Own the command line
Built with Rust for speed, intuitive out of the box
Space to keep your terminal workflows
Bring your dream
themes to life

An enterprise-ready app that’s a joy to use

I don't think you'll regret it one bit. @warpdotdev is really cool and I've completely switched to using it now
@warpdotdev editor is a game changer for my terminal workflow. I love how I can navigate the terminal editor just like a code editor with all the Move/Move-Select keymap. Great job!
@warpdotdev is early access and yet absolutely mindblowing!Became my new favorite terminal overnight.Best features from all the different shells I've used and a modern look UI + keybindings. Could not have asked for more.

Finally, innovation in terminals! @warpdotdev
Every day I love @warpdotdev more. The autocompletion, the fzf of my past commands, the blocks of command outputs. It's just so efficient!

Giving @warpdotdev a try. It is blazing fast and indeed feels like a modern terminal.

Just started using @warpdotdev as my main terminal!🎉
It is just so good!💯
I don't know why I just accepted that one of the main tools I use every day as a developer was so bad!!

Just saying, I heckin love @warpdotdev
🚀Stupid fast boot times View history with arrow keys (no mindless ⬆️⬆️⬆️...)
✂️ Each command is a block for easy scrolling, error highlighting, and copy / past-ability
💻 Intellisense for npm and git

2/ @warpdotdev A new terminal developed in Rust, I instantly fell in love when I tried it. There's just no going back from the incredible navigation workflows you can achieve with this tool. If the terminal had been invented today, this what we would get. Bravo!

@warpdotdev is really the terminal i've been missing, since my switch to OSX!
Kudos to everyone involved, for an awesome terminal!

Just received my invite to @warpdotdev and I already love the developer experience and the speed of that terminal. A breath of fresh air for me and my MacBook 2015!👇 https://warp.dev