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  • 打开一个终端窗口,输入 lshw -C network ,然后按 回车键 。如果给出了错误信息,您可能需要安装 lshw 程序。

  • 检查命令的输出内容,然后检查 Wireless interface 部分。如果检测到您的无线适配器,则输出应类似于:

           description: Wireless interface
           product: PRO/Wireless 3945ABG [Golan] Network Connection
           vendor: Intel Corporation

    如果列出了无线设备,则继续转入 设备驱动程序 页面。

    如果无线设备 没有 列出,下一步的操作要根据您使用的设备,接下来的内容跟您使用的无线网卡密切相关:( PCI 内置 USB 或者 PCMCIA )。

    内部 PCI 适配器最常见,在过去几年间已大规模内置在笔记本电脑中。PCMCIA 适配器是外置的卡式适配器,在旧式笔记本电脑上使用较多。

  • 打开终端,输入 aplay -l ,然后按 回车键

  • 查看显示的设备列表,找到标记 Network controller Ethernet controller 的网络控制器。许多设备通过这种方法来标记,相应的无线设备可能包含像 wireless WLAN wifi 802.11 这些词。

    Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG [Golan] Network Connection
  • If you found your wireless adapter in the list, proceed to the Device Drivers step . If you didn’t find anything related to your wireless adapter, see the instructions below .

  • USB 无线适配器

    Wireless adapters that plug into a USB port on your computer are less common. They can plug directly into a USB port, or may be connected by a USB cable. 3G/mobile broadband adapters look quite similar to wireless (Wi-Fi) adapters, so if you think you have a USB wireless adapter, double-check that it is not actually a 3G adapter. To check if your USB wireless adapter was recognized:

  • 打开一个终端,输入 lsusb ,然后按 回车键

  • 查看显示的设备列表,找到相关的无线或网络设备,相应的无线适配器可能包含像 wireless WLAN wifi 802.11 这些词。这儿有一个例子参考一下:

    Bus 005 Device 009: ID 12d1:140b Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. EC1260 Wireless Data Modem HSD USB Card
  • If you found your wireless adapter in the list, proceed to the Device Drivers step . If you didn’t find anything related to your wireless adapter, see the instructions below .

  • 检测 PCMCIA 设备

    PCMCIA 无线适配器是典型的长方形卡,插入到您笔记本的一边。它们通常在老式笔记本上存在。要检查 PCMCIA 卡是否被识别:

  • 插入无线网卡启动计算机。

  • 打开一个终端,输入下面的内容,然后按 回车键

    tail -f /var/log/messages

    This will display a list of messages related to your computer’s hardware, and will automatically update if anything to do with your hardware changes.

  • 插入无线适配器到 PCMCIA 插槽,查看终端窗口有何变化,应当出现一些无线适配器相关的信息。找到它们看看能否标记它。

  • 要停止终端中正在运行的命令,按 Ctrl + C 键,然后就可以关闭终端窗口了。

  • If you found any information about your wireless adapter, proceed to the Device Drivers step . If you didn’t find anything related to your wireless adapter, see the instructions below .

  • 未能识别无线适配器

    If your wireless adapter was not recognized, it might not be working properly or the correct drivers may not be installed for it. How you check to see if there are any drivers you can install will depend on which Linux distribution you are using (like Ubuntu, Arch, Fedora or openSUSE).

    To get specific help, look at the support options on your distribution’s website. These might include mailing lists and web chats where you can ask about your wireless adapter, for example.

    上一页 下一页 无线网络故障排除 — Identify and fix problems with wireless connections.

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