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Hualei Xin, Aili Xue, Jiwei Liang, Bo Qiu, Liyan Dong, Bei Pan, Jing Jia, Yalin Han, Xiaowen Hu, Jingfei Zhang, Zhongjie Li, Fachun Jiang. Global epidemiology and risk factors of nipah virus infection in human, 1998–2018[J]. Disease Surveillance , 2019, 34(1): 89-92. DOI: 10.3784/j.issn.1003-9961.2019.01.021 Citation: Hualei Xin, Aili Xue, Jiwei Liang, Bo Qiu, Liyan Dong, Bei Pan, Jing Jia, Yalin Han, Xiaowen Hu, Jingfei Zhang, Zhongjie Li, Fachun Jiang. Global epidemiology and risk factors of nipah virus infection in human, 1998–2018[J]. Disease Surveillance , 2019, 34(1): 89-92. DOI: 10.3784/j.issn.1003-9961.2019.01.021
目的 了解全球尼帕病毒感染流行特征及危险因素。
方法 参考2004年世界卫生组织(WHO)关于尼帕病毒感染的病例定义,从WHO网站和PubMed搜索病例资料,对全球尼帕病毒感染病例进行三间分布描述和危险因素分析。
结果 1998年9月至2018年6月,全球共报告尼帕病毒感染病例662例,死亡369例,病死率为55.7%;全球共5个国家报告病例,2000年前仅马来西亚(283例)和新加坡(11例)有报告病例,2001 — 2010年病例为孟加拉国155例和印度71例,2011年后孟加拉国106例、印度19例和菲律宾17例;病死率由2000年前的38.5%(马来西亚)和9.1%(新加坡),上升至2001 — 2010年的62.6%(孟加拉国)和70.4%(印度),2011年后81.1%(孟加拉国)、89.5%(印度)和52.9%(菲律宾);623例病例(97.4%)发生在1 — 5月;发病危险因素最早是接触病猪,后来转变为人传人方式和饮用被果蝠污染的椰枣汁。
结论 尼帕病毒感染由西太平洋地区向东南亚地区扩散趋势,病死率呈上升趋势,发病集中在东南亚和西太平洋地区椰枣汁收获季节。
Objective To understand the epidemiology characteristics and risk factors of nipah virus infection in the world.
Methods According to the WHO case definition of nipah virus infection in 2004, we describe the spatial, temporal and population distributions of nipah virus infection in the world and analyze the risk factors by using the data from website of WHO and PubMed.
Results From September 1998 to June 2018, a total of 662 nipah virus infection cases, including 369 deaths, were reported in 5 countries, the case fatality rate was 55.7%. Before 2000, only Malaysia (283 cases) and Singapore (11 cases) reported nipah virus infection cases. During 2001–2010, 155 and 71 cases were reported by Bangladesh and India respectively. Since 2011, nipah virus infection cases have been reported by Bangladesh (106 cases), India (19 cases) and Philippines (17 cases). The case fatality rate increased from 38.5% in Malaysia and 9.1% in Singapore before 2000 to 62.6% in Bangladesh and 70.4% in India during 2001–2010 and to 81.1% in Bangladesh, 89.5% in India and 52.9% in Philippines after 2011. Among the reported cases, 623 (97.4%) occurred during January–May. The risk factors for nipah virus infection included close contact with sick pig in Malaysia and Singapore and human to human transmission and drinking of date palm sap contaminated by fruit bat in Bangladesh and India.
Conclusion Nipah virus infection had spread from Western Pacific Region to Southeast Asia and a rising trend was noted for the case fatality rate. Also, the cases were mainly reported in the harvested season of date palm sap in Western Pacific Region and Southeast Asia.