  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接
using System ;
using UnityEngine . Scripting ;
using System . Runtime . InteropServices ;
using UnityEngine . Bindings ;
using scm = System . ComponentModel ;
using uei = UnityEngine . Internal ;
using System . Globalization ;
using System . Runtime . CompilerServices ;
namespace UnityEngine
// Representation of 3D vectors and points.
[ NativeHeader ( " Runtime/Math/Vector3.h " ) ]
[ NativeClass ( " Vector3f " ) ]
[ RequiredByNativeCode ( Optional = true , GenerateProxy = true ) ]
[ StructLayout ( LayoutKind . Sequential ) ]
[ Unity . IL2CPP . CompilerServices . Il2CppEagerStaticClassConstruction ]
public partial struct Vector3 : IEquatable < Vector3 > , IFormattable
// *Undocumented*
public const float kEpsilon = 0.00001F ;
// *Undocumented*
public const float kEpsilonNormalSqrt = 1e-15F ;
// X component of the vector.
public float x ;
// Y component of the vector.
public float y ;
// Z component of the vector.
public float z ;
// Linearly interpolates between two vectors.
[ MethodImpl ( MethodImplOptionsEx . AggressiveInlining ) ]
public static Vector3 Lerp ( Vector3 a , Vector3 b , float t )
t = Mathf . Clamp01 ( t ) ;
return new Vector3 (
a . x + ( b . x - a . x ) * t ,
a . y + ( b . y - a . y ) * t ,
a . z + ( b . z - a . z ) * t
) ;
// Linearly interpolates between two vectors without clamping the interpolant
[ MethodImpl ( MethodImplOptionsEx . AggressiveInlining ) ]
public static Vector3 LerpUnclamped ( Vector3 a , Vector3 b , float t )
return new Vector3 (
a . x + ( b . x - a . x ) * t ,
a . y + ( b . y - a . y ) * t ,
a . z + ( b . z - a . z ) * t
) ;
// Moves a point /current/ in a straight line towards a /target/ point.
[ MethodImpl ( MethodImplOptionsEx . AggressiveInlining ) ]
public static Vector3 MoveTowards ( Vector3 current , Vector3 target , float maxDistanceDelta )
// avoid vector ops because current scripting backends are terrible at inlining
float toVector_x = target . x - current . x ;
float toVector_y = target . y - current . y ;
float toVector_z = target . z - current . z ;
float sqdist = toVector_x * toVector_x + toVector_y * toVector_y + toVector_z * toVector_z ;
if ( sqdist == 0 || ( maxDistanceDelta >= 0 && sqdist <= maxDistanceDelta * maxDistanceDelta ) )
return target ;
var dist = ( float ) Math . Sqrt ( sqdist ) ;
return new Vector3 ( current . x + toVector_x / dist * maxDistanceDelta ,
current . y + toVector_y / dist * maxDistanceDelta ,
current . z + toVector_z / dist * maxDistanceDelta ) ;
[ uei . ExcludeFromDocs ]
[ MethodImpl ( MethodImplOptionsEx . AggressiveInlining ) ]
public static Vector3 SmoothDamp ( Vector3 current , Vector3 target , ref Vector3 currentVelocity , float smoothTime , float maxSpeed )
float deltaTime = Time . deltaTime ;
return SmoothDamp ( current , target , ref currentVelocity , smoothTime , maxSpeed , deltaTime ) ;
[ uei . ExcludeFromDocs ]
[ MethodImpl ( MethodImplOptionsEx . AggressiveInlining ) ]
public static Vector3 SmoothDamp ( Vector3 current , Vector3 target , ref Vector3 currentVelocity , float smoothTime )
float deltaTime = Time . deltaTime ;
float maxSpeed = Mathf . Infinity ;
return SmoothDamp ( current , target , ref currentVelocity , smoothTime , maxSpeed , deltaTime ) ;
// Gradually changes a vector towards a desired goal over time.
public static Vector3 SmoothDamp ( Vector3 current , Vector3 target , ref Vector3 currentVelocity , float smoothTime , [ uei . DefaultValue ( " Mathf.Infinity " ) ] float maxSpeed , [ uei . DefaultValue ( " Time.deltaTime " ) ] float deltaTime )
float output_x = 0f ;
float output_y = 0f ;
float output_z = 0f ;
// Based on Game Programming Gems 4 Chapter 1.10
smoothTime = Mathf . Max ( 0.0001F , smoothTime ) ;
float omega = 2F / smoothTime ;
float x = omega * deltaTime ;
float exp = 1F / ( 1F + x + 0.48F * x * x + 0.235F * x * x * x ) ;
float change_x = current . x - target . x ;
float change_y = current . y - target . y ;
float change_z = current . z - target . z ;
Vector3 originalTo = target ;
// Clamp maximum speed
float maxChange = maxSpeed * smoothTime ;
float maxChangeSq = maxChange * maxChange ;
float sqrmag = change_x * change_x + change_y * change_y + change_z * change_z ;
if ( sqrmag > maxChangeSq )
var mag = ( float ) Math . Sqrt ( sqrmag ) ;
change_x = change_x / mag * maxChange ;
change_y = change_y / mag * maxChange ;
change_z = change_z / mag * maxChange ;
target . x = current . x - change_x ;
target . y = current . y - change_y ;
target . z = current . z - change_z ;
float temp_x = ( currentVelocity . x + omega * change_x ) * deltaTime ;
float temp_y = ( currentVelocity . y + omega * change_y ) * deltaTime ;
float temp_z = ( currentVelocity . z + omega * change_z ) * deltaTime ;
currentVelocity . x = ( currentVelocity . x - omega * temp_x ) * exp ;
currentVelocity . y = ( currentVelocity . y - omega * temp_y ) * exp ;
currentVelocity . z = ( currentVelocity . z - omega * temp_z ) * exp ;
output_x = target . x + ( change_x + temp_x ) * exp ;
output_y = target . y + ( change_y + temp_y ) * exp ;
output_z = target . z + ( change_z + temp_z ) * exp ;
// Prevent overshooting
float origMinusCurrent_x = originalTo . x - current . x ;
float origMinusCurrent_y = originalTo . y - current . y ;
float origMinusCurrent_z = originalTo . z - current . z ;
float outMinusOrig_x = output_x - originalTo . x ;
float outMinusOrig_y = output_y - originalTo . y ;
float outMinusOrig_z = output_z - originalTo . z ;
if ( origMinusCurrent_x * outMinusOrig_x + origMinusCurrent_y * outMinusOrig_y + origMinusCurrent_z * outMinusOrig_z > 0 )
output_x = originalTo . x ;
output_y = originalTo . y ;
output_z = originalTo . z ;
currentVelocity . x = ( output_x - originalTo . x ) / deltaTime ;
currentVelocity . y = ( output_y - originalTo . y ) / deltaTime ;
currentVelocity . z = ( output_z - originalTo . z ) / deltaTime ;
return new Vector3 ( output_x , output_y , output_z ) ;
// Access the x, y, z components using [0], [1], [2] respectively.
public float this [ int index ]
[ MethodImpl ( MethodImplOptionsEx . AggressiveInlining ) ]
switch ( index )
case 0 : return x ;
case 1 : return y ;
case 2 : return z ;
default :
throw new IndexOutOfRangeException ( " Invalid Vector3 index! " ) ;
[ MethodImpl ( MethodImplOptionsEx . AggressiveInlining ) ]
switch ( index )
case 0 : x = value ; break ;
case 1 : y = value ; break ;
case 2 : z = value ; break ;
default :
throw new IndexOutOfRangeException ( " Invalid Vector3 index! " ) ;
// Creates a new vector with given x, y, z components.
[ MethodImpl ( MethodImplOptionsEx . AggressiveInlining ) ]
public Vector3 ( float x , float y , float z ) { this . x = x ; this . y = y ; this . z = z ; }
// Creates a new vector with given x, y components and sets /z/ to zero.
[ MethodImpl ( MethodImplOptionsEx . AggressiveInlining ) ]
public Vector3 ( float x , float y ) { this . x = x ; this . y = y ; z = 0F ; }
// Set x, y and z components of an existing Vector3.
[ MethodImpl ( MethodImplOptionsEx . AggressiveInlining ) ]
public void Set ( float newX , float newY , float newZ ) { x = newX ; y = newY ; z = newZ ; }
// Multiplies two vectors component-wise.
[ MethodImpl ( MethodImplOptionsEx . AggressiveInlining ) ]
public static Vector3 Scale ( Vector3 a , Vector3 b ) { return new Vector3 ( a . x * b . x , a . y * b . y , a . z * b . z ) ; }
// Multiplies every component of this vector by the same component of /scale/.
[ MethodImpl ( MethodImplOptionsEx . AggressiveInlining ) ]
public void Scale ( Vector3 scale ) { x *= scale . x ; y *= scale . y ; z *= scale . z ; }
// Cross Product of two vectors.
[ MethodImpl ( MethodImplOptionsEx . AggressiveInlining ) ]
public static Vector3 Cross ( Vector3 lhs , Vector3 rhs )
return new Vector3 (
lhs . y * rhs . z - lhs . z * rhs . y ,
lhs . z * rhs . x - lhs . x * rhs . z ,
lhs . x * rhs . y - lhs . y * rhs . x ) ;
// used to allow Vector3s to be used as keys in hash tables
[ MethodImpl ( MethodImplOptionsEx . AggressiveInlining ) ]
public override int GetHashCode ( )
return x . GetHashCode ( ) ^ ( y . GetHashCode ( ) << 2 ) ^ ( z . GetHashCode ( ) >> 2 ) ;
// also required for being able to use Vector3s as keys in hash tables
[ MethodImpl ( MethodImplOptionsEx . AggressiveInlining ) ]
public override bool Equals ( object other )
if ( other is Vector3 v )
return Equals ( v ) ;
return false ;
[ MethodImpl ( MethodImplOptionsEx . AggressiveInlining ) ]
public bool Equals ( Vector3 other )
return x == other . x && y == other . y && z == other . z ;
// Reflects a vector off the plane defined by a normal.
[ MethodImpl ( MethodImplOptionsEx . AggressiveInlining ) ]
public static Vector3 Reflect ( Vector3 inDirection , Vector3 inNormal )
float factor = - 2F * Dot ( inNormal , inDirection ) ;
return new Vector3 ( factor * inNormal . x + inDirection . x ,
factor * inNormal . y + inDirection . y ,
factor * inNormal . z + inDirection . z ) ;
// *undoc* --- we have normalized property now
[ MethodImpl ( MethodImplOptionsEx . AggressiveInlining ) ]
public static Vector3 Normalize ( Vector3 value )
float mag = Magnitude ( value ) ;
if ( mag > kEpsilon )
return value / mag ;
return zero ;
// Makes this vector have a ::ref::magnitude of 1.
[ MethodImpl ( MethodImplOptionsEx . AggressiveInlining ) ]
public void Normalize ( )
float mag = Magnitude ( this ) ;
if ( mag > kEpsilon )
this = this / mag ;
this = zero ;
// Returns this vector with a ::ref::magnitude of 1 (RO).
public Vector3 normalized
[ MethodImpl ( MethodImplOptionsEx . AggressiveInlining ) ]
get { return Vector3 . Normalize ( this ) ; }
// Dot Product of two vectors.
[ MethodImpl ( MethodImplOptionsEx . AggressiveInlining ) ]
public static float Dot ( Vector3 lhs , Vector3 rhs ) { return lhs . x * rhs . x + lhs . y * rhs . y + lhs . z * rhs . z ; }
// Projects a vector onto another vector.
[ MethodImpl ( MethodImplOptionsEx . AggressiveInlining ) ]
public static Vector3 Project ( Vector3 vector , Vector3 onNormal )
float sqrMag = Dot ( onNormal , onNormal ) ;
if ( sqrMag < Mathf . Epsilon )
return zero ;
var dot = Dot ( vector , onNormal ) ;
return new Vector3 ( onNormal . x * dot / sqrMag ,
onNormal . y * dot / sqrMag ,
onNormal . z * dot / sqrMag ) ;
// Projects a vector onto a plane defined by a normal orthogonal to the plane.
[ MethodImpl ( MethodImplOptionsEx . AggressiveInlining ) ]
public static Vector3 ProjectOnPlane ( Vector3 vector , Vector3 planeNormal )
float sqrMag = Dot ( planeNormal , planeNormal ) ;
if ( sqrMag < Mathf . Epsilon )
return vector ;
var dot = Dot ( vector , planeNormal ) ;
return new Vector3 ( vector . x - planeNormal . x * dot / sqrMag ,
vector . y - planeNormal . y * dot / sqrMag ,
vector . z - planeNormal . z * dot / sqrMag ) ;
// Returns the angle in degrees between /from/ and /to/. This is always the smallest
[ MethodImpl ( MethodImplOptionsEx . AggressiveInlining ) ]
public static float Angle ( Vector3 from , Vector3 to )
// sqrt(a) * sqrt(b) = sqrt(a * b) -- valid for real numbers
float denominator = ( float ) Math . Sqrt ( from . sqrMagnitude * to . sqrMagnitude ) ;
if ( denominator < kEpsilonNormalSqrt )
return 0F ;
float dot = Mathf . Clamp ( Dot ( from , to ) / denominator , - 1F , 1F ) ;
return ( ( float ) Math . Acos ( dot ) ) * Mathf . Rad2Deg ;
// The smaller of the two possible angles between the two vectors is returned, therefore the result will never be greater than 180 degrees or smaller than -180 degrees.
// If you imagine the from and to vectors as lines on a piece of paper, both originating from the same point, then the /axis/ vector would point up out of the paper.
// The measured angle between the two vectors would be positive in a clockwise direction and negative in an anti-clockwise direction.
[ MethodImpl ( MethodImplOptionsEx . AggressiveInlining ) ]
public static float SignedAngle ( Vector3 from , Vector3 to , Vector3 axis )
float unsignedAngle = Angle ( from , to ) ;
float cross_x = from . y * to . z - from . z * to . y ;
float cross_y = from . z * to . x - from . x * to . z ;
float cross_z = from . x * to . y - from . y * to . x ;
float sign = Mathf . Sign ( axis . x * cross_x + axis . y * cross_y + axis . z * cross_z ) ;
return unsignedAngle * sign ;
// Returns the distance between /a/ and /b/.
[ MethodImpl ( MethodImplOptionsEx . AggressiveInlining ) ]
public static float Distance ( Vector3 a , Vector3 b )
float diff_x = a . x - b . x ;
float diff_y = a . y - b . y ;
float diff_z = a . z - b . z ;
return ( float ) Math . Sqrt ( diff_x * diff_x + diff_y * diff_y + diff_z * diff_z ) ;
// Returns a copy of /vector/ with its magnitude clamped to /maxLength/.
[ MethodImpl ( MethodImplOptionsEx . AggressiveInlining ) ]
public static Vector3 ClampMagnitude ( Vector3 vector , float maxLength )
float sqrmag = vector . sqrMagnitude ;
if ( sqrmag > maxLength * maxLength )
float mag = ( float ) Math . Sqrt ( sqrmag ) ;
//these intermediate variables force the intermediate result to be
//of float precision. without this, the intermediate result can be of higher
//precision, which changes behavior.
float normalized_x = vector . x / mag ;
float normalized_y = vector . y / mag ;
float normalized_z = vector . z / mag ;
return new Vector3 ( normalized_x * maxLength ,
normalized_y * maxLength ,
normalized_z * maxLength ) ;
return vector ;
// *undoc* --- there's a property now
[ MethodImpl ( MethodImplOptionsEx . AggressiveInlining ) ]
public static float Magnitude ( Vector3 vector ) { return ( float ) Math . Sqrt ( vector . x * vector . x + vector . y * vector . y + vector . z * vector . z ) ; }
// Returns the length of this vector (RO).
public float magnitude
[ MethodImpl ( MethodImplOptionsEx . AggressiveInlining ) ]
get { return ( float ) Math . Sqrt ( x * x + y * y + z * z ) ; }
// *undoc* --- there's a property now
[ MethodImpl ( MethodImplOptionsEx . AggressiveInlining ) ]
public static float SqrMagnitude ( Vector3 vector ) { return vector . x * vector . x + vector . y * vector . y + vector . z * vector . z ; }
// Returns the squared length of this vector (RO).
public float sqrMagnitude { [ MethodImpl ( MethodImplOptionsEx . AggressiveInlining ) ] get { return x * x + y * y + z * z ; } }
// Returns a vector that is made from the smallest components of two vectors.
[ MethodImpl ( MethodImplOptionsEx . AggressiveInlining ) ]
public static Vector3 Min ( Vector3 lhs , Vector3 rhs )
return new Vector3 ( Mathf . Min ( lhs . x , rhs . x ) , Mathf . Min ( lhs . y , rhs . y ) , Mathf . Min ( lhs . z , rhs . z ) ) ;
// Returns a vector that is made from the largest components of two vectors.
[ MethodImpl ( MethodImplOptionsEx . AggressiveInlining ) ]
public static Vector3 Max ( Vector3 lhs , Vector3 rhs )
return new Vector3 ( Mathf . Max ( lhs . x , rhs . x ) , Mathf . Max ( lhs . y , rhs . y ) , Mathf . Max ( lhs . z , rhs . z ) ) ;
static readonly Vector3 zeroVector = new Vector3 ( 0F , 0F , 0F ) ;
static readonly Vector3 oneVector = new Vector3 ( 1F , 1F , 1F ) ;
static readonly Vector3 upVector = new Vector3 ( 0F , 1F , 0F ) ;
static readonly Vector3 downVector = new Vector3 ( 0F , - 1F , 0F ) ;
static readonly Vector3 leftVector = new Vector3 ( - 1F , 0F , 0F ) ;
static readonly Vector3 rightVector = new Vector3 ( 1F , 0F , 0F ) ;
static readonly Vector3 forwardVector = new Vector3 ( 0F , 0F , 1F ) ;
static readonly Vector3 backVector = new Vector3 ( 0F , 0F , - 1F ) ;
static readonly Vector3 positiveInfinityVector = new Vector3 ( float . PositiveInfinity , float . PositiveInfinity , float . PositiveInfinity ) ;
static readonly Vector3 negativeInfinityVector = new Vector3 ( float . NegativeInfinity , float . NegativeInfinity , float . NegativeInfinity ) ;
// Shorthand for writing @@Vector3(0, 0, 0)@@
public static Vector3 zero { [ MethodImpl ( MethodImplOptionsEx . AggressiveInlining ) ] get { return zeroVector ; } }
// Shorthand for writing @@Vector3(1, 1, 1)@@
public static Vector3 one { [ MethodImpl ( MethodImplOptionsEx . AggressiveInlining ) ] get { return oneVector ; } }
// Shorthand for writing @@Vector3(0, 0, 1)@@
public static Vector3 forward { [ MethodImpl ( MethodImplOptionsEx . AggressiveInlining ) ] get { return forwardVector ; } }
public static Vector3 back { [ MethodImpl ( MethodImplOptionsEx . AggressiveInlining ) ] get { return backVector ; } }
// Shorthand for writing @@Vector3(0, 1, 0)@@
public static Vector3 up { [ MethodImpl ( MethodImplOptionsEx . AggressiveInlining ) ] get { return upVector ; } }
public static Vector3 down { [ MethodImpl ( MethodImplOptionsEx . AggressiveInlining ) ] get { return downVector ; } }
public static Vector3 left { [ MethodImpl ( MethodImplOptionsEx . AggressiveInlining ) ] get { return leftVector ; } }
// Shorthand for writing @@Vector3(1, 0, 0)@@
public static Vector3 right { [ MethodImpl ( MethodImplOptionsEx . AggressiveInlining ) ] get { return rightVector ; } }
// Shorthand for writing @@Vector3(float.PositiveInfinity, float.PositiveInfinity, float.PositiveInfinity)@@
public static Vector3 positiveInfinity { [ MethodImpl ( MethodImplOptionsEx . AggressiveInlining ) ] get { return positiveInfinityVector ; } }
// Shorthand for writing @@Vector3(float.NegativeInfinity, float.NegativeInfinity, float.NegativeInfinity)@@
public static Vector3 negativeInfinity { [ MethodImpl ( MethodImplOptionsEx . AggressiveInlining ) ] get { return negativeInfinityVector ; } }
// Adds two vectors.
[ MethodImpl ( MethodImplOptionsEx . AggressiveInlining ) ]
public static Vector3 operator + ( Vector3 a , Vector3 b ) { return new Vector3 ( a . x + b . x , a . y + b . y , a . z + b . z ) ; }
// Subtracts one vector from another.
[ MethodImpl ( MethodImplOptionsEx . AggressiveInlining ) ]
public static Vector3 operator - ( Vector3 a , Vector3 b ) { return new Vector3 ( a . x - b . x , a . y - b . y , a . z - b . z ) ; }
// Negates a vector.
[ MethodImpl ( MethodImplOptionsEx . AggressiveInlining ) ]
public static Vector3 operator - ( Vector3 a ) { return new Vector3 ( - a . x , - a . y , - a . z ) ; }
// Multiplies a vector by a number.
[ MethodImpl ( MethodImplOptionsEx . AggressiveInlining ) ]
public static Vector3 operator * ( Vector3 a , float d ) { return new Vector3 ( a . x * d , a . y * d , a . z * d ) ; }
// Multiplies a vector by a number.
[ MethodImpl ( MethodImplOptionsEx . AggressiveInlining ) ]
public static Vector3 operator * ( float d , Vector3 a ) { return new Vector3 ( a . x * d , a . y * d , a . z * d ) ; }
// Divides a vector by a number.
[ MethodImpl ( MethodImplOptionsEx . AggressiveInlining ) ]
public static Vector3 operator / ( Vector3 a , float d ) { return new Vector3 ( a . x / d , a . y / d , a . z / d ) ; }
// Returns true if the vectors are equal.
[ MethodImpl ( MethodImplOptionsEx . AggressiveInlining ) ]
public static bool operator == ( Vector3 lhs , Vector3 rhs )
// Returns false in the presence of NaN values.
float diff_x = lhs . x - rhs . x ;
float diff_y = lhs . y - rhs . y ;
float diff_z = lhs . z - rhs . z ;
float sqrmag = diff_x * diff_x + diff_y * diff_y + diff_z * diff_z ;
return sqrmag < kEpsilon * kEpsilon ;
// Returns true if vectors are different.
[ MethodImpl ( MethodImplOptionsEx . AggressiveInlining ) ]
public static bool operator != ( Vector3 lhs , Vector3 rhs )
// Returns true in the presence of NaN values.
return ! ( lhs == rhs ) ;
[ MethodImpl ( MethodImplOptionsEx . AggressiveInlining ) ]
public override string ToString ( )
return ToString ( null , null ) ;
[ MethodImpl ( MethodImplOptionsEx . AggressiveInlining ) ]
public string ToString ( string format )
return ToString ( format , null ) ;
[ MethodImpl ( MethodImplOptionsEx . AggressiveInlining ) ]
public string ToString ( string format , IFormatProvider formatProvider )
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( format ) )
format = " F2 " ;
if ( formatProvider == null )
formatProvider = CultureInfo . InvariantCulture . NumberFormat ;
return UnityString . Format ( " ({0}, {1}, {2}) " , x . ToString ( format , formatProvider ) , y . ToString ( format , formatProvider ) , z . ToString ( format , formatProvider ) ) ;
[ System . Obsolete ( " Use Vector3.forward instead. " ) ]
public static Vector3 fwd { get { return new Vector3 ( 0F , 0F , 1F ) ; } }
[ System . Obsolete ( " Use Vector3.Angle instead. AngleBetween uses radians instead of degrees and was deprecated for this reason " ) ]
public static float AngleBetween ( Vector3 from , Vector3 to ) { return ( float ) Math . Acos ( Mathf . Clamp ( Vector3 . Dot ( from . normalized , to . normalized ) , - 1F , 1F ) ) ; }
[ System . Obsolete ( " Use Vector3.ProjectOnPlane instead. " ) ]
public static Vector3 Exclude ( Vector3 excludeThis , Vector3 fromThat ) { return ProjectOnPlane ( fromThat , excludeThis ) ; }