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  • How do I add a statement in a variable when part of the statement is variable and the variables value is too be assigned?
  • How to insert a temporary text in a tkinter Entry widget?
  • Output of LaTeX symbols using f-strings
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  • KNN in Tensorflow - Using Graph to predict unseen data
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  • Specific Machine Learning Query about Estimating Training Values and Adjusting Weights
  • PyTorch: why does running output = model(images) use so much GPU memory?
  • How do I unit test a function in the CI pipeline that uses model files that are not part of the git remote?
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  • I am new to Python. I have tried to ran this code but I am getting an error message for ImportError: No module named 'HTMLParser'. I am using Python 3.x. Any reason why this is not working ?

    #Import the HTMLParser model
    from HTMLParser import HTMLParser
    #Create a subclass and override the handler methods
    class MyHTMLParser(HTMLParser):
    #Function to handle the processing of HTML comments
        def handle_comment(self,data):
            print ("Encountered comment: ", data)
            pos = self.getpos()
            print ("At line: ", pos[0], "position ", pos[1])
    def main():
        #Instantiate the parser and feed it some html
        parser= MyHTMLParser()
        #Open the sample file and read it
        f = open("myhtml.html")
        if f.mode== "r":
            contents= f.read()  #read the entire FileExistsError
    if __name__== "__main__":

    I am getting the following error:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "C:\Users\bm250199\workspace\test\htmlparsing.py", line 3, in <module>
        from HTMLParser import HTMLParser
    ImportError: No module named 'HTMLParser'

    The module is called html.parser in Python 3. So you need to change your import to reflect that new name:

    from html.parser import HTMLParser

    You should always check the standard library documentation to make sure that you are importing the right things from the right location.

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