide a selector which selects an HTML element on the page. You can type in a selector , or you can select the element interactively using the mouse in the standard Selenium IDE way.
  • Each of these commands is described in more detail in the sections below.


    You can enter these commands and their parameters in the Selenium IDE command window, or from the SIDE Eyes icon at the top of the browser during a test recording.

    "All the check commands take a tag . This is any text. It should be descriptive describing what is being checked. The text appears in the Eyes Test Manager when the step associated with that checkpoint is displayed. The text does not need to be unique, it is not used by Eyes to identify this checkpoint, and you may change the text from one run to another. This parameter is optional; if you don't provide it, then the current URI is passed.

    eyes check window

    The eyes check window command captures an image of all the accessible content in the browser window. Note that this command looks at the largest element, and if necessary takes multiple images that it stitches together to obtain an image that includes all the content in the window.

    This command takes a single parameter, the tag.

    The size of the page is assumed to be constant and finite, i.e. you can't capture a window that is constantly growing, or where the application adds more content as you scroll downwards.

    eyes check region

    Use the eyes check region command to capture a region in the window. The region must be smaller than the viewport.

    The command takes two parameters. The first parameter defines the rectangular region. You may enter this parameter interactively by clicking on the select target button , dragging a region and clicking Confirm . You can also enter the values that define the rectangular area as follows:

    x: 296, y: 243, width: 256, height: 128

    The second parameter is the tag which is displayed in Eyes Test Manager .

    eyes check element

    Use the eyes check element when you want to limit the visual test to the enclosing rectangle of an element.

    The command takes two parameters. The first parameter is an element locator. You may enter the locator textually as defined in the Selenium IDE documentation or select the element this parameter interactively by clicking on the select target button , and selecting an element.

    The second parameter is the tag which is displayed in Eyes Test Manager .