  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接

A base AWSClientConfiguration is provided which can be used as a base configuration class for any configuration that needs to configure an AWS SDK client.

2 Release History

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micronaut-function-aws-api-proxy modules supports both Payload format version v1 and v2. For functions of type Application , use the handler ApiGatewayProxyRequestEventFunction for Payload format version 1.0 and APIGatewayV2HTTPEventFunction for 2.0.

micronaut-function-aws-api-proxy modules supports application load balancer events. For functions of type Application , use the handler ApplicationLoadBalancerFunction

New dependency to use Micronaut Serialization with AWS Lambda Events .

It provides a custom serialization implementation for Lambda .

micronaut-function-aws-api-proxy no longer depends on AWS Serverless Java container . Most of the modules classes have been deleted or changed.

If you use io.micronaut.function.aws.proxy.MicronautLambdaHandler as your AWS Lambda handler, change it to ApiGatewayProxyRequestEventFunction for Payload format version 1.0 or APIGatewayV2HTTPEventFunction for payload format 2.0.

The @IntentHandler annotation and the associated AnnotatedRequestHandler have been removed. @IntentHandler helped to implement automatically the method canHandle of an Alexa’s handler. If you had code, such as @IntentHandler("HelloWorldIntent") , you need to implement canHandle method. For example:

public boolean canHandle(HandlerInput handlerInput) {
return handlerInput.matches(Predicates.intentName("HelloWorldIntent"));
== Micronaut Function Name
Property `micronaut.function.name` takes precedence over the function name present in the Lambda Context.

IntentHandler []



AnnotatedRequestHandler []






When using AWS API Proxy, the new support for server side content negotiation may require changes to tests. For example a test that makes a call such as:

String result = client.toBlocking().retrieve(
        .accept("text/plain"), String)

If the server implementation does not declare the route as @Produces("text/plain") the request won’t match.

Amazon Corretto is an OpenJDK distribution that provides free, long-term support with no pay-gated features or restrictions on how it’s used in production. Corretto is used by thousands of Amazon workloads; for example, it’s the JDK used by the AWS Lambda java11 runtime, which provides insights Amazon uses to push improvements upstream.

When working with AWS SDK, you may need to provide a com.amazonaws.auth.AWSCredentialsProvider . To ease that this module provides a utility class: EnvironmentAWSCredentialsProvider

For example the following snippet show how you may configure a S3 Client if you set two environment variables:

AmazonS3ClientBuilder amazonS3ClientBuilder = AmazonS3ClientBuilder.standard();
  amazonS3ClientBuilder.setCredentials(new EnvironmentAWSCredentialsProvider(applicationContext.getEnvironment()));
AmazonS3 s3 = amazonS3ClientBuilder.build();

Read about externalized Configuration with property sources in Micronaut.

8 AWS SDK v2

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By default, the AWS SDK v2 will pull transitively both the Netty (async) and Apache HTTP (sync) clients. If you wish to use a client based on the JVM’s lightweight URLConnection , you should configure it as explained below.

To use the URLConnection -based client, you should exclude the other clients from the classpath:

implementation "software.amazon.awssdk:s3", {
    exclude group: "software.amazon.awssdk", module: "apache-client"
    exclude group: "software.amazon.awssdk", module: "netty-nio-client"
implementation "software.amazon.awssdk:url-connection-client"

Then, you can configure it with the following configuration properties:

Table 1. Configuration Properties for UrlConnectionClientConfiguration

If you don’t exclude the other clients from the classpath, you still can configure which one is used by setting the following JVM system properties:

software.amazon.awssdk.http.urlconnection.UrlConnectionSdkHttpService for the URLConnection based client.

software.amazon.awssdk.http.apache.ApacheSdkHttpService for the Apache HTTP client (if in the classpath).

Amazon ECS container credentials, loaded from Amazon ECS if the environment variable AWS_CONTAINER_CREDENTIALS_RELATIVE_URI is set.

Instance profile credentials, used on Amazon EC2 instances, and delivered through the Amazon EC2 metadata service.

accessKeyId = "your_access_key_id_here" secretKey = "your_secret_key_id_here" sessionToken = "your_session_token_here" accessKeyId = "your_access_key_id_here" secretKey = "your_secret_key_id_here" sessionToken = "your_session_token_here" "accessKeyId": "your_access_key_id_here", "secretKey": "your_secret_key_id_here", "sessionToken": "your_session_token_here"

You can override the endpoint of an AWS Service by setting aws.services.*.endpoint-override , for example, during testing.

For example, for AWS SQS, you can set aws.services.sqs.endpoint-override=https://localhost:1234 .

8.5 API Gateway Management API Client

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software.amazon.awssdk.services.apigatewaymanagementapi.ApiGatewayManagementApiClient .


software.amazon.awssdk.services.apigatewaymanagementapi.ApiGatewayManagementApiAsyncClient .

The HTTP client, credentials and region will be configured as per described in the SDK v2 documentation .

8.6 S3

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Micronaut provides a high-level, uniform object storage API that works across the major cloud providers: Micronaut Object Storage .

To get started, select the object-storage-aws feature in Micronaut Launch , or add the following dependency:


The HTTP client, credentials and region will be configured as per described in the SDK v2 documentation .

Additionally, this service accepts the following configuration properties:

Table 1. Configuration Properties for S3ConfigurationProperties

The HTTP client, credentials and region will be configured as per described in the SDK v2 documentation .

8.8 SES

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The HTTP client, credentials and region will be configured as per described in the SDK v2 documentation .

8.9 SNS

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The HTTP client, credentials and region will be configured as per described in the SDK v2 documentation .

8.10 SQS

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The HTTP client, credentials and region will be configured as per described in the SDK v2 documentation .

8.11 SSM

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The HTTP client, credentials and region will be configured as per described in the SDK v2 documentation .

8.12 Secrets Manager

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The HTTP client, credentials and region will be configured as per described in the SDK v2 documentation .

8.13 Service discovery

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The HTTP client, credentials and region will be configured as per described in the SDK v2 documentation .

8.14 CloudWatch logging

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The HTTP client, credentials and region will be configured as per described in the SDK v2 documentation .

8.14.1 Set CloudWatch Logging

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By default, Micronaut application will try to create the group and stream for you using AWS client. To disable this behavior you have to set the createGroupAndStream flag to false inside your appender. Default value for group name is your application name and for stream name is your hostname. If you want you can change them by setting value groupName for group name and streamName for stream name.

Table 1. Configurable CloudWatchLoggingAppender Appender Properties


If flag is set to true the Micronaut application will try to create group and stream on the AWS



List of logger names that won’t be published

    <appender name="CLOUDWATCH" class="io.micronaut.aws.cloudwatch.logging.CloudWatchLoggingAppender">
        <!-- <blackListLoggerName>example.app.Application</blackListLoggerName> -->
        <encoder class="ch.qos.logback.core.encoder.LayoutWrappingEncoder">
            <layout class="ch.qos.logback.contrib.json.classic.JsonLayout">
                <jsonFormatter class="io.micronaut.aws.cloudwatch.logging.CloudWatchJsonFormatter" />
        <!-- <groupName>customGroupName</groupName> -->
        <!-- <streamName>customStreamName</streamName> -->
        <!-- <createGroupAndStream>true</createGroupAndStream> -->
    <root level="INFO">
        <appender-ref ref="CLOUDWATCH" />

You can customize your JsonLayout with additional parameters the are available on official docs of Logback’s JsonLayout .

The CloudWatchLoggingAppender supports blacklisting the loggers by specifying the logger name. That might come handy if you want to use level=DEBUG or level=TRACE for the root logger level.

8.14.3 OpenTelemetry and logging

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Inside your src/main/resources/logback.xml you should add a new appender io.opentelemetry.instrumentation.logback.v1_0.OpenTelemetryAppender .

    <appender name="CLOUDWATCH" class="io.micronaut.aws.cloudwatch.logging.CloudWatchLoggingAppender">
        <!-- <blackListLoggerName>example.app.Application</blackListLoggerName> -->
        <encoder class="ch.qos.logback.core.encoder.LayoutWrappingEncoder">
            <layout class="ch.qos.logback.contrib.json.classic.JsonLayout">
                <jsonFormatter class="io.micronaut.aws.cloudwatch.logging.CloudWatchJsonFormatter" />
        <!-- <groupName>customGroupName</groupName> -->
        <!-- <streamName>customStreamName</streamName> -->
        <!-- <createGroupAndStream>true</createGroupAndStream> -->
    <appender name="OTEL" class="io.opentelemetry.instrumentation.logback.v1_0.OpenTelemetryAppender">
        <appender-ref ref="CLOUDWATCH" />
    <root level="INFO">
        <appender-ref ref="OTEL" />

8.14.4 Emergency Appender

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Since this appender is queuing up log messages and then writing them remotely, there are a number of situations which might result in log messages not getting remoted correctly. To address such scenarios you can configure the emergency appender to preserve those messages.

Inside your src/main/resources/logback.xml you should add a new appender, in the example it is STDOUT . Inside the CloudWatchLoggingAppender add appender-ref that points to the new crated appender.

    <appender name="STDOUT" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
        <!-- encoders are assigned the type
             ch.qos.logback.classic.encoder.PatternLayoutEncoder by default -->
            <pattern>%cyan(%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS}) %gray([%thread]) %highlight(%-5level) %magenta(%logger{36}) - %msg%n</pattern>
    <appender name="CLOUDWATCH" class="io.micronaut.aws.cloudwatch.logging.CloudWatchLoggingAppender">
        <appender-ref ref="STDOUT"/>
        <!-- <blackListLoggerName>example.app.Application</blackListLoggerName> -->
        <encoder class="ch.qos.logback.core.encoder.LayoutWrappingEncoder">
            <layout class="ch.qos.logback.contrib.json.classic.JsonLayout">
                <jsonFormatter class="io.micronaut.aws.cloudwatch.logging.CloudWatchJsonFormatter" />
        <!-- <groupName>customGroupName</groupName> -->
        <!-- <streamName>customStreamName</streamName> -->
        <!-- <createGroupAndStream>true</createGroupAndStream> -->
    <root level="INFO">
        <appender-ref ref="CLOUDWATCH" />

8.14.5 Browsing the Logs

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For advanced configuration options that are not suitable to provide via application.yml , you can declare a BeanCreatedEventListener bean that listens for builder bean creations, and apply any further customisation there:

public class S3ClientBuilderListener implements BeanCreatedEventListener<S3ClientBuilder> {
    public S3ClientBuilder onCreated(BeanCreatedEvent<S3ClientBuilder> event) {
        S3ClientBuilder builder = event.getBean();
        return builder;

8.16 Other services

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Since the list of services offered by AWS is huge, you can write your own client support and leverage the foundation classes that support the services supported by Micronaut.

To do so, you would create a @Factory class that would get injected some other beans to do its job.

For example, to create a client for AWS Rekognition:

public class RekognitionClientFactory extends AwsClientFactory<RekognitionClientBuilder, RekognitionAsyncClientBuilder, RekognitionClient, RekognitionAsyncClient> {
     * @param credentialsProvider The credentials provider
     * @param regionProvider      The region provider
     * @param userAgentProvider User-Agent provider
     * @param awsServiceConfiguration  AWS Service Configuration
    protected RekognitionClientFactory(AwsCredentialsProviderChain credentialsProvider,
                                       AwsRegionProviderChain regionProvider,
                                       @Nullable UserAgentProvider userAgentProvider,
                                       @Nullable @Named(RekognitionClient.SERVICE_NAME) AWSServiceConfiguration awsServiceConfiguration) {
        super(credentialsProvider, regionProvider, userAgentProvider, awsServiceConfiguration);
    // Sync client
    protected RekognitionClientBuilder createSyncBuilder() { // (1)
        return RekognitionClient.builder();
    public RekognitionClientBuilder syncBuilder(SdkHttpClient httpClient) { // (2)
        return super.syncBuilder(httpClient);
    @Bean(preDestroy = "close")
    public RekognitionClient syncClient(RekognitionClientBuilder builder) { // (3)
        return super.syncClient(builder);
    // Async client
    protected RekognitionAsyncClientBuilder createAsyncBuilder() { // (1)
        return RekognitionAsyncClient.builder();
    @Requires(beans = SdkAsyncHttpClient.class)
    public RekognitionAsyncClientBuilder asyncBuilder(SdkAsyncHttpClient httpClient) { // (2)
        return super.asyncBuilder(httpClient);
    @Bean(preDestroy = "close")
    @Requires(beans = SdkAsyncHttpClient.class)
    public RekognitionAsyncClient asyncClient(RekognitionAsyncClientBuilder builder) { // (3)
        return super.asyncClient(builder);
This method needs to be implemented so that the parent factory class knows how to create the builder. You may apply
additional customisations to the builder here.
This method gives a chance to register a BeanCreaterEventListener over the builder, so that any builder can be
customised. Needs to be overridden to apply the @Singleton annotation.
This method builds the client. Needs to be overridden to apply the @Bean annotation.

You can use StageResolver and its implementations HttpRequestStageResolver or APIGatewayProxyRequestEventStageResolver to resolve the stage name.

Moreover, you can use AmazonApiGatewayUtils to check whether a resolved host matches the above format.

To use this API add the following dependency


To deploy a Micronaut function to AWS Lambda you have to choose a AWS Lambda Runtime. For Micronaut functions, you select a Java 17 runtime or custom runtime. To deploy your Micronaut function as a GraalVM Native Image you need to select a custom runtime.

Table 1. AWS Lambda Runtimes


GraalVM Native Image in a AWS Lambda Custom Runtime

micronaut-function-aws-api-proxy, micronaut-function-aws-custom-runtime

Serverless Function

Java 17


Serverless Function

GraalVM Native Image in a AWS Lambda Custom Runtime

micronaut-function-aws, micronaut-function-aws-custom-runtime

Micronaut CLI or Launch will include the necessary dependencies when you select the aws-lambda feature or both aws-lambda and graalvm features.

10.5 Lambda Triggers

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AWS Lambda integrates with other AWS services to invoke functions. The Micronaut application type you select depends on the triggers you want to support. To respond to incoming HTTP requests (e.g. AWS Lambda Proxy integrations in API Gateway) you can choose either Application or Serverless Function. For other triggers, such as consuming events from a queue, or run on a schedule you will choose Serverless Function.

On the one hand, if you need to support a single endpoint a Serverless Function gives you a function with less code (which translates to a faster cold startup).

On the other hand, functions written as an application of type Application allows you to code with a more familiar paradigm - Classes annotated with @Controller. That it is possible because, through the micronaut-function-aws-api-proxy dependency, Micronaut integrates with the AWS Lambda Java Events project.

10.6 AWS Lambda Test

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To smooth the developer experience when you use the micronaut-function-aws-api-proxy dependency, Micronaut AWS offers the micronaut-function-aws-api-proxy-test dependency.

Add it as a developmentOnly dependency so that it is used when you run the app locally:












For Serverless Functions the decision to use one MicronautRequestHandler or MicronautRequestStreamHandler depends on how you want to handle the input and output types.

To resolve those classes you need to add the micronaut-function-aws dependency to your build.

Supply Generic types with the input and Output

Class which extends MicronautRequestHandler

Raw streams



micronaut-aws-lambda-events-serde provides an implementation of com.amazonaws.services.lambda.runtime.CustomPojoSerializer which is loaded via SPI. This CustomPojoSerialization avoids your Micronaut function paying a double hit on performance when using a serialization library inside the Lambda function.

10.11 AfterExecutionEvent

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AWS Lambda runtime will reuse the instances of your handler classes but the Java Virtual Machine will be suspended between the invocation. Every call on a single instance of your handler will reuse the same application context. If you need to perform actions before the JVM gets suspended then you can create synchronous handler for AfterExecutionEvent event which is published right before the execution of the method handleRequest in MicronautRequestHandler and MicronautRequestStreamHandler is finished.

To subscribe to AfterExecutionEvent create a @Singleton class which implements ApplicationEventListener<AfterExecutionEvent>. Learn more about Context Events.

AfterExecutionEvent is not published by either ApplicationLoadBalancerFunction, ApiGatewayProxyRequestEventFunction or APIGatewayV2HTTPEventFunction handlers.

Instances of Lambda functions are automatically added as request concurrency increases. When a new instance handles its first request it has to start the JVM and load your code, this one time process is called a cold start. The request is then processed, and the instance stays alive to be reused for subsequent requests. Lambda instances can be replaced over time and there is no way to determine how long a Lambda instance will live for.

Lambda function executions have different phases (Initialization, Invocation…​).

During the initialization phase:

The intialization phase has access to more CPU, because of that Micronaut starts the application context and eagerly inits singletons during the intialization of the handler class.

10.13 GraalVM and AWS Custom runtimes

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GraalVM is a universal virtual machine which allows to compile Java programs to native executables.

The introduction of AWS Lambda custom runtimes enables cold startup improvements for Java applications running in AWS Lambda.

Micronaut’s dependency micronaut-function-aws-custom-runtime eases the creation of AWS Lambda Custom runtime to execute a Micronaut function.

The main API you will interact with is AbstractMicronautLambdaRuntime. An abstract class which you can extend to create your custom runtime mainClass. That class includes the necessary code to perform the Processing Tasks described in the Custom Runtime documentation.

For Lambda responding to HTTP triggers, Micronaut AWS ships with several implementations of AbstractMicronautLambdaRuntime:

micronaut {
    nativeLambda {
        lambdaRuntimeClassName = "io.micronaut.function.aws.runtime.APIGatewayV2HTTPEventMicronautLambdaRuntime"

or via the Maven Plugin:

mvn package -Dpackaging=native-image -Dexec.mainClass=io.micronaut.function.aws.runtime.APIGatewayV2HTTPEventMicronautLambdaRuntime

When you generate a project with Micronaut CLI or Micronaut Launch with aws-lambda and graalvm features, the output includes the necessary files to generate a ZIP file to distribute your functions as a GraalVM Native Image executed from a AWS Lambda custom runtime.

Micronaut Framework needs an HTTP client to poll the Lambda Runtime when you deploy as a native executable. Add the following dependency to satisfy this requirement.

    <appender name="STDOUT" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
            <pattern>%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} %X{AWSRequestId} %X{AWSFunctionVersion}  %X{AWS-XRAY-TRACE-ID} %-5p %c{1} - %m%n</pattern>
    <root level="info">
        <appender-ref ref="STDOUT" />
    <logger name="groovycalamari.bots.l337" level="TRACE"/>

Override MicronautRequestHandler populateMappingDiagnosticContextValues or populateMappingDiagnosticContextWithXrayTraceId methods to adjust the functionality to your needs.

10.15 Micronaut AWS Lambda Tutorials

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Serverless Function

Java 11

Deploy a Serverless Micronaut function to AWS Lambda Java 11 Runtime


GraalVM Native Image in Custom Runtime

Deploy a Micronaut application as a GraalVM Native Image to AWS Lambda

Serverless Function

GraalVM Native Image in Custom Runtime

Deploy a Micronaut function as a GraalVM Native Image to AWS Lambda

Serverless Function

Java 11

Micronaut AWS Lambda and S3 Event

Serverless Function

Java 11

Micronaut AWS Lambda and a Cron Job

To test Lambda handlers with JUnit 5, use the MicronautLambdaTest annotation which will configure a suitable ApplicationContext for use in a Lambda environment. The following dependency is needed:


Testing subclasses of MicronautRequestHandler or MicronautRequestStreamHandler with this annotation requires both a no-arg and a one-arg constructor, the latter being used to inject the test application context:

public class SampleRequestHandler extends MicronautRequestHandler<String, String> {
    // Used in AWS
    public SampleRequestHandler() {
    // Used in tests
    public SampleRequestHandler(ApplicationContext applicationContext) {
    public String execute(String input) {
        return null;

Example usage:

import io.micronaut.context.ApplicationContext;
import io.micronaut.function.aws.test.annotation.MicronautLambdaTest;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import jakarta.inject.Inject;
public class RequestHandlerTest {
    private ApplicationContext context;
    void testHandler() {
        SampleRequestHandler sampleRequestHandler = new SampleRequestHandler(context);
        // ...

The annotation supports the same options as @MicronautTest. Please note that regardless of whether or not you provide a custom builder, some Lambda-specific configuration will be set (e.g. eager initialization and active environments).

10.17 MicronautRequestStreamHandler

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Use MicronautRequestStreamHandler in combination of a class annotated with @FunctionBean which implements one of the interfaces from the java.util.function package.

Table 1. Functional Interfaces
import io.micronaut.function.FunctionBean;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
public class EventLogger implements Consumer<String> {
    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(EventLogger.class);
    public void accept(String input) {
        LOG.info("Received: {}", input);
import groovy.transform.CompileStatic
import io.micronaut.function.FunctionBean
import org.slf4j.Logger
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import java.util.function.Consumer
class EventLogger implements Consumer<String> {
    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(EventLogger.class)
    void accept(String input) {
        LOG.info("Received: {}", input)
import io.micronaut.function.FunctionBean
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import java.util.function.Consumer
class EventLogger : Consumer<String> {
    override fun accept(input: String) {
        LOG.info("Received: {}", input)
    companion object {
        private val LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(EventLogger::class.java)

A single project can define multiple functions, however only a single function should be configured for execution by the application.

By default, it is resolved via the property micronaut.function.name. If not present, the function name present in the Lambda Context, the name of the function on the AWS Console, is used.

Alternatively, you can write a custom Handler which extends MicronautRequestStreamHandler and overrides MicronautRequestStreamHandler::resolveFunctionName(Environment)

import io.micronaut.context.env.Environment;
import io.micronaut.core.annotation.Introspected;
import io.micronaut.function.aws.MicronautRequestStreamHandler;
public class Handler extends MicronautRequestStreamHandler {
    protected String resolveFunctionName(Environment env) {
        return "eventlogger";
import io.micronaut.context.env.Environment
import io.micronaut.core.annotation.Introspected
import io.micronaut.function.aws.MicronautRequestStreamHandler
class Handler extends MicronautRequestStreamHandler {
    protected String resolveFunctionName(Environment env) {
import io.micronaut.context.env.Environment
import io.micronaut.function.aws.MicronautRequestStreamHandler
class Handler : MicronautRequestStreamHandler() {
    override fun resolveFunctionName(env: Environment): String {
        return "eventlogger"

10.18 Invoke Lambda with @FunctionClient

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Micronaut AWS provides support for invoking AWS Lambda functions within a Micronaut application context.

To use the features described in this section, you will need to have the micronaut-function-client-aws dependency on your classpath.


You can define multiple named functions under the aws.lambda.functions configuration. Each is configured by AWSInvokeRequestDefinition that allows setting any property on the underlying com.amazonaws.services.lambda.model.InvokeRequest.

For example, you invoke a function named AwsLambdaFunctionName, in the AWS Lambda console, with the following configuration:

import io.micronaut.function.client.FunctionClient;
import jakarta.inject.Named;
public interface AnalyticsClient {
    @Named("analytics") // (1)
    String visit(String productId);
import io.micronaut.function.client.FunctionClient;
import jakarta.inject.Named;
interface AnalyticsClient {
    @Named('analytics') // (1)
    String visit(String productId);
internal interface AnalyticsClient {
    fun visit(productId: String): String
internal interface AnalyticsClient {
    fun analytics(productId: String): String

To configure credentials for invoking the function you can either define a ~/.aws/credentials file or use the application configuration file. Micronaut registers a EnvironmentAWSCredentialsProvider that resolves AWS credentials from the Micronaut Environment.

To create the sample skill described in Amazon Documentation - Develop your first skill with Micronaut’s Alexa you will write the same LaunchRequestHandler, HelloWorldIntent, HelpIntent, CancelandStopHandler, FallbackIntentHandler, SessionEndedRequestHandler handlers.

You will do just one change, you will annotate those handlers with jakarta.inject.Singleton.

import com.amazon.ask.dispatcher.request.handler.HandlerInput;
import com.amazon.ask.dispatcher.request.handler.RequestHandler;
import com.amazon.ask.model.Response;
import com.amazon.ask.request.Predicates;
import jakarta.inject.Singleton;
import java.util.Optional;
@Singleton (1)
public class HelloWorldIntentHandler implements RequestHandler {
    public boolean canHandle(HandlerInput input) {
        return input.matches(Predicates.intentName("HelloWorldIntent"));
    public Optional<Response> handle(HandlerInput input) {
        String speechText = "Hello world";
        return input.getResponseBuilder()
                .withSimpleCard("HelloWorld", speechText)

As handler specify io.micronaut.function.aws.alexa.AlexaFunction. You don’t need to create a class which extends SkillStreamHandler, AlexaFunction takes care of adding request handlers interceptors etc.

11.5 Alexa Skill as a Web Service

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The micronaut-aws-webservice is a fork of Amazon Servlet module. It allow you to run your Alexa Skill backend logic in Micronaut applications deployed with a netty or servlet runtimes.

Just by including the dependency:


You can configure your Skill’s endpoint under Build/Endpoint in the Alexa developer console.

11.6 SSML Builder

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package io.micronaut.aws.alexa.flashbriefing;
import io.micronaut.http.annotation.Controller;
import io.micronaut.http.annotation.Get;
import jakarta.validation.Validator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
public class FlashBriefingsController {
    private final Validator validator;
    private final FlashBriefingRepository flashBriefingRepository;
    public FlashBriefingsController(Validator validator,
                                    FlashBriefingRepository flashBriefingRepository) {
        this.validator = validator;
        this.flashBriefingRepository = flashBriefingRepository;
    @Get // (1)
    public List<FlashBriefingItem> index() {
        return flashBriefingRepository.find()
                .filter(item -> validator.validate(item).isEmpty()) // (2)
                .sorted() // (3)
                .limit(5) // (4)
By default, Micronaut sets the response HTTP Header Content-Type with the value application-json.
Flash Briefing Feed items must be valid according to Flash Briefing Skill API Feed Reference constraints.
Items should be provided in order from newest to oldest, based on the date value for the item. Alexa may ignore older items.
Flash Briefing Skill API Feed Reference instructs to provide between 1 and 5 unique items at a time.

If the built-in methods do not meet your use case, create a bean of type HandlerInputLocaleResolver and set its order (through the getOrder method) relative to the existing resolvers.

12 Distributed Configuration

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Micronaut AWS supports distributed configuration via services such as AWS Secrets Manager and AWS System Manager Parameter Store.

You can create environment-specific configurations as well by including the environment name after an underscore _. For example if micronaut.application.name is set to helloworld, specifying configuration values under helloworld_test will be applied only to the test environment.

Note the trailing slash in the configuration names.

Table 1. Configuration Resolution Precedence


Application-specific configuration, example /config/hello-world



Configuration shared by all applications for the prod Environment



Application-specific configuration for an active Environment

For example, if the configuration name /config/application_test/server.url is configured in AWS Parameter Store, any application connecting to that parameter store can retrieve the value using server.url. If the application has micronaut.application.name configured to be myapp, a value with the name /config/myapp_test/server.url overrides the value just for that application.

Table 2. Configuration Properties for AwsDistributedConfigurationProperties



Delimiter for AWS Distributed Configuration resources names. Default value ("/").



Search additional paths suffixed with each active environment. e.g. /config/application_ec2 Default value (true).



Whether paths for the Default Application name should be searched or not. Default value (true).



List of prefixes for AWS Distributed Configuration resources names. If it is non-empty, {@link AwsDistributedConfiguration#getPrefix()} is not used.



Prefix for AWS Distributed Configuration resources names. Default ("/config/")



Default Application name. Default value ("application").


To enable distributed configuration, create a src/main/resources/bootstrap.yml file and enable the configuration client:

    enabled: true


If you add micronaut.application.name: myapp to bootstrap.yml and you start your app in the dev Micronaut environment the secret shown in the following image is read and two properties micronaut.security.oauth2.clients.companyauthserver.client-id and micronaut.security.oauth2.clients.companyauthserver.client-secret are exposed to your application:

To avoid secret keys naming collision in the Micronaut application context, which is caused by the strict naming convention specified by some AWS services, add a configuration section to src/main/resources/bootstrap.yml. For example, if you would like to use multiple RDS instances, you can do it in the following way:

    enabled: true
      - secret-name: rds
        prefix: datasources.default
      - secret-name: rds_backup
        prefix: datasources.backup

Note that secret-name is a name suffix of the secret configured in AWS Secret Manager. For example, to add rds_backup configuration for a production environment, add the rds_backup configuration entry to the src/main/resources/bootstrap.yml as shown in the example above. Also, create RDS secret in AWS Secret Manager with name /config/application_prod/rds_backup or /config/[APPLICATION_NAME]_prod/rds_backup. Note that prefix is a unique key prefix that is prepended to all keys that belong to a given secret.

To learn more about the Micronaut environments, go to Environments

12.2 Prefixes used for searching secrets

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aws {
  distributedConfiguration = "search-active-environments:false search-common-application:false"
  aws {
    distributed-configuration = "search-active-environments:false search-common-application:false"
  "aws": {
    "distributed-configuration": "search-active-environments:false search-common-application:false"

To enable distributed configuration a src/main/resources/bootstrap.yml configuration file must be created and configured to use Parameter Store:

    name: hello-world
    enabled: true
        enabled: true

See the configuration reference for all configuration options.

You can configure shared properties from the AWS Console → System Manager → Parameter Store.

Micronaut uses a hierarchy to read configuration values, and supports String, StringList, and SecureString types.

Each level of the tree can be composed of key=value pairs. For multiple key/value pairs, set the type to StringList.

For special secure information, such as keys or passwords, use the type SecureString. KMS will be automatically invoked when you add and retrieve values, and will decrypt them with the default key store for your account. If you set the configuration to not use secure strings, they will be returned to you encrypted and you must manually decrypt them.

13 Repository

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