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Mr. Rraymond So


Executive President, Daye Transmedia Group


Mr. Raymond So  Executive President, Daye Transmedia Group

Mr. Raymond So graduated from the Chinese University of Hong Kong with a Master degree in Business Administration. His advertising career began at DDB Needham Hong Kong in 1981.

Raymond joined J. Walter Thompson in 1986 to set up JWT China from zero. He is one of the first pioneers when advertising was first introduced back into China after 1949. Raymond helped to launch the Lux brand; built the IBM leadership and established the Woolmark as the most prominent trademark in China. Raymond created many campaigns which were the first in Chinese advertising history.

In 1988, Raymond moved to Taiwan and founded JWT Taiwan. JWT became   number one in the market on its fifth anniversary. JWT Taiwan continues its leadership in both business performance and creativity until now and is highly recognized by the industry in Taiwan.

Raymond was promoted to Chairman & CEO, JWT North East Asia in 1997. He was also appointed the first Chinese Director in the JWT Worldwide Board. Under Raymond’s leadership, JWT North East Asia became one of the fastest growing, most profitable and well managed regions in the JWT world.

Nov 2001, Raymond joined BBDO as Chairman, Asia Pacific. Under his leadership, BBDO Asia Pacific enjoyed excellent growth and three agencies were named 「Agency of the Year」 in their respective countries in 2004. BBDO Asia Pacific was also named 「Agency network of the year」 for two consecutive years by Campaign Brief Asia.

Raymond is a highly recognized industry leader.  He served as Chairman of the 4As and IAA Chapter President in Taiwan. In 2002, Raymond was elected as the first Chinese World Vice President of the IAA and served six years in that capacity. He became Chairman of the Asian Federation of Advertising Associations since 2016. Raymond has served as a member of the CUHK Chung Chi College, Board of Trustees since 2010. Raymond received many industry awards including: IAA World Champions Award: 「Outstand Contribution Award」 by Taiwan Ministry of Economy; Life Time Achievement Award by Busan Creative Festival for his contribution to the industry.

蘇先生從香港中文大學工商管理研究所畢業後,從AE做起。在香港恆美廣告,練就專業能力. 1986年創辦JWT中國公司, 擔任總經理。1988年到台灣成立智威湯遜台灣分公司,在五年內成為台灣最大的廣告公司。



蘇先生熱心參與公共事務, 是亞洲廣告業的領袖, 曾被選為台北廣告業經營人協會(4As)理事長及多屆台北市廣告公會常務理事,國際廣告協會台北分會秘書長及理事長. 2002年起連續六年任國際廣告協會全球副會長,是華人擔任副會長的第一人。2016年至今擔任亞任廣告聯盟會長.

蘇先生屢獲榮, 2001被選為台灣廣告風雲人物, 台灣經濟部」2007年度廣告業特殊貢獻獎」, 釜山創意節終身成就奬, 台灣廣告名人堂, 及國際廣告協會全球領袖獎. 2010年起蘇先生被委任為台港經濟文化合作策進會文化委員,香港中文大學崇基學院校董, 為香港的高等教育發展提供其專業經驗.


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