  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接
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  1. Introduction
  2. Architecture
  3. v3 documentation
  4. v4 breaking changes
  5. v3 to v4 migration
  6. Getting started
  7. Docker
  8. Debian / Ubuntu
  9. Raspberry Pi
  10. Ansible and Vagrant
  11. Guides
    1. Connecting a gateway
    2. Connecting a device
    3. Device repository and metrics
    4. Mosquitto TLS configuration
    5. Node-RED integration
    6. ThingsBoard integration
    7. Pilot Things integration
    8. Auth0.com integration
    9. Migrating from Semtech NS
    10. Roaming with Helium
  12. Gateway configuration
    1. Browan
    2. Dragino
    3. Kerlink
    4. Multitech
    5. RAK
    6. Tektelic
  13. ChirpStack
  14. Changelog
  15. Configuration
  17. Requirements
  18. Features
    1. Adaptive data-rate (ADR)
    2. Channel (re)configuration
    3. Device activation
    4. Device classes
    5. Device metrics
    6. Device status
    7. Device time
    8. End-to-end encryption
    9. Frame logging
    10. Gateway management
    11. Geolocation
    12. Join server
    13. Multi-region
    14. Multicast
    15. Rejoin
    16. RX parameters (re)configuration
  19. Use
    1. Applications
    2. Device profiles
    3. Device-profile templates
    4. Devices
    5. Event log
    6. Frame log
    7. FUOTA
    8. Gateways
    9. Login
    10. Multicast groups
    11. Tenants
    12. Users
  20. Integrations
    1. Event types
    2. AMQP / RabbitMQ
    3. Apache Pulsar
    4. AWS SNS
    5. Azure Service-Bus
    6. GCP Pub/Sub
    7. HTTP
    8. IFTTT
    9. InfluxDB
    10. LoRa Cloud
    11. MQTT
    12. myDevices
    13. Pilot Things
    14. PostgreSQL
    15. ThingsBoard
    16. Building new integrations
  21. Streams
    1. API requests
    2. Backend Interfaces API
    3. Integration events
    4. LoRaWAN frames
    5. Uplink / downlink metadata
  22. API
    1. gRPC
    2. REST
    3. Go examples
    4. Python examples
    5. JavaScript examples
    6. C# examples
    7. Protocol documentation
  23. Backends
    1. MQTT
    2. AMQP / RabbitMQ
    3. Azure IoT Hub
    4. GCP Pub/Sub
  24. Contribute & source
  25. ChirpStack MQTT Forwarder
  26. Introduction
  27. Changelog
  28. Configuration
  30. Installation
    1. Dragino
    2. Kerlink
    3. Multitech
    4. RAK
    5. Tektelic
  31. Contribute & source
  32. ChirpStack Concentratord
  33. Introduction
  34. Changelog
  35. Hardware support
  36. Configuration
  38. Installation
    1. Kerlink
    2. Multitech
  39. API
    1. Commands
    2. Events
  40. Contribute & source
  41. ChirpStack Gateway Bridge
  42. Introduction
  43. Changelog
  44. Configuration
  46. Installation
    1. Debian / Ubuntu
    2. Raspberry Pi
    3. Cisco
    4. Dragino
    5. Kerlink
    6. Laird
    7. MatchX
    8. Multitech
    9. Tektelic
    10. Wifx
  47. Payload formats
    1. Events
    2. States
    3. Commands
  48. Backends
    1. Basics Station
    2. Concentratord
    3. Semtech UDP
  49. Integrations
    1. MQTT
    2. Azure IoT Hub
    3. GCP Cloud IoT Core
  50. Metrics
  51. Contribute & source
  52. ChirpStack Gateway OS
  53. Introduction
  54. Changelog
  55. Image types
  56. Hardware support
  58. Installation
    1. Raspberry Pi
  59. Getting started
  60. Use
    1. Configuration
    2. Subscribe to MQTT
    3. Log files
    4. Modifying files
    5. Software update
    6. Node-RED
  61. Contribute & source


If configured, the InfluxDB integration will write device data into an InfluxDB database. This makes it possible to directly visualize all device data using for example Grafana .

  • Getting started with InfluxDB
  • Getting started with Grafana
  • Requirements

    Before this integration is able to write data into InfluxDB, the uplink payloads must be decoded. The payload codec can be configured per device profile . To validate that the uplink payloads are decoded, you can use the live device event-log feature. Decoded payload data will be available under the object key in the JSON object.



    All measurements are using the field names from the object element, joined by an underscore ( _ ) in case the object element is nested. Payload data is prefixed by device_frmpayload_data .


    "object": { "temperature_sensor": { "1": 23.5

    The above will translate to the measurement device_frmpayload_data_temperature_sensor_1 .

    Note: When using the CayenneLPP codec camelCasing is used when the data is presented as JSON. However, for the InfluxDB naming, snake_casing is used. Thus temperatureSensor in JSON translates to temperature_sensor as measurement name in InfluxDB.

    Location data

    When both latitude and longitude keys are found (on the same level within the object ), both measurements are treated as a single geolocation measurement.


    "object": { "latitude": 1.123, "longitude": 2.123

    The above will translate to the measurement device_frmpayload_data_location with values latitude , longitude and geohash (see also Geohash ).

    For aggregation, each measurement will have the following tags (additional to the device tags):

  • application_name
  • device_name
  • dev_eui
  • f_port (LoRaWAN port used for uplink)
  • For analyzing and monitoring the usage of spreading-factors, channels, etc. the InfluxDB integration will also write a measurement named device_uplink with as values a counter value 1, rssi , snr and f_cnt . For Aggregation, the following tags are available (additional to the device tags):

  • application_name
  • device_name
  • dev_eui
  • frequency
  • Device battery status (deprecated)

    When this information is available, the device battery status will be written to the measurement name device_status_battery . For aggregation, the following tags are available (additional to the device tags):

  • application_name
  • device_name
  • dev_eui
  • Device battery level

    When this information is available, the device battery level (percentage) will be written to the measurement name device_status_battery_level . For aggregation, the following tags are available (additional to the device tags):

  • application_name
  • device_name
  • dev_eui
  • Device margin status

    When this information is available, the device margin status will be written to the measurement name device_status_margin . For aggregation, the following tags are available (additional to the device tags):

  • application_name
  • device_name
  • dev_eui