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Hello I have problem with compilation of my solution after adding RichTextBoxUI assembly.
1. I'm using no xaml version and implicit styles
2. After recompilation it happens that I have following error:
Error    1    The type or namespace name 'Ruler' does not exist in the namespace 'Telerik.Windows.Controls.RichTextBoxUI' (are you missing an assembly reference?)    ..Path..\Window\SomeWindow.g.cs   (this is precompiled xaml file) Once I remove reference to RichTextBoxUI everuthing is working again.
3. Sometimes it is working but mostly not. I need to restart computer to make it work again (not always helps)
4. There is also bug in RichTextBoxUI implicit style related to BooleanVisibilityConverter. it is declared later than used so application is crashing during start. After I moved declaration top of file it started working.
I'm using Q1 2013 version of controls.
I had to remove all references to RichTextBoxUI and implement custom SelectionMiniToolbar (which I in fact wanted) and now everything is working. But if I would like like to use full UI ribbon I couldn't.
First of all, I want to thank you for your interest in RadRichTextBox.
Now straight to the issue - I tried to reproduce the problem, but to no avail. I've applied Office_Black theme successfully. Can you delete bin and obj folders in your solution and then try to rebuild it? If the problem still exists, it will be great if you try to isolate the issue in a sample demo project and send it to us.
Also, can you please share in which theme you are getting an error related to BooleanToVisibilityConverter converter?
Looking forward to your reply.
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About second question:
I'm using "Summer" theme. Like I said I removed already UI part but As far as i rememebr BooleanToVisibilityConverter was used in line 940 and declared about line 2000.
About first issue, I know it is terribly strange, so not deterministic, however removing obj and bin folders didn't help (at least in Visual Studio 2010) I'm not using 2012 in this project. So maybe this is related. Really have no idea why this is happening, since all classes exists in referenced libraries and I realize you probably won't be able to help me with that. Fortunately at this level of project I'm not planning bigger usage of ui. And in worst case I would be able to provide custom smaller set of buttons in toolbars if I will need to.
About deleting bin and obj. I tried that - didn't help. The strange thing is it worked on the beginning of the day but after few recompilations it again started reporting that error. When I opened that file this part even wasn't on the end or beginning. It was related to using for some reason. I have feeling that this could have been related to imported namespaces, since I'm using:
But I didn't tried to remove global namespace and add local (per reference one). Also this error was reported only once. When I removed file it was reported it started to be reported in other file. Also when I opened xaml part of file - GridView was underlined with red - saying that cannot find class. but such thing didn't was reported by compiler.
Hello Marcin,
I've tried to reproduce the problem with Summer theme as well, but to no avail again.
Unfortunately, without a stable replication procedure, there is not much we can do to assist you. If you isolate concrete steps which reproduce the observed behavior, please get back to us with them.
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I just upgraded to 2013_2_0724 and I'm having this exact same problem. One of my .g.cs files now randomly appears with this in it:
using Telerik.Windows.Controls.RichTextBoxUI;
using Telerik.Windows.Controls.RichTextBoxUI.ColorPickers;
using Telerik.Windows.Controls.RichTextBoxUI.Dialogs;
using Telerik.Windows.Controls.RichTextBoxUI.Ruler;     <---  this doesn't exist anywhere that I can find
using Telerik.Windows.Controls.RichTextBoxUI.StatusBar;
using Telerik.Windows.Controls.RichTextBoxUI.TableControls;
There is a DocumentRuler, so I'm not sure why it's not included and .Ruler is.
I'm using VS2010 and Windows8 theme.
I cleaned everything (bin & obj directories) and no difference.
there some way to track down the namespace declarations and fix this? Every time this happens I have to edit the .g.cs file and remove that using reference.
I figured this out on my own, turns out, this namespace:
Is present in
Anyway, once that ns was removed at least I can consistently compile. The RichTextBoxUI still isn't working properly as there seem to be other issues with this release.
Shame on Telerik support for just blowing this off and not doing some minimal investigation into this problem.
Hello Joe and Marcin,
First I would like to ask you to accept our apologies for the caused inconvenience.
Further, the issue is now fixed and the fix will be available for download in our LIB next week.
In appreciation of your involvement your Telerik points are now updated.

Once again, please excuse us for the caused inconvenience.
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