  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接

I am using Cypress to component test my Vue app. Following the code example at https://docs.cypress.io/guides/component-testing/vue/examples#Replicating-Plugins produces several errors, listed below:

Argument of type '(this: Context, component:
ComponentOptionsWithObjectProps<Readonly<ComponentPropsOptions>, unknown, {},
ComputedOptions, Record<string, Function>, ... 7 more ..., { ...; } | {}>, options?:
MountingOptions<...> | undefined) => Chainable<...>' is not assignable to parameter of type
Type 'Chainable<{ wrapper: VueWrapper<ComponentPublicInstance<{ [x: number]: unknown; } & {
readonly length?: number | Prop<unknown, unknown> | null | undefined; readonly concat?:
Prop<unknown, unknown> | { (...items: ConcatArray[]): string[]; (...items: (string |
ConcatArray<...>)[]): string[]; } | null | undefin...' is not assignable to type 'void |
Chainable<{ wrapper:
unknown, {}, ComputedOptions, ... 6 more ..., {}>>; component: ComponentPublicInstance<...>;

Property 'global' does not exist on type '[options?: MountingOptions<{ [x: number]: unknown; }
& { readonly length?: number | Prop<unknown, unknown> | null | undefined; readonly concat?:
Prop<unknown, unknown> | { (...items: ConcatArray[]): string[]; (...items: (string |
ConcatArray<...>)[]): string[]; } | null | undefined; ... 12 more ...; toLocale...'.

Cannot find name 'Vapp'.

No overload matches this call.
The last overload gave the following error.
I am using TypeScript. Can someone please provide me with a working code snippet. My code is as follows:

import { createPinia } from "pinia";
import i18n from "../../src/locales/i18n";
import { mount } from "cypress/vue";
import { h } from "vue";

declare global {
namespace Cypress {
interface Chainable {
mount: typeof mount;

Cypress.Commands.add("mount", (component, ...args) => {
args.global = args.global || {};
args.global.plugins = args.global.plugins || [];

return mount(() => {
return h(Vapp, {}, component)
}, ...args);
Does anyone know how to fix this? And how would I call this mount function when used in tests?

Resolved with Vue Test Utils syntax:

import { mount } from "cypress/vue";

Cypress.Commands.add("mount", (component) => {
return mount(component, {
global: {
plugins: [createPinia(), i18n],

Resolved with Vue Test Utils syntax:

import { mount } from "cypress/vue";

Cypress.Commands.add("mount", (component) => {
return mount(component, {
global: {
plugins: [createPinia(), i18n],