  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接

web前端页面通过BrowserPrint API连接斑马打印机进行RFID条形码贴纸打印

在现代物流、仓储和零售行业中,RFID和二维码技术发挥着至关重要的作用。这些技术不仅提高了效率,还增强了追踪和管理的能力。本文将介绍如何使用JavaScript和斑马打印机的BrowserPrint API来打印RFID二维码贴纸。

1. BrowserPrint API 简介


2. 环境设置

要使用BrowserPrint API,首先需要确保斑马打印机正确连接到计算机,并且用户的系统上已安装BrowserPrint应用程序。此应用程序作为一个服务运行,允许通过本地网络接口与打印机通信。


3. 打印机初始化

在JavaScript代码中,首先需要初始化BrowserPrint API,并搜索可用的打印设备。以下是初始化打印机并检索连接的打印机列表的代码段:

BrowserPrint.getLocalDevices(devices => {
  this.printers = devices.printer.filter(device => device.deviceType === 'printer');
  if (!this.printers || !this.printers.length) {
}, error => {
4. 构建ZPL指令

ZPL(Zebra Programming Language)是斑马打印机使用的命令语言,用于定义打印标签的布局和内容。在我们的示例中,我们构建了一个ZPL字符串,用于设置标签的大小、位置和内容,包括二维码和RFID数据。

let index = 1;
      let zpl = '^XA'
      let x = baseX;
      let y = baseY;
      for (let item of tableData) {
        if (item.h) {
          zpl += ' ^CI28 ^FO' + (x - spacingX * 2) + ',' + y + '^A@R,32,32,E:SIMSUN.TTF ^FB160,8,,J, ^FD' + (item.lable || '') + ':' + '^FS ';
          zpl += ' ^CI28 ^FO' + (x - spacingX * 2) + ',' + (y + 160) + '^A@R,32,32,E:SIMSUN.TTF ^FB330,8,,J, ^FD' + (item.value || '') + '^FS ';
        } else {
          zpl += ' ^CI28 ^FO' + x + ',' + y + '^A@R,32,32,E:SIMSUN.TTF ^FB160,2,,J, ^FD' + (item.lable || '') + ':' + '^FS ';
          zpl += ' ^CI28 ^FO' + x + ',' + (y + 160) + '^A@R,32,32,E:SIMSUN.TTF ^FB330,2,,J, ^FD' + (item.value || '') + '^FS ';
        if (index === 3) {
          x -= spacingX;
          y = baseY;
          index = 1;
        } else {
          y += spacingY;
      zpl += ' ^FO' + baseY + ',' + (baseY + (spacingY * 0.9)) + '^BY3 ^BCR,100,Y,N,N ^FD' + (tableData.find(item => item.lable === '条码号').value || '') + '^FS '
      let bdbh = tableData.find(item => item.lable === '磅单编号').value || '';
      if (bdbh.length > 12) {
      function stringToHexAscii (input) {
        let hexAscii = '';
        for (let i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
          const charCode = input.charCodeAt(i);
          const hexValue = charCode.toString(16).padStart(2, '0');
          hexAscii += hexValue.toUpperCase();
        return hexAscii;
      bdbh = stringToHexAscii(bdbh)
      zpl += '^RFW,H^FD' + bdbh + 'FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF' + '^FS'
      zpl += '^XZ'

ZPL(Zebra Programming Language)是斑马打印机专用的一种命令语言,用于控制标签的打印格式和内容。在构建ZPL指令时,每个指令都有特定的功能,用于定义打印内容的布局、样式和特性。下面将详细介绍示例中使用的主要ZPL指令及其意义:

1. ^XA^XZ
  • ^XA:这是每个ZPL脚本的开始指令,表示开始一条新的标签格式指令。
  • ^XZ:这是结束指令,表示标签格式指令结束。在这之后的指令将不会被执行,直到遇到下一个^XA
2. ^FO(Field Origin)
  • ^FOx,y:设置接下来的打印字段的起始位置,其中[x](file:///d%3A/ch/template-builder/print.js#51%2C231-51%2C231)和[y](file:///d%3A/ch/template-builder/print.js#197%2C11-197%2C11)是横纵坐标。这个指令用于定位条码、文本或图像在标签上的具体位置。
3. ^A(Font Specification)
  • ^A@R,32,32,E:SIMSUN.TTF:这个指令用于设置字体。[@R](file:///d%3A/ch/template-builder/print.js#200%2C67-200%2C67)表示字体旋转角度,[32,32](file:///d%3A/ch/template-builder/print.js#200%2C70-200%2C70)分别是字体的宽度和高度,E:SIMSUN.TTF指定使用的字体文件。
4. ^FB(Field Block)
  • ^FB160,2,,J,:这个指令用于定义一个文本字段的属性。[160](file:///d%3A/ch/template-builder/print.js#201%2C65-201%2C65)是字段宽度,[2](file:///d%3A/ch/template-builder/print.js#14%2C136-14%2C136)是最大行数,[J](file:///d%3A/ch/template-builder/print.js#200%2C99-200%2C99)表示文本的对齐方式(此处为居中对齐)。
5. ^FD(Field Data)
  • ^FDtext^FS:这个指令用于定义字段的内容。[text](file:///d%3A/ch/template-builder/print.js#23%2C31-23%2C31)是要打印的文本。^FS(Field Separator)标记字段数据的结束。
6. ^BY(Bar Code Field Default)
  • ^BY3:这个指令用于设置条码的默认宽度因子,[3](file:///d%3A/ch/template-builder/print.js#36%2C172-36%2C172)表示条码宽度为标准宽度的三倍。
7. ^BC(Code 128 Bar Code)
  • ^BCR,100,Y,N,N:这个指令用于打印Code 128条码。[R](file:///d%3A/ch/template-builder/print.js#200%2C68-200%2C68)表示条码旋转角度,[100](file:///d%3A/ch/template-builder/print.js#164%2C22-164%2C22)是条码的高度,后面的[Y](file:///d%3A/ch/template-builder/print.js#215%2C81-215%2C81)和[N](file:///d%3A/ch/template-builder/print.js#215%2C83-215%2C83)分别表示是否打印解释行(条码下的数字或字母)和是否在条码下方打印解释行。
8. ^RFW,H^FD(RFID Encoding)
  • ^RFW,H^FDdata^FS:这个指令用于向RFID标签写入数据。[H](file:///d%3A/ch/template-builder/print.js#230%2C20-230%2C20)指定数据的写入模式(此处为十六进制),[data](file:///d%3A/ch/template-builder/print.js#18%2C11-18%2C11)是要写入的数据。


5. 发送打印任务

构建完ZPL指令后,可以使用BrowserPrint API将其发送到打印机进行打印:

printer.send(zpl, _ => {
  callback && callback();
}, error => {
6. 错误处理和用户反馈




let finishedFunction = null;
let response = null;
var $jscomp = $jscomp || {}; $jscomp.scope = {}; $jscomp.checkStringArgs = function (b, h, c) { if (null == b) throw new TypeError("The 'this' value for String.prototype." + c + " must not be null or undefined"); if (h instanceof RegExp) throw new TypeError("First argument to String.prototype." + c + " must not be a regular expression"); return b + "" }; $jscomp.ASSUME_ES5 = !1; $jscomp.ASSUME_NO_NATIVE_MAP = !1; $jscomp.ASSUME_NO_NATIVE_SET = !1;
$jscomp.defineProperty = $jscomp.ASSUME_ES5 || "function" == typeof Object.defineProperties ? Object.defineProperty : function (b, h, c) { b != Array.prototype && b != Object.prototype && (b[h] = c.value) }; $jscomp.getGlobal = function (b) { return "undefined" != typeof window && window === b ? b : "undefined" != typeof global && null != global ? global : b }; $jscomp.global = $jscomp.getGlobal(this);
$jscomp.polyfill = function (b, h, c, e) { if (h) { c = $jscomp.global; b = b.split("."); for (e = 0; e < b.length - 1; e++) { var k = b[e]; k in c || (c[k] = {}); c = c[k] } b = b[b.length - 1]; e = c[b]; h = h(e); h != e && null != h && $jscomp.defineProperty(c, b, { configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: h }) } };
$jscomp.polyfill("String.prototype.startsWith", function (b) { return b ? b : function (b, c) { var e = $jscomp.checkStringArgs(this, b, "startsWith"); b += ""; var h = e.length, p = b.length; c = Math.max(0, Math.min(c | 0, e.length)); for (var l = 0; l < p && c < h;)if (e[c++] != b[l++]) return !1; return l >= p } }, "es6", "es3");
var BrowserPrint = function () {
  function b (a, b) { var d = new XMLHttpRequest; "withCredentials" in d ? d.open(a, b, !0) : "undefined" != typeof XDomainRequest ? (d = new XDomainRequest, d.open(a, b)) : d = null; return d } function h (a, b, d) { void 0 === b && (b = e.defaultSuccessCallback); void 0 === d && (d = e.defaultErrorCallback); return c(a, b, d) } function c (a, b, d) {
    a.onreadystatechange = function () {
      a.readyState === XMLHttpRequest.DONE && 200 === a.status ? "" === a.responseType ? b(a.responseText) : b(a.response) : a.readyState === XMLHttpRequest.DONE && (d ? d(a.response) :
        console.log("error occurred with no errorCallback set."))
    }; return a
  } var e = {}, k = {}, p = /^((?!chrome|android).)*safari/i.test(navigator.userAgent); navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Trident/7.0"); var l = ""; p && "https:" === location.protocol && (l = ""); e.Device = function (a) {
    var m = this; this.name = a.name; this.deviceType = a.deviceType; this.connection = a.connection; this.uid = a.uid; this.version = 2; this.provider = a.provider; this.manufacturer = a.manufacturer; this.readRetries = "bluetooth" ===
      this.connection ? 1 : 0; this.sendErrorCallback = function (d) { }; this.sendFinishedCallback = function (d) { }; this.readErrorCallback = function (d) { }; this.readFinishedCallback = function (d) { }; this.send = function (d, a, f) {
        var g = b("POST", l + "write"); g && (void 0 !== m && (void 0 === a && (a = m.sendFinishedCallback), void 0 === f && (f = m.sendErrorCallback)), c(g, a, f), g.send(JSON.stringify({
          device: { name: this.name, uid: this.uid, connection: this.connection, deviceType: this.deviceType, version: this.version, provider: this.provider, manufacturer: this.manufacturer },
          data: d
      }; this.sendUrl = function (d, a, f, e) { var g = b("POST", l + "write"); g && (c(m, g, a, f), d = { device: { name: this.name, uid: this.uid, connection: this.connection, deviceType: this.deviceType, version: this.version, provider: this.provider, manufacturer: this.manufacturer }, url: d }, null != e && void 0 != e && (d.options = e), g.send(JSON.stringify(d))) }; this.sendFile = function (d, a, f) {
        if ("string" === typeof d) e.loadFileFromUrl(d, function (d) { m.sendFile(d, a, f) }, f); else {
          var g = b("POST", l + "write"); if (g) {
            g.responseType = "text"; h(g, a, f); var c =
              new FormData, n = {}; n.device = m; c.append("json", JSON.stringify(n)); c.append("blob", d); g.send(c)
      }; this.convertAndSendFile = function (d, a, b, c) { c || (c = {}); c.action || (c.action = "print"); e.convert(d, this, c, a, b) }; this.read = function (d, a) {
        var f = b("POST", l + "read"); f && (void 0 !== m && (void 0 === d && (d = m.readFinishedCallback), void 0 === a && (a = m.readErrorCallback)), c(f, d, a), f.send(JSON.stringify({
          device: {
            name: this.name, uid: this.uid, connection: this.connection, deviceType: this.deviceType, version: this.version, provider: this.provider,
            manufacturer: this.manufacturer
      }; this.readUntilStringReceived = function (d, a, b, e, c) { c || (c = ""); void 0 === e && (e = this.readRetries); a = function (a, b, e, f, g) { return function (c) { if (c && 0 !== c.length) f = 0; else if (0 >= f) { b(g); return } c = g + c; "" !== d && -1 < c.indexOf(d) ? b(c) : a.readUntilStringReceived(d, b, e, f - 1, c) } }(this, a, b, e, c); this.read(a, b) }; this.readAllAvailable = function (a, b, f) { this.readUntilStringReceived("", a, b, f) }; this.sendThenRead = function (a, b, f) { this.send(a, function (a) { return function () { a.read(b, f) } }(this), f) };
    this.sendThenReadUntilStringReceived = function (a, b, f, e, c) { this.send(a, function (a) { return function () { a.readUntilStringReceived(b, f, e, c) } }(this), e) }; this.sendThenReadAllAvailable = function (a, b, e, c) { this.send(a, function (a) { return function () { a.readUntilStringReceived("", b, e, c) } }(this), e) }
  }; e.defaultSuccessCallback = function () { }; e.defaultErrorCallback = function () { }; e.ApplicationConfiguration = function () { this.application = { version: "", build_number: 3, api_level: 2, platform: "", supportedConversions: {} } }; e.getLocalDevices =
    function (a, c, d) { var g = b("GET", l + "available"); g && (finishedFunction = function (b) { response = b; response = JSON.parse(response); for (var c in response) if (response.hasOwnProperty(c) && response[c].constructor === Array) for (let arr = response[c], b = 0; b < arr.length; ++b)arr[b] = new e.Device(arr[b]); void 0 === d ? a(response) : (response.hasOwnProperty(d) || (response[d] = []), a(response[d])) }, h(g, finishedFunction, c), g.send()) }; e.getDefaultDevice = function (a, c, d) {
      var g = "default"; void 0 !== a && null != a && (g = g + "?type=" + a); if (a = b("GET", l + g)) finishedFunction =
        function (a) { response = a; "" === response ? c(null) : (response = JSON.parse(response), a = new e.Device(response), c(a)) }, a = h(a, finishedFunction, d), a.send()
    }; e.getApplicationConfiguration = function (a, c) { var d = b("GET", l + "config"); d && (finishedFunction = function (b) { response = b; "" === response ? a(null) : (response = JSON.parse(response), a(response)) }, h(d, finishedFunction, c), d.send()) }; e.readOnInterval = function (a, b, d) {
      if (void 0 === d || 0 === d) d = 1; readFunc = function () {
        a.read(function (c) { b(c); k[a] = setTimeout(readFunc, d) }, function (b) {
          k[a] =
            setTimeout(readFunc, d)
      }; k[a] = setTimeout(readFunc, d)
    }; e.stopReadOnInterval = function (a) { k[a] && clearTimeout(k[a]) }; e.bindFieldToReadData = function (a, b, d, c) { e.readOnInterval(a, function (a) { "" !== a && (b.value = a, void 0 !== c && null != c && c()) }, d) }; e.loadFileFromUrl = function (a, c, d) { request = b("get", a); console.log("ResponseType: " + request.responseType); request.responseType = "blob"; h(request, c, d); request.send() }; e.convert = function (a, c, d, g, f) {
      if (a) if ("string" === typeof a) e.loadFileFromUrl(a, function (b) {
        d.fromFormat ||
          (d.fromFormat = a.substring(a.length - 3)); e.convert(b, c, d, g, f)
      }, f); else { var k = b("POST", l + "convert"); a.type && (a.type.startsWith("image/") || a.type.startsWith("application/")) && (d.fromFormat = a.type.toLowerCase().replace("image/", "").replace("application/", "").replace("x-ms-", "")); if (k) { k.responseType = "text"; h(k, function (a) { g(JSON.parse(a)) }, f); var m = new FormData, n = {}; null != d && void 0 !== d && (n.options = d); c && (n.device = c); m.append("json", JSON.stringify(n)); m.append("blob", a); k.send(m) } } else f ? f("Resource not specified") :
        e.defaultErrorCallback("Resource not specified")
    }; return e
var $jscomp = $jscomp || {}; $jscomp.scope = {}; $jscomp.ASSUME_ES5 = !1; $jscomp.ASSUME_NO_NATIVE_MAP = !1; $jscomp.ASSUME_NO_NATIVE_SET = !1; $jscomp.defineProperty = $jscomp.ASSUME_ES5 || "function" == typeof Object.defineProperties ? Object.defineProperty : function (e, h, g) { e != Array.prototype && e != Object.prototype && (e[h] = g.value) }; $jscomp.getGlobal = function (e) { return "undefined" != typeof window && window === e ? e : "undefined" != typeof global && null != global ? global : e }; $jscomp.global = $jscomp.getGlobal(this); $jscomp.SYMBOL_PREFIX = "jscomp_symbol_";
$jscomp.initSymbol = function () { $jscomp.initSymbol = function () { }; $jscomp.global.Symbol || ($jscomp.global.Symbol = $jscomp.Symbol) }; $jscomp.Symbol = function () { var e = 0; return function (h) { return $jscomp.SYMBOL_PREFIX + (h || "") + e++ } }();
$jscomp.initSymbolIterator = function () { $jscomp.initSymbol(); var e = $jscomp.global.Symbol.iterator; e || (e = $jscomp.global.Symbol.iterator = $jscomp.global.Symbol("iterator")); "function" != typeof Array.prototype[e] && $jscomp.defineProperty(Array.prototype, e, { configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: function () { return $jscomp.arrayIterator(this) } }); $jscomp.initSymbolIterator = function () { } }; $jscomp.arrayIterator = function (e) { var h = 0; return $jscomp.iteratorPrototype(function () { return h < e.length ? { done: !1, value: e[h++] } : { done: !0 } }) };
$jscomp.iteratorPrototype = function (e) { $jscomp.initSymbolIterator(); e = { next: e }; e[$jscomp.global.Symbol.iterator] = function () { return this }; return e }; $jscomp.makeIterator = function (e) { $jscomp.initSymbolIterator(); var h = e[Symbol.iterator]; return h ? h.call(e) : $jscomp.arrayIterator(e) };
$jscomp.polyfill = function (e, h, g, l) { if (h) { g = $jscomp.global; e = e.split("."); for (l = 0; l < e.length - 1; l++) { var c = e[l]; c in g || (g[c] = {}); g = g[c] } e = e[e.length - 1]; l = g[e]; h = h(l); h != l && null != h && $jscomp.defineProperty(g, e, { configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: h }) } }; $jscomp.FORCE_POLYFILL_PROMISE = !1;
$jscomp.polyfill("Promise", function (e) {
  function h () { this.batch_ = null } function g (b) { return b instanceof c ? b : new c(function (a, f) { a(b) }) } if (e && !$jscomp.FORCE_POLYFILL_PROMISE) return e; h.prototype.asyncExecute = function (b) { null == this.batch_ && (this.batch_ = [], this.asyncExecuteBatch_()); this.batch_.push(b); return this }; h.prototype.asyncExecuteBatch_ = function () { var b = this; this.asyncExecuteFunction(function () { b.executeBatch_() }) }; var l = $jscomp.global.setTimeout; h.prototype.asyncExecuteFunction = function (b) {
  }; h.prototype.executeBatch_ = function () { for (; this.batch_ && this.batch_.length;) { var b = this.batch_; this.batch_ = []; for (var a = 0; a < b.length; ++a) { var f = b[a]; delete b[a]; try { f() } catch (k) { this.asyncThrow_(k) } } } this.batch_ = null }; h.prototype.asyncThrow_ = function (b) { this.asyncExecuteFunction(function () { throw b; }) }; var c = function (b) { this.state_ = 0; this.result_ = void 0; this.onSettledCallbacks_ = []; var a = this.createResolveAndReject_(); try { b(a.resolve, a.reject) } catch (f) { a.reject(f) } }; c.prototype.createResolveAndReject_ =
    function () { function b (b) { return function (k) { f || (f = !0, b.call(a, k)) } } var a = this, f = !1; return { resolve: b(this.resolveTo_), reject: b(this.reject_) } }; c.prototype.resolveTo_ = function (b) { if (b === this) this.reject_(new TypeError("A Promise cannot resolve to itself")); else if (b instanceof c) this.settleSameAsPromise_(b); else { a: switch (typeof b) { case "object": var a = null != b; break a; case "function": a = !0; break a; default: a = !1 }a ? this.resolveToNonPromiseObj_(b) : this.fulfill_(b) } }; c.prototype.resolveToNonPromiseObj_ = function (b) {
      var a =
        void 0; try { a = b.then } catch (f) { this.reject_(f); return } "function" == typeof a ? this.settleSameAsThenable_(a, b) : this.fulfill_(b)
    }; c.prototype.reject_ = function (b) { this.settle_(2, b) }; c.prototype.fulfill_ = function (b) { this.settle_(1, b) }; c.prototype.settle_ = function (b, a) { if (0 != this.state_) throw Error("Cannot settle(" + b + ", " + a | "): Promise already settled in state" + this.state_); this.state_ = b; this.result_ = a; this.executeOnSettledCallbacks_() }; c.prototype.executeOnSettledCallbacks_ = function () {
      if (null != this.onSettledCallbacks_) {
        for (var b =
          this.onSettledCallbacks_, a = 0; a < b.length; ++a)b[a].call(), b[a] = null; this.onSettledCallbacks_ = null
    }; var d = new h; c.prototype.settleSameAsPromise_ = function (b) { var a = this.createResolveAndReject_(); b.callWhenSettled_(a.resolve, a.reject) }; c.prototype.settleSameAsThenable_ = function (b, a) { var f = this.createResolveAndReject_(); try { b.call(a, f.resolve, f.reject) } catch (k) { f.reject(k) } }; c.prototype.then = function (b, a) {
      function f (a, f) { return "function" == typeof a ? function (f) { try { k(a(f)) } catch (n) { d(n) } } : f } var k, d, e = new c(function (a,
        f) { k = a; d = f }); this.callWhenSettled_(f(b, k), f(a, d)); return e
    }; c.prototype.catch = function (b) { return this.then(void 0, b) }; c.prototype.callWhenSettled_ = function (b, a) { function f () { switch (k.state_) { case 1: b(k.result_); break; case 2: a(k.result_); break; default: throw Error("Unexpected state: " + k.state_); } } var k = this; null == this.onSettledCallbacks_ ? d.asyncExecute(f) : this.onSettledCallbacks_.push(function () { d.asyncExecute(f) }) }; c.resolve = g; c.reject = function (b) { return new c(function (a, f) { f(b) }) }; c.race = function (b) {
      return new c(function (a,
        f) { for (var k = $jscomp.makeIterator(b), d = k.next(); !d.done; d = k.next())g(d.value).callWhenSettled_(a, f) })
    }; c.all = function (b) { var a = $jscomp.makeIterator(b), f = a.next(); return f.done ? g([]) : new c(function (b, d) { function k (a) { return function (f) { c[a] = f; e--; 0 == e && b(c) } } var c = [], e = 0; do c.push(void 0), e++, g(f.value).callWhenSettled_(k(c.length - 1), d), f = a.next(); while (!f.done) }) }; return c
}, "es6", "es3"); function dbg (e) { }
var Zebra = function () {
  function e (c, d) { if (d instanceof g.Printer.Status && l[c.device.uid]) { if (d.offline) { if (c.errors++, c.errors < c.errorsForOffline) return } else c.errors = 0; var b = l[c.device.uid].status, a = JSON.stringify(b); c.status = d; statusStr = JSON.stringify(d); if (statusStr !== a) c.onchange(b, d) } } function h (c) { return 2 !== c.charCodeAt(0) || 3 !== c.charCodeAt(c.length - 1) ? (dbg("Response did not contain proper control characters"), !1) : !0 } var g = {}, l = {}; setInterval(function () {
    for (var c in l) l.hasOwnProperty(c) && (c =
      l[c], function (d) { d.device.getStatus(function (b) { e(d, b) }, function (b) { e(d, new g.Printer.Status("")) }) }(c))
  }, 2E3); g.Printer = function (c) {
    BrowserPrint.Device.call(this, c); g.Printer.Status = function (a) {
      this.raw = a; this.isFlagSet = function (a) { return "1" === this.raw.charAt(a) }; this.offline = !1; a || (a = ""); a = a.trim(); h(a) ? (this.offline = !1, this.paperOut = this.isFlagSet(5), this.paused = this.isFlagSet(7), this.headOpen = this.isFlagSet(43), this.ribbonOut = this.isFlagSet(45)) : (this.offline = !0, this.ribbonOut = this.headOpen = this.paused =
        this.paperOut = !1); this.isPrinterReady = function () { return !(this.paperOut || this.paused || this.headOpen || this.ribbonOut || this.offline) }; this.getMessage = function () { return this.isPrinterReady() ? "Ready" : this.offline ? "Offline" : this.paperOut ? "Paper Out" : this.headOpen ? "Head Open" : this.ribbonOut ? "Ribbon Out" : this.paused ? "Paused" : "Ready" }
    }; g.Printer.Info = function (a) { if (!a) throw "Invalid Response"; this.raw = a; a = a.trim(); if (!h(a)) throw "Invalid Response"; a = a.split(","); this.model = a[0].substring(1); this.firmware = a[1] };
    g.Printer.Configuration = function (a) {
      if (!a) throw "Invalid Response"; this.raw = a = a.trim(); this.settings = {}; if (!h(a)) throw "Invalid Response"; a = a.replace(String.fromCharCode(2), ""); a = a.replace(String.fromCharCode(3), ""); a = a.split("\n"); for (var f = 0; f < a.length; ++f) { var b = a[f].trim(), d = b.substring(20); b = b.substring(0, 20).trim(); this.settings[d] = b } this.darkness = parseFloat(this.settings.DARKNESS); this.printSpeed = parseInt(this.settings["PRINT SPEED"].replace("IPS", "").trim()); this.printWidth = parseInt(this.settings["PRINT WIDTH"]);
      this.labelLength = parseInt(this.settings["LABEL LENGTH"]); this.firmwareVersion = this.settings.FIRMWARE.replace("<-", "").trim(); this.linkOSVersion = this.settings.hasOwnProperty("LINK-OS VERSION") ? this.settings["LINK-OS VERSION"] : "0"
    }; var d = this; this.configuration = void 0; this.device_request_queue = []; this.clearRequestQueue = function () { var a = this.device_request_queue[0]; this.device_request_queue = []; a && a.started && (this.device_request_queue[0] = a) }; this.Request = function (a, f, b, c, e) {
      this.type = a; this.command = f;
      this.received = b; this.success = c; this.error = function (a) { return function (f) { a(f); d.executeNextRequest() } }(e); this.execute = function () { this.started = !0; "info" == this.type || "config" == this.type || "status" == this.type ? d.sendThenReadUntilStringReceived(this.command, String.fromCharCode(3), this.received, this.error) : d.sendThenReadAllAvailable(this.command, this.received, this.error) }
    }; this.executeNextRequest = function () { d.device_request_queue.shift(); d.executeRequest() }; this.executeRequest = function () {
      dbg("Requests in queue: " +
        d.device_request_queue.length); 0 < d.device_request_queue.length && (dbg("Executing next request..."), d.device_request_queue[0].execute())
    }; this.queueRequest = function (a) { dbg("Queueing request " + a.type + ": " + d.device_request_queue.length); d.device_request_queue.push(a); 1 === d.device_request_queue.length && a.execute() }; this.onStatusResponse = function (a) {
      dbg("received status response"); var f = void 0; try { f = new g.Printer.Status(a) } catch (k) { a = d.device_request_queue[0], a.error(k), d.executeNextRequest() } for (; 0 < d.device_request_queue.length;)if (a =
        d.device_request_queue[0], "status" === a.type) dbg("delivering status..."), a.success(f), d.device_request_queue.shift(); else { dbg("delivered to all status requests."); break } d.executeRequest()
    }; this.onResponse = function (a, f) { dbg("received info response"); var b = d.device_request_queue[0]; if (void 0 != f) try { a = new f(a) } catch (m) { b.error && b.error(m); d.executeNextRequest(); return } b.success && b.success(a); d.executeNextRequest() }; this.onSGDResponse = function (a) { dbg("received sgd response"); d.onResponse(a) }; this.onInfoResponse =
      function (a) { dbg("received info response"); d.onResponse(a, g.Printer.Info) }; this.onConfigurationResponse = function (a) { dbg("received config response"); try { d.configuration = new g.Printer.Configuration(a) } catch (f) { } d.onResponse(a, g.Printer.Configuration) }; this.setSGD = function (a, f, b, c) { if (!b && !c) return new Promise(function (b, c) { d.setSGD(a, f, b, c) }); d.send('! U1 setvar "' + a + '" "' + f + '"\r\n', b, c) }; this.getSGD = function (a, b, c) {
        if (!b && !c) return new Promise(function (b, f) { d.getSGD(a, b, f) }); b = new this.Request("sgd",
          '! U1 getvar "' + a + '"\r\n', this.onSGDResponse, b, c); this.queueRequest(b)
      }; this.setThenGetSGD = function (a, b, c, e) { if (!c && !e) return new Promise(function (f, c) { d.setThenGetSGD(a, b, f, c) }); this.setSGD(a, b, function () { d.getSGD(a, c, e) }, e) }; this.getInfo = function (a, b) { if (!a && !b) return new Promise(function (a, b) { d.getInfo(a, b) }); a = new this.Request("info", "~hi\r\n", this.onInfoResponse, a, b); this.queueRequest(a) }; this.getConfiguration = function (a, b) {
        if (!a && !b) return new Promise(function (a, b) { d.getConfiguration(a, b) });
        a = new this.Request("config", "^XA^HH^XZ", this.onConfigurationResponse, a, b); this.queueRequest(a)
      }; this.getStatus = function (a, b) { if (!a && !b) return new Promise(function (a, b) { d.getStatus(a, b) }); a = new this.Request("status", "~hs\r\n", this.onStatusResponse, a, b); d.queueRequest(a) }; this.query = function (a, b, c) { if (!b && !c) return new Promise(function (b, c) { d.query(a, b, c) }); b = new this.Request("", a, this.onResponse, b, c); this.queueRequest(b) }; this.isPrinterReady = function (a, b) {
        if (!a && !b) return new Promise(function (a, b) {
        }); this.getStatus().then(function (c) { c.isPrinterReady() ? a(c.getMessage()) : b(c.getMessage()) })
      }; this.printImageAsLabel = function (a, c, e, g) { if (!e && !g) return new Promise(function (b, f) { d.printImageAsLabel(a, c, b, f) }); b().then(function (b) { c.fitTo = { width: b.printWidth, height: b.labelLength }; c.action = "print"; BrowserPrint.convert(a, d, c, e, g) }).catch(g) }; this.getConvertedResource = function (a, c, e, g) {
        if (!e && !g) return new Promise(function (b, f) { d.getConvertedResource(a, c, b, f) }); b().then(function (b) {
          c.action = "return";
          BrowserPrint.convert(a, d, c, e, g)
      }; this.storeConvertedResource = function (a, c, e, g) { if (!e && !g) return new Promise(function (b, e) { d.storeConvertedResource(a, c, b, e) }); b().then(function (b) { c.action = "store"; BrowserPrint.convert(a, d, c, e, g) }).catch(g) }; var b = function () { return new Promise(function (a, b) { if (d.configuration) a(d.configuration); else return d.getConfiguration().then(function (a) { d.configuration = a; return d.configuration }).catch(function (a) { b(a) }) }) }; this.configTimeout = function () {
        d.configuration ||
          d.getConfiguration().then(function (a) { return d.configuration = a }).catch(function () { setTimeout(d.configTimeout, 1E3) })
      }; this.configTimeout()
  }; g.watch = function (c, d, b) { b || (b = 2); l[c.uid] = { device: c, status: "", onchange: d, errors: 0, errorsForOffline: b } }; g.stopWatching = function (c) { delete l[c.uid] }; return g
export default {
  data () {
    return {
      printers: null,
      printerLoading: false,
  methods: {
    initPrinters (tableData, autoPrint, callback) {
      if (BrowserPrint) {
        this.printerLoading = true;
        BrowserPrint.getLocalDevices(devices => {
          this.printers = devices.printer.filter(device => device.deviceType === 'printer');
          if (!this.printers || !this.printers.length) {
          if (autoPrint) this.printLabel(tableData, callback)
          this.printerLoading = false;
        }, error => {
          this.printerLoading = false;
      } else {
        this.$message.error('BrowserPrint not available')
    printLabel (tableData, callback) {
      if (!this.printers.length) {
      // For simplicity, we'll use the first printer in the list.
      const printer = this.printers[0];
      let baseX = 1050;
      let baseY = 118;
      let spacingY = 512;
      let spacingX = 100;
      if (printer.manufacturer.includes("Zebra") || printer.name.includes("ZD420") || printer.name.toLowerCase().indexOf("zd420") != -1) {
        console.log("printer === ", printer);
        baseX = 820;
        baseY = 90;
      // let tableData = [
      //   {lable: '仓库',value:'11111111111111'},
      //   {lable: '条码号',value:'CPCP-CI221112-17-60'},
      //   {lable: '状态',value:'1'},
      //   {lable: '关联单号',value:'1'},
      //   {lable: '车牌号',value:'1'},
      //   {lable: '毛重',value:''},
      //   {lable: '物料代码',value:''},
      //   {lable: '过磅时间',value:''},
      //   {lable: '皮重',value:''},
      //   {lable: '规格编号',value:''},
      //   {lable: '入库时间',value:''},
      //   {lable: '净重',value:''},
      //   {lable: '供货单位',value:''},
      //   {lable: '包装规格',value:''},
      //   {lable: '扣杂',value:''},
      //   {lable: '磅单编号',value:''},
      //   {lable: '物料库位',value:''},
      //   {lable: '实际净重',value:''},
      //   {lable: '司磅员',value:''},
      //   {lable: '物料描述',value:''},
      //   {lable: '批次总号',value:''},
      let index = 1;
      let zpl = '^XA'
      let x = baseX;
      let y = baseY;
      for (let item of tableData) {
        if (item.h) {
          zpl += ' ^CI28 ^FO' + (x - spacingX * 2) + ',' + y + '^A@R,32,32,E:SIMSUN.TTF ^FB160,8,,J, ^FD' + (item.lable || '') + ':' + '^FS ';
          zpl += ' ^CI28 ^FO' + (x - spacingX * 2) + ',' + (y + 160) + '^A@R,32,32,E:SIMSUN.TTF ^FB330,8,,J, ^FD' + (item.value || '') + '^FS ';
        } else {
          zpl += ' ^CI28 ^FO' + x + ',' + y + '^A@R,32,32,E:SIMSUN.TTF ^FB160,2,,J, ^FD' + (item.lable || '') + ':' + '^FS ';
          zpl += ' ^CI28 ^FO' + x + ',' + (y + 160) + '^A@R,32,32,E:SIMSUN.TTF ^FB330,2,,J, ^FD' + (item.value || '') + '^FS ';
        if (index === 3) {
          x -= spacingX;
          y = baseY;
          index = 1;
        } else {
          y += spacingY;
      zpl += ' ^FO' + baseY + ',' + (baseY + (spacingY * 0.9)) + '^BY3 ^BCR,100,Y,N,N ^FD' + (tableData.find(item => item.lable === '条码号').value || '') + '^FS '
      let bdbh = tableData.find(item => item.lable === '磅单编号').value || '';
      if (bdbh.length > 12) {
      function stringToHexAscii (input) {
        let hexAscii = '';
        for (let i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
          const charCode = input.charCodeAt(i);
          const hexValue = charCode.toString(16).padStart(2, '0');
          hexAscii += hexValue.toUpperCase();
        return hexAscii;
      bdbh = stringToHexAscii(bdbh)
      zpl += '^RFW,H^FD' + bdbh + 'FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF' + '^FS'
      zpl += '^XZ'
      printer.send(zpl, _ => {
        callback && callback()
      }, error => {

通过使用JavaScript和BrowserPrint API,开发者可以轻松地将斑马打印机集成到Web应用中,实现从浏览器直接控制打印任务。这种方法简化了传统打印解决方案的复杂性,使得在任何支持JavaScript的平台上都可以实现高效、灵活的打印操作。

Zebra Browser Print is a set of scripts and an end-user application that allows web pages to communicate with Zebra Printers. The application lets a web page communicate to Zebra devices accessible to the client computer. Currently, Zebra Browser Print supports Macintosh OS X Yosemite and above, as well as Windows 7 and 10. Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Apple Safari browsers are supported. It can communicate to Zebra printers connected via USB and Network. For a m
前不久在做项目时,要求要实现对页面中指定内容区域的打印功能,找了很多的资料和方法,经过多次实验,最终选择了如下的方式,实现起来比较简单,对主流浏览器Chrome\Firefox\IE\Safari的支持比较好,对Opera的支持不是很好,不过这个和我的页面内容本身的处理方式有一定的关系。 这个项目类似于Microsoft的MSDN Library,如下图所示。其中左边的内容是从帮助文档htm
web前端页面通过BrowserPrint API连接斑马打印机进行RFID条形码贴纸打印 该资源提供了一个vue混入,通过混入提供一个可直接使用的方法执行打印。 在现代物流、仓储和零售行业中,RFID和二维码技术发挥着至关重要的作用。这些技术不仅提高了效率,还增强了追踪和管理的能力。本文将介绍如何使用JavaScript斑马打印机BrowserPrint API打印RFID二维码贴纸。 通过使用JavaScriptBrowserPrint API,开发者可以轻松地将斑马打印机集成到Web应用中,实现从浏览器直接控制打印任务。这种方法简化了传统打印解决方案的复杂性,使得在任何支持JavaScript的平台上都可以实现高效、灵活的打印操作。
斑马打印机是一款常用的热敏打印机,可以通过LabVIEW软件进行控制和打印。在使用斑马打印机之前,我们需要先将打印机连接到计算机上,并确保计算机已经安装了相应的驱动程序。 在LabVIEW中,我们可以使用通信接口(如串口或USB)与斑马打印机建立通信连接。通过串口通信时,我们需要设置好串口的参数(如波特率、数据位数、校验位等),确保与打印机的通信正常进行。 在建立了通信连接之后,我们可以通过LabVIEW编写程序来控制打印机进行打印操作。首先,我们需要设置打印机的一些参数,如打印速度、打印浓度、打印纸张大小等。然后,我们可以通过编写LabVIEW代码,发送打印指令给打印机,使其进行打印。 在LabVIEW中,我们可以使用串口或者网络通信的相关函数模块,如VISA函数库或TCP/IP函数库,来进行打印机的通信操作。通过这些函数模块,我们可以发送打印指令给打印机,如打印文本、条码、图像等。 在编写LabVIEW程序时,我们需要根据斑马打印机的协议文档,了解其支持的指令集和通信协议。通过发送正确的指令,我们可以实现各种打印要求,如打印不同字体、大小、颜色的文本、打印各种条码、打印图像等。 总之,斑马打印机可以通过LabVIEW软件进行控制和打印。我们只需要连接打印机,并编写相应的LabVIEW程序,设置打印参数并发送指令,就可以实现各种打印需求。这样的方法方便快捷,适用于许多需要打印的应用场景。