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I have some XML files from another system and I want to be able to process the data therein. The readstruct function mostly fits the bill, but all the date/time fields get filled with "NaT" values because the input format isn't what datetime() expects and the Locale options aren't good enough. In particular, the input fomat is 'HH:mm:ss MM/dd/yyyy' which is I guess backwards from what datetime wants. The best option would be to add a "DateInputFormat" keyword to readstruct() that got passed as "InputFormat" to datetime(). Any other options?
Thanks for reporting this.
There is an undocumented " DetectTypes " parameter on readstruct . Enabling this will read all XML nodes as either string s or missing values. This might help work around the issue for you.
>> type ans.xml
<B>11:12:13 10/15/2022</B>
>> S = readstruct( "ans.xml" , DetectTypes=false)
S =
struct with fields:
B: "11:12:13 10/15/2022"
Please note that this is an undocumented parameter, and may change in a future release.

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