Hot Chocolate has a data integration for MongoDB. With this integration, you can translate paging, filtering, sorting, and projections, directly into native MongoDB queries.
You can find a example project in Hot Chocolate Examples
Get Started
To use the MongoDB integration, you need to install the package
dotnet add package HotChocolate.Data.MongoDb
packages need to have the same version.
The whole integration builds around
The integration provides you the extension method
The execution engine picks up the
and executes it efficiently.
You are free to use any form of aggregation or find a pipeline before you execute
[UsePaging][UseProjection][UseSorting][UseFiltering]public IExecutable<Person> GetPersons([Service] IMongoCollection<Person> collection){ return collection.AsExecutable();}
[UseFirstOrDefault]public IExecutable<Person> GetPersonById( [Service] IMongoCollection<Person> collection, Guid id){ return collection.Find(x => x.Id == id).AsExecutable();}
To use MongoDB filtering you need to register the convention on the schema builder:
services .AddGraphQLServer() .AddQueryType<Query>() .AddMongoDbFiltering();
To use MongoDB filtering alongside with
, you have to register the MongoDB convention under a different scope. You can specify the scope on the schema builder by executingAddMongoDbFiltering("yourScope")
. You then have to specify this scope on each method you use MongoDb filtering:[UseFiltering(Scope = "yourScope")]
orUseFiltering(scope = "yourScope")
Your filters are now converted to
s and applied to the executable.
GraphQL Query:
query GetPersons { persons( where: { name: { eq: "Yorker Shorton" } addresses: { some: { street: { eq: "04 Leroy Trail" } } } } ) { name addresses { street city } }}
Mongo Query
{ "find": "person", "filter": { "Name": { "$eq": "Yorker Shorton" }, "Addresses": { "$elemMatch": { "Street": { "$eq": "04 Leroy Trail" } } } }}
To use MongoDB sorting you need to register the convention on the schema builder:
services .AddGraphQLServer() .AddQueryType<Query>() .AddMongoDbSorting();
To use MongoDB Sorting alongside with
, you have to register the MongoDB convention under a different scope. You can specify the scope on the schema builder by executingAddMongoDbSorting("yourScope")
. You then have to specify this scope on each method you use MongoDb Sorting:[UseSorting(Scope = "yourScope")]
orUseSorting(scope = "yourScope")
Your sorting is now converted to
s and applied to the executable.
GraphQL Query:
query GetPersons { persons(order: [{ name: ASC }, { mainAddress: { city: DESC } }]) { name addresses { street city } }}
Mongo Query
{ "find": "person", "filter": {}, "sort": { "Name": 1, "MainAddress.City": -1 }}
To use MongoDB projections you need to register the convention on the schema builder:
services .AddGraphQLServer() .AddQueryType<Query>() .AddMongoDbProjections();
To use MongoDB Projections alongside with
, you have to register the MongoDB convention under a different scope. You can specify the scope on the schema builder by executingAddMongoDbProjections("yourScope")
. You then have to specify this scope on each method you use MongoDb Projections:[UseProjections(Scope = "yourScope")]
orUseProjections(scope = "yourScope")
Projections do not always lead to a performance increase. Even though MongoDB processes and transfers less data, it more often than not harms query performance. This Medium article by Tek Loon explains how and when to use projections well.
GraphQL Query:
query GetPersons { persons { name addresses { city } }}
Mongo Query
{ "find": "person", "filter": {}, "projection": { "Addresses.City": 1, "Name": 1 }}
In order to use pagination with MongoDB, we have to register the MongoDB specific pagination providers.
services .AddGraphQLServer() .AddMongoDbPagingProviders();
Learn more about pagination providers
Cursor Pagination
To use cursor based pagination annotate you resolver with
[UsePaging]public IExecutable<Person> GetPersons([Service] IMongoCollection<Person> collection){ return collection.AsExecutable();}
You can then execute queries like the following one:
query GetPersons { persons(first: 50, after: "OTk=") { nodes { name addresses { city } } pageInfo { endCursor hasNextPage hasPreviousPage startCursor } }}