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  • 标签化管理网页链接
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  • Printing grid values from lists in a list
  • Python Collections.counter and excluding stuff from JSON
  • Get bulletted list in lxml
  • Integrating multiprocessing.Process with concurrent.future._base.Future
  • python.logging: Why does my non-basicConfig setting not work?
  • name 'turtle' is not defined on line 4 in main.py
  • What is the difference between sys.exit() and break in Python?
  • What value does BeautifulSoup return when it fails to parse HTML?
  • Installing python modules on Ubuntu
  • Putting .SVG images into tkinter Frame
  • How can I use Sphinx with subpackages without duplicating everything?
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  • sys.setswitchinterval in Python 3.2 and beyond
  • machine_learning

  • Looking for a C++ implementation of the C4.5 algorithm
  • mahalanobis distance in Kmeans Clustering using OpenCV
  • State-of-the-art method for large-scale near-duplicate detection of documents?
  • What learning algorithm(s) should I consider to train a log-linear regression model?
  • Interesting NLP/machine-learning style project -- analyzing privacy policies
  • Macro metrics (recall/F1...) for multiclass CNN
  • How do I export a TensorFlow model as a .tflite file?
  • converting scipy.sparse.csr.csr_matrix to a list of lists
  • xgboost predict_proba : How to do the mapping between the probabilities and the labels
  • Combining Weak Learners into a Strong Classifier
  • I am using mnist dataset for training a capsule network in keras background. After training, I want to display an image from mnist dataset. For loading images, mnist.load_data() is used. The data is stored as (x_train, y_train),(x_test, y_test). Now, for visualizing image, my code is as follows:

    img_path = x_test[1]  

    The code gives output as follows:

    (28, 28, 1)

    and the error on plt.imshow(img_path) as follows:

    TypeError: Invalid dimensions for image data

    How to show image in png format. Help!

    Accepted answer

    You can use tf.squeeze for removing dimensions of size 1 from the shape of a tensor.

    plt.imshow( tf.shape( tf.squeeze(x_train) ) )

    Check out TF2.0 example

  • Invalid dimension for image data in plt.imshow()
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    matplotlib.pyplot.imshow() does not support images of shape (h, w, 1). Just remove the last dimension of the image by reshaping the image to (h, w): newimage = reshape(img,(h,w)).

    As per the comment of @sdcbr using np.sqeeze reduces unnecessary dimension. If image is 2 dimensions then imshow function works fine. If image has 3 dimensions then you have to reduce extra 1 dimension. But, for higher dim data you will have to reduce it to 2 dims, so np.sqeeze may be applied multiple times. (Or you may use some other dim reduction functions for higher dim data)

    import numpy as np  
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    img_path = x_test[1]  
    if(len(img_path.shape) == 3):
    elif(len(img_path.shape) == 2):
        print("Higher dimensional data")
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