  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接
Package org.springframework.web.servlet.config.annotation

Class ResourceHandlerRegistration

public class ResourceHandlerRegistration extends Object
Encapsulates information required to create a resource handler.
Rossen Stoyanchev, Keith Donald, Brian Clozel
Add one or more resource locations from which to serve static content.
Configure locations to serve static resources from based on pre-resolved Resource references.
protected String []
Return the URL path patterns for the resource handler.
Return a ResourceHttpRequestHandler instance.
resourceChain (boolean cacheResources)
Configure a chain of resource resolvers and transformers to use.
resourceChain (boolean cacheResources, Cache cache)
Configure a chain of resource resolvers and transformers to use.
Specify the CacheControl which should be used by the resource handler.
Specify the cache period for the resources served by the resource handler, in seconds.
Configure a generator function that will be used to create the ETag information, given a Resource that is about to be written to the response.
setOptimizeLocations (boolean optimizeLocations)
Set whether to optimize the specified locations through an existence check on startup, filtering non-existing directories upfront so that they do not have to be checked on every resource access.
setUseLastModified (boolean useLastModified)
Set whether the Resource.lastModified() information should be used to drive HTTP responses.


public ResourceHandlerRegistration ( String ... pathPatterns)
pathPatterns - one or more resource URL path patterns


public ResourceHandlerRegistration addResourceLocations ( String ... locations)
Add one or more resource locations from which to serve static content. Each location must point to a valid directory. Multiple locations may be specified as a comma-separated list, and the locations will be checked for a given resource in the order specified.

For example, { "/" , "classpath:/META-INF/public-web-resources/" } allows resources to be served both from the web application root and from any JAR on the classpath that contains a /META-INF/public-web-resources/ directory, with resources in the web application root taking precedence.

For URL-based resources (e.g. files, HTTP URLs, etc) this method supports a special prefix to indicate the charset associated with the URL so that relative paths appended to it can be encoded correctly, e.g. [charset=Windows-31J]https://example.org/path .

the same ResourceHandlerRegistration instance, for chained method invocation


public ResourceHandlerRegistration addResourceLocations ( Resource ... locations)
Configure locations to serve static resources from based on pre-resolved Resource references.
locations - the resource locations to use
the same ResourceHandlerRegistration instance, for chained method invocation


public ResourceHandlerRegistration setCachePeriod ( Integer cachePeriod)
Specify the cache period for the resources served by the resource handler, in seconds. The default is to not send any cache headers but to rely on last-modified timestamps only. Set to 0 in order to send cache headers that prevent caching, or to a positive number of seconds to send cache headers with the given max-age value.
cachePeriod - the time to cache resources in seconds
the same ResourceHandlerRegistration instance, for chained method invocation


public ResourceHandlerRegistration setCacheControl ( CacheControl cacheControl)
Specify the CacheControl which should be used by the resource handler.

Setting a custom value here will override the configuration set with setCachePeriod(java.lang.Integer) .

cacheControl - the CacheControl configuration to use
the same ResourceHandlerRegistration instance, for chained method invocation


public ResourceHandlerRegistration setUseLastModified (boolean useLastModified)
Set whether the Resource.lastModified() information should be used to drive HTTP responses.

This configuration is set to true by default.

useLastModified - whether the "last modified" resource information should be used
the same ResourceHandlerRegistration instance, for chained method invocation
See Also:
  • ResourceHttpRequestHandler.setUseLastModified(boolean)
  • setEtagGenerator

    Configure a generator function that will be used to create the ETag information, given a Resource that is about to be written to the response.

    This function should return a String that will be used as an argument in ServerWebExchange.checkNotModified(String) , or null if no value can be generated for the given resource.

    etagGenerator - the HTTP ETag generator function to use.
    See Also:
  • ResourceHttpRequestHandler.setEtagGenerator(Function)
  • setOptimizeLocations

    public ResourceHandlerRegistration setOptimizeLocations (boolean optimizeLocations)
    Set whether to optimize the specified locations through an existence check on startup, filtering non-existing directories upfront so that they do not have to be checked on every resource access.

    The default is false , for defensiveness against zip files without directory entries which are unable to expose the existence of a directory upfront. Switch this flag to true for optimized access in case of a consistent jar layout with directory entries.

    optimizeLocations - whether to optimize the locations through an existence check on startup
    the same ResourceHandlerRegistration instance, for chained method invocation
    See Also:
  • ResourceHttpRequestHandler.setOptimizeLocations(boolean)
  • resourceChain

    public ResourceChainRegistration resourceChain (boolean cacheResources)
    Configure a chain of resource resolvers and transformers to use. This can be useful, for example, to apply a version strategy to resource URLs.

    If this method is not invoked, by default only a simple PathResourceResolver is used in order to match URL paths to resources under the configured locations.

    cacheResources - whether to cache the result of resource resolution; setting this to "true" is recommended for production (and "false" for development, especially when applying a version strategy)
    the same ResourceHandlerRegistration instance, for chained method invocation


    public ResourceChainRegistration resourceChain (boolean cacheResources, Cache cache)
    Configure a chain of resource resolvers and transformers to use. This can be useful, for example, to apply a version strategy to resource URLs.

    If this method is not invoked, by default only a simple PathResourceResolver is used in order to match URL paths to resources under the configured locations.

    cacheResources - whether to cache the result of resource resolution; setting this to "true" is recommended for production (and "false" for development, especially when applying a version strategy
    cache - the cache to use for storing resolved and transformed resources; by default a ConcurrentMapCache is used. Since Resources aren't serializable and can be dependent on the application host, one should not use a distributed cache but rather an in-memory cache.
    the same ResourceHandlerRegistration instance, for chained method invocation