Nordic Thingy:53™是一款非常易于使用的物联网原型构建平台。它让无需搭建定制化的硬件就可以构建原型和概念验证成为可能。Thingy:53围绕我们的旗舰双核无线SoC nRF5340搭建而成。其双Arm Cortex-M33处理器的处理能力和内存容量使其能够直接在设备上运行嵌入式机器学习(ML)模型。
nRF Edge Impulse应用让用户可以通过移动设备将他们的Nordic Thingy:53连接到Edge Impulse Studio账户。它允许用户通过低功耗蓝牙将传感器数据无线传输到移动设备上,并将其上传到云端进行训练,然后将训练好的机器学习模型下载到Thingy:53进行部署和推理。该应用还充当GUI,用于查看运行的机器学习模型的推理结果。
低功耗蓝牙(Bluetooth LE)无线设备允许通过低功耗蓝牙更新固件和通信,还支持其他协议,如蓝牙mesh網狀網路、Thread、Zigbee和2.4 GHz私有协议。Thread协议的兼容性还使得它在为新的Matter生态系统开发产品时成为一个很好的选择。Matter使用Internet Protocol (IP)作为网络层,它是一种用于家庭互联应用的标准化应用层。
Thingy:53还配置许多不同的集成传感器,如环境传感器、颜色和光线传感器、加速度计和磁力计,所有这些都可以在不需要额外硬件的情况下使用。它采用一块容量为1350 mAh的可充电锂电池供电,可以通过USB-C接口充电。此外,还有一个外接的4脚JST连接器,兼容硬件配件的Stemma/Qwiic/Groove标准。
nRF Edge Impulse
nRF Programmer
Thingy:53 产品简介简体中文版 (PDF)
Supports Bluetooth LE, Bluetooth mesh, Thread, Zigbee, Matter, proprietary 2.4 GHz, and NFC
Enabled for embedded machine learning (ML)
Environmental sensor for temperature, humidity, air quality and air pressure
Color and light sensor
Low-power accelerometer and inertial measurement unit (IMU)
High-quality MEMS microphone and buzzer
User-programmable buttons and RGB LED
Rechargeable Li-Po battery
The nRF7002 Expansion Board is a plug-in board for adding Wi-Fi 6 connectivity to a Nordic Thingy:53.
It contains everything needed to get started developing Wi-Fi applications on the Thingy:53. The board connects with a PCB edge connector to the Thingy:53’s expansion slot and uses the Thingy’s nRF5340 multiprotocol System-on-Chip (SoC) as a host device for the nRF7002 Wi-Fi Companion IC.
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nRF7002 Expansion Board
The nRF7002 Expansion Board is a plug-in board for adding Wi-Fi 6 connectivity to a Nordic Thingy:53.
It contains everything needed to get started developing Wi-Fi applications on the Thingy:53. The board connects with a PCB edge connector to the Thingy:53’s expansion slot and uses the Thingy’s nRF5340 multiprotocol System-on-Chip (SoC) as a host device for the nRF7002 Wi-Fi Companion IC.
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Dual-core Bluetooth 5.4 SoC supporting Bluetooth Low Energy, Bluetooth mesh, NFC, Thread and Zigbee
128 MHz Arm Cortex-M33 CPU with
1 MB Flash + 512 KB RAM
64 MHz Arm Cortex-M33 CPU with
256 KB Flash + 64 KB RAM
Bluetooth Low Energy
Bluetooth Direction Finding
Bluetooth mesh
Thread, Zigbee
Advanced security
105 °C extended operating temperature
1.7-5.5 V supply voltage range
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