Coastal Tidal Flat Development Mode Choice and Spatial Configuration of Different Functional Areas in Nantong Coastal Zones
Chen Cheng
1.Key Laboratory of Watershed Geographic Sciences,Nanjing Institute of Geography & Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, Jiangsu, China
To coordinate the relationships between resource and environmental capacities of coastal zone and sustainable social economic development is the hotspots concerned by the government agencies and societies. Tidal flat is one of the most important resources in the coastal zone. How to identify tidal flat resources development mode and spatial function arrangement is an important scientific problem which needed to be solved in the integrated coastal zone management, it plays an important role in promoting sustainable development in the coastal area. Based on literature review of the integrated coastal zone management, the relationship between resources and social-economic conditions and evolution laws of the tidal flat development mode in coastal area is explored. Integrated with resources conditions, tidal flat developing history and regional development background analysis in Nantong coastal zone, this article proposes that comprehensive tidal flat developing mode which includes ecological protection and tourism, agricultural production and industrial-town development should be carried out in the future. Later, the logical route and the method of spatial arrangement of different economic and social activities are discussed integrated with the management of key ecological area, coordination and cooperation among multi-sectors and suitability assessment support. Empirical analysis of coastal zone in Nantong City shows that except for allocating space for tidal flat tourism, agriculture, harbor-industrial and town, we should also reserve large tidal flat area for the next generation. After coordinated with different planning covering the coastal zone area, the area proportion of different economic activities were identified, they were 23.5%, 32.7% and 43.8%.The spatial configuration results is obtained as follows, tidal flat for ecological protection and tourism are mainly distributed in eastern part of the Mafeng River and the eastern part of the Yaowanggang River, tidal flat for agriculture are concentrated in eastern part of Rutai river and the southern part of the Yaowanggang River, tidal flat for harbor-industrial and town are mainly distributed in northern part of Juekan river and southern part of radial sand ridges of Yao. Finally, this article explores spatial management rules to enhance the dominant function of different areas, and optimize the configuration of production factors, including economic activities agglomeration scale control, the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers restrict, and waste disposal central control, which can provide an scientific guidance for tidal flat resources sustainable development. This study also indicates that the coordination regimes among different sectors should be explored deeply in the further.
Vulnerability in human-sea economic system of Liaoning coastal area in china.
Scientia Geographic Sinica,
<p>在人海关系地域系统的基础上提出了人海经济系统的概念,在此基础上对辽宁沿海地区人海经济系统进行研究。采用熵值系数法进行权重赋值,建立脆弱性与敏感性、恢复性函数关系,并对其进行评价。结果表明① 从脆弱性结果分析来看,1996~2009 年辽宁沿海地区人海经济系统脆弱性逐年降低,并从极强脆弱型发展为弱脆弱型;② 1996~2009 年敏感性指数呈现多个“倒U”型连续波动;③ 1996~2009 年,恢复性指数呈现逐年增长的趋势。海洋产业增加值逐年增加,海洋油气产业发展出现波动性的变化,海洋捕捞产量得到了一定程度的控制,海洋产业结构进行了一定程度上的调整,为加快新兴产业发展起到了重要的作用。</p>
<p>对江苏省如东县不同年限的滩涂围垦区和光滩土壤样品进行分析,运用SPSS软件对垦区间土壤指标进行单因素方差分析和差异显著性检验,采用土壤质量综合指数法进行土壤质量评价,引入土壤质量障碍因子诊断模型分析关键改良因子.结果表明:滩涂围垦60 a 来,研究区土壤质量随围垦时间变化轨迹为"急剧提高—相对稳定—持续提高".围垦前10 a 土壤质量急剧提高,土壤质量指数(<em>SQI</em>)由0.19 增至0.37,年均增长11.84%,垦区差异显著;围垦10~30 a<em>SQI</em> 由0.37 增至0.42,年均增长0.54%,围垦30~40 a<em>SQI</em> 由0.42 增至0.45,年均增长0.71%,垦区差异不明显,因此围垦30 a 左右土壤质量处于相对稳定状态;围垦40~60 a 土壤质量持续提升,<em>SQI</em>由0.45 增至0.56,年均增长1.22%,垦区差异显著.土壤质量的障碍因子分析显示较低的TOC、TN和粒含量是土壤质量的主要限制因子,且与pH、盐分显著负相关,因此盐碱度降低是研究区土壤质量提升的根本原因,肥力提高以及土壤质地的改善是土壤质量进一步提升的关键.</p>
Zhu Ming
et al
Soil quality evolution in coastal reclamation zones: A case study of rudong county of jiangsu province.
Scientia Geographic Sinica,
<p>对江苏省如东县不同年限的滩涂围垦区和光滩土壤样品进行分析,运用SPSS软件对垦区间土壤指标进行单因素方差分析和差异显著性检验,采用土壤质量综合指数法进行土壤质量评价,引入土壤质量障碍因子诊断模型分析关键改良因子.结果表明:滩涂围垦60 a 来,研究区土壤质量随围垦时间变化轨迹为"急剧提高—相对稳定—持续提高".围垦前10 a 土壤质量急剧提高,土壤质量指数(<em>SQI</em>)由0.19 增至0.37,年均增长11.84%,垦区差异显著;围垦10~30 a<em>SQI</em> 由0.37 增至0.42,年均增长0.54%,围垦30~40 a<em>SQI</em> 由0.42 增至0.45,年均增长0.71%,垦区差异不明显,因此围垦30 a 左右土壤质量处于相对稳定状态;围垦40~60 a 土壤质量持续提升,<em>SQI</em>由0.45 增至0.56,年均增长1.22%,垦区差异显著.土壤质量的障碍因子分析显示较低的TOC、TN和粒含量是土壤质量的主要限制因子,且与pH、盐分显著负相关,因此盐碱度降低是研究区土壤质量提升的根本原因,肥力提高以及土壤质地的改善是土壤质量进一步提升的关键.</p>
Development Patterns and Suitability Assessment of Tidal Flat Resources in Jiangsu Province.
Resources Science,
Abstract The need to rapidly and accurately identify areas for protection and conservation in the marine environment has been highlighted as of critical importance. Managers require timely and costeffective techniques to obtain biodiversity information at appropriate scales and resolutions aligned with management objectives and stakeholders requirements. In this paper, a two-stage, multi-level data collection framework is presented that will aid managers to focus on what marine biodiversity collection techniques will meet their individual jurisdictional needs. The framework begins with an integrated planning process (objective setting, stakeholder identification, and sensitivity and gap analyses), that leads to a hierarchical approach for selecting biodiversity assessment techniques that will gather required marine biodiversity data. Complexity of scale and resolution increases as one progress through the hierarchical levels of Stage II. The utility of using a hierarchical framework is that it surmounts the problem that no single technique can quantify all biological attributes necessary for management outcomes. Also, the user enters the framework at a hierarchical level that meets their requirements thus removing the collection of redundant data. Ultimately, the rapid assessment framework is based on the efficient and sufficient assessment of marine biodiversity.
ABSTRACT Human population density is globally three times higher along the coasts than inland, and thus environmental impacts of human activities are greater in magnitude on coastal ecosystems such as beaches and dunes. Vulnerability assessment (the loss of capacity to return to the original dynamic state after system displacement) is thus necessary to evaluate the conservation status and determine the most relevant disturbance events. Twenty-six sites along 902 km of Gulf of Mexico coastline, varying in conservation status and sedimentary dynamics, were sampled. At each site a vulnerability index (VI) was calculated based on variables that described geomorphological condition, marine influence, aeolian influence, vegetation condition and human effects. Vulnerability was very variable along the coast and only 19% of the sampled locations (mostly in the central Gulf of Mexico) displayed low vulnerability. Cluster analyses of the values assigned to the checklists for each location grouped the studied sites into three, according to their VI values. Low vulnerability locations had abundant sediment supply and low human impact. Locations with medium to high VI were mostly affected by their natural geomorphological and marine features and had medium to intense human activities. Management strategies should consider the observed variability in vulnerability, the natural dynamics of these systems and the role of human activities and interests, in order to achieve adequate policies and establish well-informed priorities for integrated coastal zone management.
<h2 class="secHeading" id="section_abstract">Abstract</h2><p id="">The effectiveness of institutional arrangements and policies for governance has become a key question within the sustainability paradigm, not least in coastal areas which have unique issues and jurisdictions across the land–sea interface. In the UK, approximately 60 non-statutory coastal management initiatives have been established at the local/regional level since the 1990s, based on a variety of programmes and projects. Proposals for a UK Marine Bill have raised questions about the role of non-statutory initiatives in the system of governance. The traditional sectoral approach to management and planning is being modified due to the pressure of increased human activities, but doubts exist about what effective contribution local and regional partnerships can make. The paper reports extensive examples of Integrated Coastal Management initiatives engaging institutions and society to produce outputs which have transformed management, promoting long-term, collaborative, participatory and ecologically sustainable approaches. The paper concludes that there are demonstrable benefits in taking a partnership approach to coastal management at a local level, yet these forms of planning and management are not widely accepted or embedded within the current system of governance.</p>
ABSTRACT Southern Sweden suffers from coastal eutrophication and one reason is the high nitrogen load through rivers. The major part of this load originates from diffuse land-based sources, e.g. arable soil leaching. Effective reduction of load from such sources demand careful landscape analysis, combined with changed behaviour of the stakeholders. This study describes a chain of methods to achieve trustworthy management plans that are based on numerical modelling and stakeholders participation and acceptance. The effect of some measures was unexpected when modelling their impact on the catchment scale.Management scenarios to reduce riverine nitrogen load were constructed in an actor game (i.e. role-play) for the Genevads氓n catchment in southern Sweden. The game included stakeholders for implementation of a loading standard for maximum nitrogen transport at the river mouth. Scenarios were defined after negotiation among involved actors and included changes in agricultural practices, improved wastewater treatment, and establishment of wetlands. Numerical models were used to calculate the nitrogen reduction for different measures in each scenario. An index model (STANK) calculated the root zone leaching of nitrogen from crops at four type farms. This generated input to a catchment scale model (HBV-N) and farm economics. The economic impact of different sets of remedial measures was evaluated for each type farm and then extrapolated to the catchment.The results from scenario modelling show that possible changes in agricultural practices (such as tuning, timing of fertilisation and ploughing, changed crop cultivation) could reduce the nitrogen load to the sea by some 30%, while wetland construction only reduced the original load by some 5%. In the most cost-effective scenario agricultural practices could reduce the riverine load by 86 t per year at a cost of 1.0 million SEK, while constructed wetlands only reduced the load by 14 t per year at a cost of 1.7 million SEK. Thus, changed agricultural practices can be the most effective and less expensive way to reduce nitrogen transport from land to the sea, while constructed wetlands with realistic allocations and sizes may only have small impact on riverine nitrogen transport from land to sea. The overall experience is that actor games and numerical modelling are useful tools in landscape planning for analysing stakeholders鈥 behaviour and the impact of measures to reduce coastal eutrophication.
ABSTRACT A multiple of stakeholder goals, regarding natural resource utilisation, are integrated into an overall provincial strategic forest and fisheries utilisation decision support system providing a platform for defining tactical forest planning objectives within a 10-year planning horizon. The case study area is a 5362 ha mangrove forest enterprise, divided into a buffer zone and a full protection zone, which has 46 permanent staff, 575 farming households, 450 near-shore fishing families, and 200 landless families. The analyses are based on a modification of the forest management planning package PEB, which incorporates multi-objective (political, economic, and biological) linear programming using a 10-year planning horizon based on stand data. Numerous stakeholders' goals are included in the forest management plan. A revenue of US$ 2.6 million in the 10-year planning period is achieved of which 46% is generated from forestry in the full protection zone, 33% from non-farm forestry, and 21% from farm forestry in the buffer zone. The full protection zone forest has the potential to generate the highest revenue and, therefore, a discussion is made on allowing limited forestry in the zone. If the firewood value is included, the revenues would increase to US$ 3.4 million. Findings suggest that firewood collection for landless, fishermen, and farmers is sustainable and, therefore, ought to be legalized. The value of on-farm silviculture and firewood collection accounts for 10% of net revenues, which can be compared to the other income generators: tiger shrimp (8%), mud crab (6%), sluice-gate fishery (44%), animal husbandry (5%), and off-farm activities (27%). The ecological linkage between mangroves and fisheries provides a major additional gross margin of between US$ 4 and 12 million from fisheries alone. A discussion on the general applicability, strengths, and shortcomings of the system is made.
Ren Guozhu
et al
Study on the Development of Leisure Agriculture and Rural Tourism in Beijing. Geo-information