Study participants
This cross-sectional, observational, and descriptive study complied with the Declaration of Helsinki (1996), the Nuremberg Code (1947), the guidelines of the National Health Council on research involving humans (Resolution 466/12), and our Institutional Review Board Ethics Committee. All subjects gave their informed written consent before enrolling in the study.
The inclusion criteria required each subject to be a consenting adult (≥ 18 years) and have healthy eyes. The exclusion criteria were: diabetes mellitus, serious chronic systemic disease, previous brain surgery, ocular surgery, ocular diseases capable of affecting the retina, choroid or optic nerve (retinopathies, uveitis, optic neuropathies or abnormalities), high myopia (axial length > 26.5 or spherical refraction <-6 diopters), high hypermetropia (spherical refraction > + 6 diopters) and cylinder refraction > ± 3 diopters, intraocular pressure > 21 mmHg, media opacity compromising the quality OCT/OCTA scans (corneal opacities, nuclear opalescence > 2 according to the Lens Opacities Classification System III, and vitreous opacities), and best-corrected visual acuity (VA) worse than 20/30.
Ophthalmological examination and OCTA image acquisition
All patients underwent a complete ophthalmological examination, including VA evaluation, slit-lamp biomicroscopy, Goldman applanation tonometry, fundoscopy, OCT and OCTA, and ocular biometry for axial length measurement, if necessary (IOL Master 500; Carl Zeiss Meditec, Germany). After the VA measurements, the pupils were dilated with 1% tropicamide eye drops to perform a complete fundus examination and to acquire high-quality OCT scans. Spectral-domain OCT scans were acquired using the Spectralis® OCT module (Heidelberg Engineering, GmbH, Heidelberg, Germany). Macular and peripapillary scans were acquired using predetermined automatic real-time tracking (ART) for each type of acquisition, with a quality index of at least 25. Images with many artifacts due to movement, projection, duplicated vessels, or distortions were repeated and all scans were manually reviewed to ensure adequate segmentation.
The macular protocol consisted of a 10º x 10º, 15º x 15º, or 20º x 20º OCTA scan (512 A-scans/B-scan and 512 B-scans/volume) centered on the fovea. The foveal center was manually determined and confirmed by checking the OCT B-scans acquired with the OCTA scanning protocol. The optic nerve head protocol consisted of a 15º x 15º OCTA scan (512 A-scans/B-scan and 512 B-scans/ volume) centered on the optic disc. En face OCTA images of the superficial vascular complex (SVC) and deep vascular complex (DVC) were generated using the automatic retinal layer segmentation of the Spectralis® software. The upper and lower limits of the SVC were the internal limiting membrane and a point 17 μm above the lower edge of the inner plexiform layer, respectively. Similarly, the upper and lower limits of the DVC were a point 17 μm above the lower edge of the inner plexiform layer and the extremity of the outer plexiform layer, respectively.
Qualitative protocol
Two masked examiners reviewed all images independently. Scans were excluded in the presence of any of the following: (i) insufficient resolution, (ii) weak local signal caused by artifacts such as visual floaters, (iii) residual motion artifacts visible as irregular vessel patterns or disc boundaries in the en face angiogram, and (iv) off-centered fovea. Discrepancies between the two reviewers were resolved by consensus or adjudication by an experienced third reviewer.
We also reviewed the literature for a brief discussion on OCTA imaging processes, including the physical principles and algorithms of Heidelberg OCTA. Pubmed and Google Scholar were searched for quantitative microvascular OCTA analyses, automated and manual thresholding algorithms for macular and peripapillary OCTA, objective OCTA-based evaluations of the size and shape of the foveal avascular zone (FAZ) in normal subjects, and OCTA studies employing the ‘Level Sets’ macro (a plug-in used to progressively evaluate differences between adjacent pixels; available at
Most available software segregates the retinal vasculature into a ‘superficial slab’ and a ‘deep slab’ slab. Several field-of-view options may be provided, but as the field of view increases, the resolution of the scan decreases since the same number of A-scans are being used to scan a larger area. The predefined retinal slabs shown in the output images may be analyzed quantitatively with external software. Unfortunately, measuring and quality control methods have not been standardized, making it difficult to compare studies, and metric calculations vary from study to study. Recent studies have compared different methods of assessing capillary density and morphology [
]. OCTA scans acquired for quantitative analysis are highly dependent on image processing. Pioneering studies proposed the best thresholds to intra-class correlation coefficients between consecutive OCTA measurements. Our group has proposed a Heidelberg OCTA-based automated quantification method for the assessment of retinal vasculature in healthy subjects, standardizing and streamlining analysis by processing images from multiple patients with a single command. The method of quantitative analysis is described step by step below, followed by a discussion on the methods employed in previous studies.
OCTA image processing
En face OCTA images were used to calculate the FAZ and the vascular density of all complexes (macular SVC and DVC, and peripapillary SVC) using ImageJ (National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USA; available at
). OCTA reports of macular SVC (mSVC) and macular DVC (mDVC) were exported in TIFF format, centered on the fovea, and cropped to 962 × 962 pixels (Fig.
A, B). Subsequently, the images were binarized to black and white and Otsu’s thresholding method 10 was used for vascular density analysis (Fig.
C). The white pixels were considered vessels and the overall density was calculated by dividing the vessel area by the total area of interest, expressed according to the sector (superior, inferior, nasal, and temporal). We developed a macro (sequence of commands and functions stored in a file module, serving as a shortcut) for the analysis of mSVC and mDVC in multiple OCTA images captured using different fields of view (macro files are available in a public repository—see Data availability statement). The FAZ of the mSVC and mDVC were delimited automatically (Fig.
D) and segmented (Fig.
E) from the cropped macular OCTA image (Fig.
B) using the Level Sets macro, which automatically measures and outputs the FAZ metrics (area, perimeter, and circularity).
We created another macro to analyze FAZ of the SVC and DVC of multiple OCTA images in different fields of view (macro files are available in a public repository—see Data availability statement). OCTA reports of peripapillary SVC (pSVC) were exported from OCT in TIFF format, centered on the optic nerve head, and cropped to 938 × 938 pixels (Fig.
A, B). As with macular OCTA images, the cropped peripapillary OCTA images were binarized with Otsu’s thresholding algorithm for vascular density analysis (Fig.
C). The pSVC analysis was based on an annular area of 1.7 mm internal diameter and 3.4 mm external diameter centered on the optic nerve head (Fig.
D). The pSVC ring was analyzed concerning total average (360º) and sectors (inferior 80°, superior 80°, nasal 110°, temporal 90°), corresponding to the sectors of the peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layers. We also created an automated macro to analyze the 15° x 15° pSVC. The macro files are available for download (macro files are available in a public repository—see Data availability statement).
Data analysis and statistics
The descriptive statistics included mean ± standard deviation (SD) for normally distributed variables. The Shapiro-Wilk test was used to assess normality.