I have a simple class that fetches all the attached printers to a Linux system (with CUPS).
It returns, correctly, list of three printers.
PrintService[] printerServiceList;
printerServiceList = PrintServiceLookup.lookupPrintServices(null, null);
for (int i = 0; i < printerServiceList.length; i++) {
None of the three printers are physically attached to the Linux server.
If I fire a print to Printer1 or Printer2, the jobs just remain in the queue. However, if I fire print to Printer3, +strange+ thing happens.
*The above PrintServiceLookup code stops returning Printer2 and Printer3. It just lists Printer1 as the avilable print service.*
CUPS still shows all the three printers as available. (Restart of the VM does not help - same behavior, lists only 1 printer).
The main difference between Printer1, 2 and Printer3 is that the DeviceURI of Printer1 and Printer2 are
While the deviceURI of the Printer3 is
If I remove Printer3 from the printers on CUPS, everything works fine after it.
Also, if I just change the deviceURI of Printer3 to socket://... it starts behaving normally. (Of cource, I cannot do this).
What is happening here? Why is lpd causing that printer and an unrelated Printer2 not to be return by the print API? I would tend to believe that it is a Java API bug.
Any pointers or work-arounds would be really appreciated.
Edited by: jaswinder_singh on Nov 10, 2009 12:27 AM