In addition to a robust branch & cut algorithm, ILOG CPLEX also offers a dynamic search algorithm. The dynamic search algorithm consists of the same building blocks as branch & cut: LP relaxation, branching, cuts, and heuristics. The following sections of the manual describe performance and tuning in relation to branch & cut. The parameters mentioned in this context have a similar effect in the dynamic search algorithm as in conventional branch & cut. In fact, the generic description in relation to branch & cut suffices for both branch & cut and dynamic search.
ILOG CPLEX offers the MIP search parameter (
) for you to control whether it pursues dynamic search or conventional branch & cut in solving your problem. At its default setting, this parameter specifies that ILOG CPLEX should choose which algorithm to apply on the basis of characteristics it finds in your model. Other settings allow you to specify which search to pursue.
Because many parameter settings directly affect the branch & cut and dynamic search algorithms, here is a general description of how branch & cut is implemented within ILOG CPLEX.
In the branch & cut algorithm, ILOG CPLEX solves a series of continuous subproblems. To manage those subproblems efficiently, ILOG CPLEX builds a tree in which each subproblem is a node. The root of the tree is the
continuous relaxation
of the original MIP problem.
If the solution to the relaxation has one or more fractional variables, ILOG CPLEX will try to find cuts. Cuts are constraints that cut away areas of the feasible region of the relaxation that contain fractional solutions. ILOG CPLEX can generate several types of cuts. (
tells you more about that topic.)
If the solution to the relaxation still has one or more fractional-valued integer variables after ILOG CPLEX tries to add cuts, then ILOG CPLEX branches on a fractional variable to generate two new subproblems, each with more restrictive bounds on the branching variable. For example, with binary variables, one node will fix the variable at 0 (zero), the other, at 1 (one).
The subproblems may result in an all-integer solution, in an infeasible solution, or another fractional solution. If the solution is fractional, ILOG CPLEX repeats the process.
Applying Cutoff Values
Applying Tolerance Parameters
Applying Heuristics
When an Integer Solution Is Found: the Incumbent
Controlling Strategies: Diving and Backtracking
Selecting Nodes
Selecting Variables
Changing Branching Direction
Solving Subproblems
Using Node Files
Applying Cutoff Values
ILOG CPLEX cuts off nodes when the value of the objective function associated with the subproblem at that node is worse than the cutoff value.
You set the cutoff value by means of the
parameter (for a minimization problem) or the
parameter (for a maximization problem), to indicate to ILOG CPLEX that integer feasible solutions worse than this cutoff value should be discarded. The default value of the lower cutoff is
; the default value of the upper cutoff is
. The defaults, in effect, mean that no cutoff is to be supplied. You can supply any number that you find appropriate for your problem. It is never required that you supply a cutoff, and in fact for most applications is it not done.
Applying Tolerance Parameters
ILOG CPLEX will use the value of the best integer solution found so far, as modified by the tolerance parameters
(absolute objective function difference) or
(relative objective function difference) as the cutoff. Again, it is not typical that users set these parameters, but they are available if you find them useful. Use care in changing these tolerances: if either of them is nonzero, you may miss the optimal solution by as much as that amount. For example, in a model where the true minimum is
and the absolute cutoff is set to
, if a feasible solution of say,
is found at some point, the cutoff will discard all nodes with a solution worse than
, and thus the solution of
would be overlooked.
Applying Heuristics
Periodically during the branch & cut algorithm, ILOG CPLEX may apply a heuristic process that attempts to compute an integer solution from available information, such as the solution to the relaxation at the current node. This activity does not replace the branching steps, but sometimes is able to inexpensively locate a new feasible solution sooner than by branching, and a solution found in this way is treated in the same way as any other feasible solution. At intervals in the tree, new cuts beyond those computed at the root node may also be added to the problem.
When an Integer Solution Is Found: the Incumbent
After ILOG CPLEX finds an integer solution, it does the following:
It makes that integer solution the incumbent solution and that node the
incumbent node
It makes the value of the objective function at that node (modified by the objective difference parameter) the new cutoff value.
It prunes from the tree all subproblems for which the value of the objective function is no better than the incumbent.
Controlling Strategies: Diving and Backtracking
You control the path that CPLEX traverses in the tree through several parameters, as summarized in
Table 14.5
Table 14.5 Parameters for Controlling Branch & Cut Strategy
Interactive Optimizer Command
Concert Technology IloCPLEX Method
Callable Library Routine
set mip strategy backtrack
set mip strategy nodeselect
set mip strategy variableselect
, i)
set mip strategy bbinterval
, i)
, i)
set mip strategy branch
, i)
During the branch & cut algorithm, ILOG CPLEX may choose to continue from the present node and dive deeper into the tree, or it may backtrack (that is, begin a new dive from elsewhere in the tree). The value of the backtrack parameter,
, influences this decision, in terms of the relative degradation of the objective function caused by the branches taken so far in this dive. Setting
to a value near
increases the likelihood that a backtrack will occur, while the default value near
makes it more likely that the present dive will continue to a resolution (fathoming either via a cutoff or an infeasible combination of branches or the discovery of a new incumbent integer feasible solution). See the reference
ILOG CPLEX Parameters
for more details about how this parameter influences the computation that makes the decision to backtrack.
Selecting Nodes
When ILOG CPLEX backtracks, there usually remain large numbers of unexplored nodes from which to begin a new dive. The node selection parameter,
, sets this choice.
Table 14.6 NodeSel Parameter Settings for Node Search Type
NodeSel Value
Symbolic Value
Node Search Type
Best Bound
search, which means that the node with the best objective function will be selected, generally near the top of the tree.
Best Estimate
search, whereby ILOG CPLEX will use an estimate of a given node's progress toward integer feasibility relative to its degradation of the objective function. This setting can be useful in cases where there is difficulty in finding feasible solutions or in cases where a proof of optimality is not crucial.
A variation on the Best Estimate search.
Depth First
search will be conducted. In many cases this amounts to a brute force strategy for solving the combinatorial problem, gaining a small amount of tactical efficiency due to a variety of reasons, and it is rare that it offers any advantage over other settings.
In instances where Best Estimate node selection (
) is in effect, the
parameter sets the frequency at which backtracking is done by Best Bound anyway. The default value of
works well, but you can set it to
(zero) to make sure that Best Estimate is used every time backtracking occurs.
Selecting Variables
After a node has been selected, the variable selection parameter,
, influences which variable is chosen for branching at that node.
Table 14.7 VarSel Parameter Settings for Branching Variable Choice
VarSel Setting
Symbolic Value
Branching Variable Choice
Branch strictly at the nearest integer value which is closest to the fractional variable.
Branch strictly at the nearest integer value which is furthest from the fractional variable.
ILOG CPLEX automatically decides each branch direction.
Use pseudo costs, which derives an estimate about the effect of each proposed branch from duality information.
Use strong branching, which invests considerable effort in analyzing potential branches in the hope of drastically reducing the number of nodes that will be explored.
Use pseudo reduced costs, which is a computationally less-intensive form of pseudo costs.
Changing Branching Direction
After a variable has been selected for branching, the
parameter influences the direction, up or down, of the branch on that variable to be explored first.
Table 14.8 BrDir Parameter Settings for Branching Direction Choice
BrDir Setting
Symbolic Value
Branching Direction Choice
Branch downward
ILOG CPLEX automatically decides each branch direction.
Branch upward
Priority orders complement the behavior of these parameters. They are introduced in
Issuing Priority Orders
. They offer a mechanism by which you supply problem-specific directives about the order in which to branch on variables. In a priority order, you can also provide preferred branching directions for specific variables.
Solving Subproblems
ILOG CPLEX allows you to distinguish the algorithm applied to the initial relaxation of your problem from the algorithm applied to other continuous subproblems of a MIP. This distinction between initial relaxation and the other MIP subproblems may be useful when you have special information about the nature of your model. In this context, "other MIP subproblems" includes nodes of the branch & cut tree, problems re-solved after cutting plane passes, problems solved by node heuristics, and so forth.
The parameter
) enables you to specify which algorithm for ILOG CPLEX to apply to the initial relaxation.
The parameter
) lets you specify the algorithm applied to other continuous subproblems.
For more detail about these parameters, see
Unsatisfactory Optimization of Subproblems
Using Node Files
On difficult models that generate a great number of nodes in the tree, the amount of available memory for node storage can become a limiting factor. Node files can be an effective technique which uses disk space to augment RAM, at little or no penalty in terms of solution speed.
The node-file storage-feature enables you to store some parts of the branch & cut tree in files while the branch & cut algorithm is being applied. If you use this feature, ILOG CPLEX will be able to explore more nodes within a smaller amount of computer memory. This feature includes several options to reduce the use of physical memory, and it entails a very small increase in runtime. Node-file storage as managed by ILOG CPLEX itself offers a much better option in terms of memory use and performance time than relying on swap space as managed by your operating system in this context.
For more about the parameters controlling node files, see
Use Node Files for Storage