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Does PEGA allows importing process models from a modelling tool like Visio, ARIS etc.?

We've received the question from a potential client who wants to know if it's possible to import /export process models using PEGA?

***Edited by Moderator Marije to add Capability tags***
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@delee As @MarijeSchillern mentioned the import/export of BPM process is not supported.

I would like to know the client's intent or need for this capability.

As you might already be aware, Pega Infinity has a rich Case Designer. Citizen developers or Business uses can collaborate and design micro-journeys/workflows using this designer.

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@MarijeSchillern thanks for your reply and links. The link in the mailthread for import business process model is not working .


I would be more interesting to get recent information from PEGA regarding the import and export support for new customers who want to import or export process models to/from Pega. The information is outdated so just wondering if there's more accurate information provided by Pega such as guidelines, best practices, etc...

@delee there is no OOTB method currently.  Our Pega documentation points users to Business Process Modelling .  There is an old support article from 2016 called Is it possible to import BPMN 2.0 files into PRPC? which confirms Pega does not currently support importing BPMN 2.0.

I found other posts BPMN flow import , Import Oracle BPM flow PEGA Import of BPMN 2.0 (Sparx Enterprise Architect) and BPMN for Pega 7 .

The SME has confirmed that there are no plans to support Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN 2.0) industry standard yet.

@delee the question as to what file formats are (or aren't) supported to be imported into Pega is a bit besides the point, in my opinion. It would be great if you could ingest the latest BPMN format into Pega, but where does that get you? Several years ago, I was involved in a large corporate effort to import thousands of ProVision business models into Pega. While we were eventually successful ingesting models in CIF format the results was just thousands of flow rules in Pega. Now what? Everyone who's ever worked in Pega knows that flows are but a small component of BPM. At Pega, the case is at the heart of the application. Case types are organized hierarchically, i.e. the main case usually has child cases that are created at certain events. Every case type is defined as a series of steps and stages; every step represents a sub-flow. Flows, in turn, have flow shapes such as assignments, decision steps, utility steps, connectors, and a dozen more. Assignments have routers (determining who is going to perform the step), as well as SLA's and can have multiple outcomes. Most importantly, assignments are associated with harnesses and sections, the building blocks of the Pega UI.

@delee the question as to what file formats are (or aren't) supported to be imported into Pega is a bit besides the point, in my opinion. It would be great if you could ingest the latest BPMN format into Pega, but where does that get you? Several years ago, I was involved in a large corporate effort to import thousands of ProVision business models into Pega. While we were eventually successful ingesting models in CIF format the results was just thousands of flow rules in Pega. Now what? Everyone who's ever worked in Pega knows that flows are but a small component of BPM. At Pega, the case is at the heart of the application. Case types are organized hierarchically, i.e. the main case usually has child cases that are created at certain events. Every case type is defined as a series of steps and stages; every step represents a sub-flow. Flows, in turn, have flow shapes such as assignments, decision steps, utility steps, connectors, and a dozen more. Assignments have routers (determining who is going to perform the step), as well as SLA's and can have multiple outcomes. Most importantly, assignments are associated with harnesses and sections, the building blocks of the Pega UI.

Importing CIF files and creating flows didn't get us far at this Pega client. We ended up with flow rules, but we had no case types let alone a case hierarchy to put them into. We had to manually create the case types, and the stages and steps that went with them. We had to create decisioning rules, SLA rules, plumbing such as activities and connectors, and most importantly: the UI. In short, we ended up using the flow rules as blueprint for stages and steps, but we never directly used the flow rules we had created. The flows ended up as documentation artifacts.

@delee As @MarijeSchillern mentioned the import/export of BPM process is not supported.

I would like to know the client's intent or need for this capability.

As you might already be aware, Pega Infinity has a rich Case Designer. Citizen developers or Business uses can collaborate and design micro-journeys/workflows using this designer.

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Pegasystems is the leader in cloud software for customer engagement and operational excellence. If you’ve driven a car, used a credit card, called a company for service, opened an account, flown on a plane, submitted a claim, or performed countless other everyday tasks, chances are you’ve interacted with Pega. For the past 30 years, our technology – CRM, digital process automation, robotics, AI, and more – has empowered the world’s leading companies to achieve breakthrough results.