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  • 我们很荣幸开始担任 《消费者心理学杂志》 的编辑。我们感激地接受了来自Anirban Mukhopadhyay,Christian Wheeler和Priya Raghubir精干的火炬传递,并感谢他们为该杂志做出的杰出贡献。

    在全球大流行中,我们继承了这一责任,这一大流行将我们的国家震撼到了核心。这场危机不仅引起我们社会,经济和卫生系统systems可危的警报,而且也使我们警惕获得基于科学的指导,解决方案和领导能力。作为学者和科学家,我们感到苦恼的是,循证科学在神经科学,政治学和修辞学方面处于后座。我们知道,只有通过系统地评估和重新评估服务于科学的知识,才能取得社会进步。确实,许多最初被科学界拒绝甚至完全拒绝的想法后来被证明是科学突破。我们现在不言而喻地认为,在检查患者之前洗手可以降低死亡率(Ignaz Semmelweis),疾病是由细菌传播的(路易斯·巴斯德),世界是圆形的(亚里斯多德)。必须通过接受非常规思维过程以及传统范式来实现科学发现。在培养消费者心理学方面,我们必须对破坏或挑战我们现有信念的新思想流派开放。

    心理学涉及行为科学,并且作为对消费者心理学感兴趣的学者,我们就定义而言对消费者行为科学感兴趣。考虑到这一定义,我们接受在科学探究的所有接触点研究消费者的概念。通过这种方式,我们意味着消费者可以成为调查的起点或动力,也可以成为分析的单位。它们可以是重点结果,也可以是导致结果的过程的关键;消费者的环境可以是上下文或主要元素。我们拥护 《消费心理学期刊》的 哲学,即意义在于对科学本身的追求,并呼应即将卸任的编辑们的观点,尽管 《消费心理学期刊》 论文需要与消费者相关,并非所有论文都需要告知管理实践,消费者福利或公共政策。我们承认并接受各种形式的智力贡献。

    我们希望通过鼓励对各种研究方法进行科学探究来培养广泛的智力贡献。通过在受控实验室实验中隔离变量和构造并在自然环境中进行观察(即现场研究)来研究消费者,一直是消费者心理学的主要传统。该 消费者心理学 将继续寻求能够对消费者的思想,感受和行为进行高质量实验和现场分析的手稿。但是,我们也认识到,除传统方法外,还有其他方法在历史上在期刊中的足迹较小,但也对这些相同的消费者结果提供了独特的理解。我们鼓励这种多样性,并欢迎提交的材料,无论其方法论方法和理论范式如何。


  • 研究文章 。研究文章是全长的论文,它们推动了消费者心理学的科学发展:从事消费者职业的人们的思想,感觉和行为。研究文章将以高水平的智力贡献来举行,这样新的见解就应该有意义地增加正在研究的理论领域,并为将来的研究打下坚实的基础。预期大量证据将使用最适合手头特定查询的严格测试方法来支持这些新见解。
  • 研究报告 。研究报告侧重于前沿的,以发现为导向的研究,这些研究在消费者心理学领域中传播了新的研究。研究报告应包含(i)具有初步经验发现的新颖有趣的观点,或(ii)具有合理的理论解释的新颖有趣的发现。报告虽然简短,但也同样严格,适用相同的测试标准,大量证据和贡献。
  • 研究评论 。研究评论使用消费者心理学的视角或观点将现存的各种文献合成为一个有说服力的框架。这些评论文章的目的是规范性和生成性。作为说明,这些文章将开发一个框架,该框架不仅提供用于组织研究和进行分类的结构,而且还可以提供用于生成建筑物的建筑物,该建筑物为根据现有研究提出重要的研究问题提供了生动的呼吸框架。研究评论之所以具有生成性,是因为其目的是激发更多的研究,引起对话并在期刊页面之外产生影响:这种影响包括个人和社会福祉,以及研究人员如何思考和解决问题。
  • 研究对话 。研究对话介绍了从初级心理学学科(如社会,认知和神经心理学)到消费者心理学家的话题,理论或框架。这些对话的目的是确定与消费者领域相关但尚未从消费者心理学角度进行广泛研究的主题。焦点文章通常将由杰出的消费者心理学家的评论进行补充,他们将说明他们的研究领域如何从这些新颖的主题,理论或框架中获得的见识中受益。这样,研究对话将在我们的领域内产生新的探究和分析途径。
  • 方法对话 。方法对话介绍了方法领域,工具或系统,以帮助消费者心理学家进行科学追求。这些对话的目的是提出与消费者领域相关的方法论主题或问题的观点。有些对话可能会引入解决问题或思考问题的新方法,有些对话可能会阐明使用传统上不是消费者心理学家选择的方法的好处,而另一些则可能提供分析或呈现数据的新方法。重点文章通常将附有评论,以进行对话,以使讨论在期刊之外继续进行,并希望其内容能为将来的研究提供参考。
  • 这种结构构架了我们的目标,即发表有关概念思想和实证研究结果的文章,以促进有关消费者心理学的集体智慧。我们认为我们是智慧的提供者,而不是智慧的预言者。为此,我们将继续执行先前的编辑团队设定的目标,即保持作者友好并在审核过程中消除教条主义,以确保出色的构想和严格的研究不会成为任意“规则”的牺牲品。并非所有论文都必须测量调解,然后进行调解以显示过程证据。并非所有论文都必须使用相同的统计软件来测试调解。适当地进行与研究探究有关的实地研究,非常好。将现场研究作为相关性标准并作为“在一组随机的,在外面的人中进行的实验室研究”进行时,则不太那么理想。我们认为,在论文结构中强制实行同质性可能扼杀创造力并抑制科学进程。教条主义的方法将忽略那些违反规范但以有意义的方式推动科学前进的可能性。

    我们坚信,通过接受可用的理论领域和方法论的多样性,并且不对手稿施加“模板样式”标准,我们将能够拓宽对消费者行为科学的理解,从而增加影响力该的 消费者心理学 。作为起点,我们很高兴在本期中发表文章,这些文章扩展了我们对实践中的科学哲学,数据收集规范以及我们在小仓库之外的影响力的思考。在我们的新方法对话部分中,Calder,Brendl,Tybout和Sternthal以及Schwarz交流了有关设计研究的思想,以利用区分变量和变量,假设和预测以及效果的能力。Simmons,Nelson和Simonsohn以及Pham和Oh之间的“研究对话”中对使用预注册解决社会科学中的可复制性危机进行了辩论。我们的第一份《研究评论》借鉴了消费者心理学的见解,以解释社会运动如何成功地创造社会变革。在这份研究评论中,Nardini,Rank‐Christman, 维护者 ,为成功的社会运动提供基层动力的人。作者以黑人生活问题运动的成长为例来说明他们的框架。通过这次审查,我们还迎来了JCP与消费者心理学协会和JCP的出版商Wiley的合作,以促进和促进奖学金的发展,从而推动我们在公平,代表权和包容性方面的对话,并欢迎在这些领域进行的研究。

    最后,我们期待在未来三年内领导 《消费者心理学杂志》 。我们拥有一支由经验丰富,超级聪明和尽职尽责的副编辑组成的优秀团队,我们衷心感谢他们愿意加入我们为 《消费者心理学杂志》 社区提供服务。我们有一个了不起的社论审查委员会,我们感谢他们为期刊提供的服务。我们谨代表 《消费者心理学杂志》 社区(编辑,审稿人和作者)向我们的编辑经理Sandra Osaki表示衷心的感谢,他使整个企业顺利运转。同时,我们感谢您选择 《消费者心理学杂志》 作为表达您的声音的渠道。对于所有人,我们举杯敬酒:“为您服务,为科学服务。谢谢。”

    We are honored to begin serving as the Editors of the Journal of Consumer Psychology . We gratefully accept this passing of the torch from the capable hands of Anirban Mukhopadhyay, Christian Wheeler, and Priya Raghubir and thank them for their committed and exceptional stewardship of the journal.

    We inherit this responsibility in the midst of a global pandemic that is shaking our nations to the core. This crisis raises the alarm not only of the precariousness of our social, economic, and health systems, but also of our access to science‐based guidance, solutions, and leadership. As academics and scientists, we watched in distress as evidence‐based science took a back seat to nescience, politics, and rhetoric. We know that societal progress is only achieved through the systematic appraisal and reappraisal of knowledge in the service of science. Indeed, many ideas that were initially resisted or even completely rejected by the scientific community were later proven to be scientific breakthroughs. We now accept as self‐evident that hand washing before examining patients reduces mortality (Ignaz Semmelweis), that diseases are spread by germs (Louis Pasteur), and that the world is round (Aristotle). Scientific discoveries must be enabled by an acceptance of non‐conventional thought processes alongside the traditional paradigms. In fostering the science of consumer psychology, we must be open to new schools of thought that disrupt or challenge our existing set of beliefs.

    Psychology involves the science of behavior, and as academics interested in consumer psychology, we are by definition interested in the science of consumer behavior. With this definition in mind, we embrace the notion of studying consumers at all touchpoints of scientific inquiry. By this, we mean that consumers can be the starting point or impetus for the investigation or they can be the unit of analysis; they can be the focal outcome or critical to the process leading up to the outcome; and the consumer’s environment can be the context or the principal element. We embrace the Journal of Consumer Psychology’s philosophy that meaningfulness resides in the pursuit of science itself and echo the outgoing editors’ sentiments that while all Journal of Consumer Psychology papers need to be relevant to consumers, not all papers need to inform managerial practice, consumer welfare, or public policy. We recognize and embrace all forms of intellectual contribution.

    We wish to foster a wide range of intellectual contributions by encouraging scientific inquiry across a variety of research methodologies. Studying consumers by isolating variables and constructs in controlled laboratory experiments and observing them in natural environments (i.e., field studies) has been the dominant tradition in consumer psychology. The Journal of Consumer Psychology will continue to seek manuscripts that present high‐quality experimental and field analyses of consumers’ thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. However, we also recognize that there are methodologies beyond these traditional approaches that have historically had a smaller footprint in the journal, but also offer a unique understanding of these same consumer outcomes. We encourage this diversity and welcome submissions irrespective of their methodological approaches and theoretical paradigms.

    Our desire for a variety of theoretical domains, methodologies, and constituencies who will be informed or affected by the findings is reflected in the structure of the Journal. We will offer five distinct categories of articles. In doing so, our hope is that we can perhaps introduce some readers to theories, methods, or communities that they might not have realized have direct import to their own work.

  • Research Articles . Research Articles are full‐length papers that advance the science of consumer psychology: the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of people in their occupations as consumers. Research Articles will be held to high standards of intellectual contribution, such that new insights should add meaningfully to the theoretical domain being studied, and lay strong foundations for future research. It is expected that substantial evidence will support these new insights using rigorous testing methods best suited for the particular inquiry at hand.
  • Research Reports . Research Reports are focused on cutting‐edge, discovery‐oriented research that propagates new research in consumer psychology domains. Research Reports should contain (i) novel and interesting ideas with preliminary empirical findings, or (ii) novel and interesting findings with plausible theoretical explanations. While the reports are shorter, they are no less rigorous, and the same standards for testing, substantial evidence, and contribution apply.
  • Research Reviews . Research Reviews synthesize extant diverse literature into a cogent framework using a consumer psychology lens or perspective. The objective of these review articles is to be prescriptive and generative. As prescriptive, these articles will develop a framework that provides a structure not just for organizing and categorizing research, but for generating the edifice that provides a living, breathing framework for asking vital research questions based on existing research. Research reviews are generative in that their objective is to spur more research, provoke conversations, and make an impact outside the pages of the journal: an impact that includes individual and societal well‐being, and how researchers think about and approach an issue.
  • Research Dialogues . Research Dialogues introduce topics, theories, or frameworks that emanate from primary psychological disciplines, such as social, cognitive, and neuro‐psychology, to consumer psychologists. The goal of these dialogues is to identify topics that, while relevant to the consumer domain, have not yet been extensively investigated with a consumer psychology lens. The focal articles will typically be complemented by commentaries from preeminent consumer psychologists, who will illustrate how their area of research can benefit from insights gained from these novel topics, theories, or frameworks. In doing so, Research Dialogues will generate new paths of inquiry and analyses within our field.
  • Methods Dialogues . Methods Dialogues introduce methodological domains, tools, or systems to aid consumer psychologists in their scientific pursuits. The goal of these dialogues is to present viewpoints on methodological themes or matters that are relevant to the consumer domain. Some dialogues might introduce a new way of approaching or thinking about a problem, and some might elucidate the benefits of using methodologies not traditionally chosen by consumer psychologists, while others might offer new ways to analyze or present data. Focal articles will typically be complemented by commentaries that initiate a dialogue with the hope that the discussion continues outside of the journal and that the content informs future scholarship.
  • This structure frames our goal to publish contributions in conceptual thought and empirical findings that advance the body of collective wisdom on consumer psychology. We view our role as purveyors but not prognosticators of wisdom. To that end, we continue the goals set by the previous editor team to remain author‐friendly and to eliminate dogmatism in the review process to ensure that great ideas and rigorous research do not fall prey to often arbitrary “rules.” Not all papers must measure mediation and then moderate it in order to show process evidence. Not all papers must use the same statistical software to test for mediation. Field studies, when appropriately conducted and relevant to the research inquiry, are fabulous. Field studies when imposed as a criterion for relevance and conducted as a “lab‐study‐done‐on‐a‐random‐group‐of‐people‐outside” are less fabulous. It is our view that enforced homogeneity in the structure of papers can stifle creativity and inhibit the scientific process; dogmatic approaches will ignore possibilities that violate the norm but that move science forward in a meaningful way.

    We strongly believe that by embracing the multiplicity of theoretical domains and methodologies available, and by not imposing a “template style” standard to manuscripts, we will be able to broaden our understanding of the science of consumer behavior and, in turn, increase the impact of the Journal of Consumer Psychology . As a starting point, we are thrilled to publish articles in this issue that stretch our thinking about philosophy of science as we practice it, about the norms for data collection, and about our influence outside our small silo. Introducing our new Methods Dialogue section, Calder, Brendl, Tybout and Sternthal, and Schwarz exchange thoughts on designing research to exploit the power of distinguishing constructs from variables, hypotheses from predictions, and theory from effects. The use of pre‐registration as a solution to the reproducibility crisis in social science is debated in the Research Dialogue between Simmons, Nelson and Simonsohn, and Pham and Oh. Our first Research Review draws on insights from consumer psychology to explain how social movements succeed in creating social change. In this Research Review, Nardini, Rank‐Christman, Bublitz, Cross, and Peracchio identify the consumer psychology mechanisms that motivate collective action and encourage people to transform from bystanders to upstanders , those who provide the grassroots momentum for successful social movements. The authors illustrate their framework with examples from the growth of the Black Lives Matter movement. With this review, we also usher in JCP’s collaboration with the Society for Consumer Psychology and JCP’s publisher, Wiley, to foster and promote scholarship that advances our conversations about equity, representation, and inclusion, and welcome research conducted in these spheres.

    To conclude, we look forward to leading the Journal of Consumer Psychology for the next three years. We have an outstanding team of experienced, super‐smart, and conscientious Associate Editors, and we thank them from the bottom of our hearts for their willingness to join us in serving the Journal of Consumer Psychology community. We have an amazing Editorial Review Board, and we thank them for their service to the journal. On behalf of the Journal of Consumer Psychology community—the editors, the reviewers, and the authors—we offer a huge thank you to Sandra Osaki, our Editorial Manager, who makes the whole enterprise run smoothly. And, we thank you, the authors, for choosing the Journal of Consumer Psychology as an outlet to get your voice heard. To all of you, we raise our glass and offer a toast: “To working with you in the service of science. Thank you.”