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  • niccoli: Matteo Niccoli's perceptually uniform colormaps
  • ocean: Oceanography perceptually uniform colormaps
  • pal.bands: Show palettes and colormaps as colored bands
  • pal.channels: Show the red, green, blue, gray amount in colors of a palette
  • pal.cluster: Show a palette with hierarchical clustering
  • pal.compress: Compress a colormap function to fewer colors
  • pal.csf: Show a colormap with a Campbell-Robson Contrast Sensitivity...
  • pal.cube: Show one palette/colormap in three dimensional RGB or LUV...
  • pal.dist: Measure the pointwise distance between two palettes
  • pal.heatmap: Show a palette/colormap with a random heatmap
  • pal.heatmap2: Show palettes/colormaps with comparison heatmaps
  • pal.map: Show a palette using a map of U.S. counties
  • pal.maxdist: Measure the maximum distance between two palettes
  • pals: pals: A package for comprehensive palettes and palette...
  • pal.safe: Show a palette/colormap for black/white and colorblind safety
  • pal.scatter: Show a colormap with a scatterplot
  • pal.sineramp: Show a colormap with a sineramp
  • pal.test: Show a colormap with multiple images
  • pal.volcano: Show a colormap with a surface of volcano elevation
  • pal.zcurve: Show a colormap with a space-filling z-curve
  • penobscot: Seismic data horizon offshore of Nova Scotia.
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  • # colors_discrete.R
    # Time-stamp: <25 Sep 2018 16:50:20 c:/x/rpack/pals/R/colors_discrete.R>
    #' Discrete palettes
    #' Color palettes designed for discrete, categorical data with a small number of
    #' categories.
    #' The \code{alphabet} palette has 26 distinguishable colors that have logical names
    #' starting with the English alphabet letters A, B, ... Z.
    #' This palette is based on the work by Green-Armytage (2010), but uses the
    #' names 'orange' instead of 'orpiment', and 'magenta' instead of 'mallow'. 
    #' The \code{alphabet2} palette uses a similar idea with slightly different colors
    #' and slightly different names.  This palette comes from the Polychrome package,
    #' generated with the \code{createPalette} function and then manually
    #' arranged and named.
    #' The \code{cols25} palette was created experimentally by Wright (unpublished)
    #' to create a set of colors that are distinct.
    #' The \code{glasbey} palette by Glasbey et al (2007) has 32 colors that are
    #' maximally distinct. Glasbey has 'white' as the second color, but in this
    #' version of the palette, the color 'white' is moved to the end, and is
    #' actually light-gray, #F2F3F4.
    #' The \code{kelly} palette of 22 colors maximize the contrast
    #' between colors in a set if the colors are chosen in sequential order.
    #' Kelly paid attention to the needs of people with color blindness.  The
    #' first nine colors work well for such people and people with normal vision.
    #' Kelly did not provide RGB color values, and the paper was in black-and-white.
    #' A color image of the Kelly palette can be found in Green-Armytage (2010).
    #' The color 'white' has been re-defined as light-gray, #F2F3F4.
    #' Commentary: We think the kelly palette has an over-abundance of orange-ish
    #' colors, the purples are not very distinct, color 22 (olive green) is almost
    #' identical to color 2 (black), etc.  Trubetskoy says "towards the bottom of
    #'  Kelly's list things get complicated. The orange yellow, purplish red,
    #'  yellowish brown and reddish orange all seemed to blend together".
    #' The \code{okabe} palette was design to be (1) clear for both colorblind and
    #' non-colorblind people, (2) vividly colored, and (3) good for screen and printed.
    #' The color-blind simulation tools in R suggest this palette is not as useful
    #' as hoped.
    #' The \code{polychrome} palette is also from the Polychrome package.
    #' Colors were given a name from the ISCC-NBS standard.
    #' The \code{stepped} palette has 24 colors (5 hues, 4 levels within each hue, plus
    #' 4 shades of gray) that is useful for showing varying levels within categories.
    #' Inspired by (http://geog.uoregon.edu/datagraphics/color_scales.htm), but in
    #' order to better separate these colors in RGB space, red hue 0 was moved to hue 350,
    #' green hue 80 moved to hue 90. The number of colors within each hue was reduced
    #' from 5 to 4, and gray shades were added.
    #' \code{stepped2} and \code{stepped3} are from the 'vega' package
    #' https://github.com/vega/vega/wiki/Scales.
    #' The \code{tableau20} palette has 10 pairs of dark/light colors that are used by
    #' the Tableau software.
    #' The \code{trubetskoy} palette as 20 colors, plus black and white.
    #' The colors are designed to be easily distinguishable, tastefully luminant,
    #' intuitively named, supplied with RGB colors.
    #' https://sashamaps.net/docs/resources/20-colors/
    #' The \code{tol} palette has 12 colors by Paul Tol.
    #' The \code{watlington} palette has 16 colors.
    #' The color 'white' has been re-defined as light-gray, #F2F3F4.
    #' @param n Number of colors to return.
    #' @return A vector of colors as hex strings.
    #' @author Palette colors by various authors. R code by Kevin Wright.
    #' @examples
    #' pal.bands(alphabet, alphabet2, cols25, glasbey, kelly, okabe, polychrome,
    #'   tableau20, tol, watlington)
    #' pal.bands(stepped, stepped2, stepped3)
    #' pal.bands(tol.groundcover)
    #' \dontrun{
    #' alphabet()
    #' alphabet()["jade"]
    #' pal.bands(alphabet,n=26)
    #' pal.heatmap(alphabet)
    #' # pal.cube(alphabet)
    #' pal.heatmap(alphabet2)
    #' pal.heatmap(cols25)
    #' pal.heatmap(glasbey())
    #' # pal.cube(glasbey, n=32) # Blues are close together
    #' pal.heatmap(kelly()) # too many orange/pink colors
    #' pal.safe(okabe()) # not great
    #' pal.heatmap(polychrome)
    #' pal.heatmap(stepped, n=24)
    #' pal.heatmap(stepped2, n=20)
    #' pal.heatmap(stepped3, n=20)
    #' pal.heatmap(tol, 12)
    #' pal.heatmap(watlington(16))
    #' @references
    #' Robert M. Boynton. (1989)
    #' Eleven Colors That Are Almost Never Confused. 
    #' Proc. SPIE 1077, \emph{Human Vision, Visual Processing, and Digital Display}, 322-332.
    #' http://doi.org/10.1117/12.952730
    #' Kevin R. Coombes (2016). Polychrome.
    #' https://rdrr.io/rforge/Polychrome/man/alphabet.html
    #' Chris Glasbey, Gerie van der Heijden, Vivian F. K. Toh, Alision Gray (2007).
    #' Colour Displays for Categorical Images.
    #' \emph{Color Research and Application}, 32, 304-309.
    #' http://doi.org/10.1002/col.20327
    #' P. Green-Armytage (2010): A Colour Alphabet and the Limits of Colour Coding.
    #' \emph{Colour: Design & Creativity} (5) (2010): 10, 1-23.
    #' www.aic-color.org/journal/v5/jaic_v5_06.pdf
    #' K. Kelly (1965): Twenty-two colors of maximum contrast.
    #' \emph{Color Eng}., 3(6), 1965.
    #' http://www.iscc.org/pdf/PC54_1724_001.pdf
    #' Masataka Okabe and Kei Ito (2002).
    #' Color Universal Design (CUD) - How to make figures and presentations
    #' that are friendly to Colorblind people.
    #' http://jfly.iam.u-tokyo.ac.jp/color/
    #' Paul Tol (2012). Color Schemes. SRON technical note, SRON/EPS/TN/09-002.
    #' https://personal.sron.nl/~pault/
    #' Sasha Trubetskoy (2017). List of 20 Simple, Distinct Colors.
    #' https://sashamaps.net/docs/resources/20-colors/
    #' John Watlington.
    #' An Optimum 16 Color Palette.
    #' http://alumni.media.mit.edu/~wad/color/palette.html
    #' Color Schemes Appropriate for Scientific Data Graphics
    #' http://geog.uoregon.edu/datagraphics/color_scales.htm
    #' @name discrete
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #' @export
    #' @rdname discrete
    alphabet <- function(n=26) {
      if(n > 26){
        message("Only 26 colors are available with 'alphabet'")
        n <- 26
      pal <- c("#F0A0FF","#0075DC","#993F00","#4C005C","#191919","#005C31",
      names(pal) <- c("amethyst","blue","caramel","damson","ebony","forest",
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #' @export
    #' @rdname discrete
    alphabet2 <- function(n=26) {
      if(n > 26){
        message("Only 26 colors are available with 'alphabet2'")
        n <- 26
      pal <- c("#AA0DFE", "#3283FE", "#85660D", "#782AB6", "#565656", 
               "#1C8356", "#16FF32", "#F7E1A0", "#E2E2E2", "#1CBE4F",
               "#C4451C", "#DEA0FD", "#FE00FA", "#325A9B", "#FEAF16",
               "#F8A19F", "#90AD1C", "#F6222E", "#1CFFCE", "#2ED9FF",
               "#B10DA1", "#C075A6", "#FC1CBF", "#B00068", "#FBE426",
      names(pal) <- c("amethyst", "blue", "caramel", "damson", "ebony",
                      "forest", "green", "honey", "iron", "jade",
                      "kingcrab", "lavender", "magenta", "navy",
                      "orange", "pink", "quagmire", "red", "sea",
                      "turquoise", "ultraviolet", "violet", "wine",
                      "xanthin", "yellow", "zinnia")
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #' @export
    #' @rdname discrete
    cols25 <- function(n=25) {
      if(n > 25) {
        message("Only 25 colors are available with 'cols25'.")
        n <- 25
      ## rgb(31,120,200,maxColorValue=255), # "#1f78b4",
      ## "#ff0000", # red
      ## "#33a02c",
      ## rgb(106,51,194,maxColorValue=255), # "#6a3d9a", # mauve
      ## "#ff7f00",
      ## "#565656",
      ## rgb(255,215,0,maxColorValue=255), # "gold1",
      ## "#a6cee3",
      ## rgb(251,100,150,maxColorValue=255), # "#FB9A99", # lt pink
      ## "#b2df8a",
      ## "#CAB2D6", # lt purple
      ## "#FDBF6F", # lt orange
      ## rgb(153, 153, 153, maxColorValue=255), # "gray60",
      ## rgb(238, 230, 133, maxColorValue=255), # "khaki2",
      ## rgb(200,48,140,maxColorValue=255), #"maroon",
      ## rgb(255,131, 250, maxColorValue=255), # "orchid1",
      ## rgb(200,20,250,maxColorValue=255), # "#ff0ac8", # deeppink1
      ## rgb(0, 0, 255, maxColorValue=255), # "blue1",
      ## rgb(54, 100, 139, maxColorValue=255), # "steelblue4",
      ## rgb(0,226,229,maxColorValue=255), # "darkturquoise",
      ## rgb(0, 255, 0, maxColorValue=255), # "green1",
      ## rgb(119,139,0,maxColorValue=255), # "yellow4",
      ## rgb(190,190,0,maxColorValue=255), #"yellow3",
      ## rgb(139,59,0,maxColorValue=255), # "darkorange4",
      ## rgb(165,42,60,maxColorValue=255) # "brown"
      pal <- c("#1F78C8","#ff0000","#33a02c","#6A33C2","#ff7f00","#565656",
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #' @export
    #' @rdname discrete
    glasbey <- function(n=32) {
      if(n > 32) {
        message("Only 32 colors are available with 'glasbey'.")
        n <- 32
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #' @export
    #' @rdname discrete
    kelly <- function(n=22) {
      if(n > 22) {
        message("Only 22 colors are available with 'kelly'.")
        n <- 22
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #' @export
    #' @rdname discrete
    polychrome <- function(n=36){
      if(n > 36) {
        message("Only 36 colors are available with 'polychrome'.")
        n <- 36
      pal <- c("#5A5156", "#E4E1E3", "#F6222E", "#FE00FA", "#16FF32", 
               "#3283FE", "#FEAF16", "#B00068", "#1CFFCE", "#90AD1C", "#2ED9FF", 
               "#DEA0FD", "#AA0DFE", "#F8A19F", "#325A9B", "#C4451C", "#1C8356", 
               "#85660D", "#B10DA1", "#FBE426", "#1CBE4F", "#FA0087", "#FC1CBF", 
               "#F7E1A0", "#C075A6", "#782AB6", "#AAF400", "#BDCDFF", "#822E1C", 
               "#B5EFB5", "#7ED7D1", "#1C7F93", "#D85FF7", "#683B79", "#66B0FF", 
      names(pal) <- c("Dark_Purplish_Gray", "Purplish_White", 
                      "Vivid_Red", "Vivid_Purple", "Vivid_Yellowish_Green", "Strong_Purplish_Blue", 
                      "Vivid_Orange_Yellow", "Vivid_Purplish_Red", "Brilliant_Green", 
                      "Vivid_Yellow_Green", "Vivid_Blue", "Brilliant_Purple", "Vivid_Violet", 
                      "Strong_Pink", "Strong_Blue", "Strong_Reddish_Orange", "Vivid_Green", 
                      "Light_Olive_Brown", "Vivid_Reddish_Purple", "Vivid_Greenish_Yellow", 
                      "Vivid_Yellowish_Green", "Vivid_Red", "Vivid_Purplish_Red", "Pale_Yellow", 
                      "Strong_Reddish_Purple", "Vivid_Violet", "Vivid_Yellow_Green", 
                      "Very_Light_Blue", "Strong_Reddish_Brown", "Very_Light_Yellowish_Green", 
                      "Very_Light_Bluish_Green", "Deep_Greenish_Blue", "Vivid_Purple", 
                      "Deep_Purple", "Brilliant_Blue", "Vivid_Violet")
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #' @export
    #' @rdname discrete
    stepped <- function(n=24) {
      if(n > 24) {
        message("Only 24 colors are available with 'stepped'")
        n <- 24
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #' @export
    #' @rdname discrete
    stepped2 <- function(n=20) {
      if(n > 20) {
        message("Only 20 colors are available with 'stepped2'.")
        n <- 20
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #' @export
    #' @rdname discrete
    stepped3 <- function(n=20) {
      if(n > 20) {
        message("Only 20 colors are available with 'stepped3'.")
        n <- 20
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #' @export
    #' @rdname discrete
    okabe <- function(n=8) {
      if(n > 8) {
        message("Only 8 colors are available with 'okabe'.")
        n <- 8
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #' @export
    #' @rdname discrete
    tableau20 = function(n=20) {
      if(n > 20) {
        message("Only 20 colors are available with 'tableau20'.")
        n <- 20
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #' @export
    #' @rdname discrete
    tol <- function(n=12) {
      if(n > 12){
        message("Only 12 colors are available with 'tol'")
        n <- 12
    #' @export
    #' @rdname discrete
    tol.groundcover <- function(n=14){
      if(n > 14) {
         message("Only 14 colors are available with 'tol.groundcover'")
        n <- 14
      pal <- c("#5566AA","#117733","#44AA66","#55AA22","#668822","#99BB55","#558877",
      names(pal) <- c("water","evergreen needleleaf forest","deciduous needleleaf forest",
                      "mixed forest","evergreen broadleaf forest", "deciduous broadleaf forest","woodland",
                      "wooded grassland","grassland","cropland","closed shrubland",
                      "open shrubland","bare ground","urban and built")
    #' @export
    #' @rdname discrete
    trubetskoy <- function(n=22){
      if(n > 22){
        message("Only 22 colors are available with 'trubetskoy'")
        n <- 26
      pal <- c("#e6194b","#3cb44b","#ffe119","#4363d8","#f58231",
      names(pal) <- c("red","green","yellow","blue","orange",
                      "teal","lavender","brown","beige", "maroon",
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #' @export
    #' @rdname discrete
    watlington <- function(n=16) {
      if(n > 16) {
        message("Only 16 colors are available with 'watlington'.")
        n <- 16