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Troubleshooting Gitpod Self-Hosted

⚠️ Deprecated Content

The content of this page assumes you are using Helm, which is now deprecated. Please use the Installer instead.

This section should solve all errors that might come up during installation of Gitpod.

1. ws-daemon is stuck in Init: 0/1

kubectl describe pod ws-daemon-... gives: MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "node-fs1" : hostPath type check failed: /run/containerd/io.containerd.runtime.v1.linux/k8s.io is not a directory


  1. ssh onto the node, mount | grep rootfs and find the directory where your containers are stored. Common paths are:

    • /run/containerd/io.containerd.runtime.v1.linux/k8s.io
    • /run/containerd/io.containerd.runtime.v1.linux/moby
    • /run/containerd/io.containerd.runtime.v2.task/k8s.io
  2. Merge the following into your values.custom.yaml :

Example: For k3s a common configuration looks like this:


2. helm install fails with: “minio access key is required, please add a value to your values.yaml”

Since 0.7.0 minio requires custom credentials to be configured.


  1. Follow the Upgrade Guide .

3. After upgrade, the minio Pod is stuck in ContainerCreating

This is caused by a bug in the minio Helm chart which blocks itself on updates.


  1. kubectl scale deployments/minio --replicas=0

  2. kubectl scale deployments/minio --replicas=1

  3. Wait until the pod comes up.

3. agent-smith daemonset fails in deployment

In the v0.10.0 release agent-smith is incorrectly enabled in Gitpod Self-Hosted.


Add the following to your values.yaml file to disable agent-smith:
