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So you want to be a Kotlin programmer?

You’ve come to the right place!

This book will take you through the fundamentals of Kotlin, gently introducing you to the core concepts of the language, in order to help you become a proficient Kotlin developer. Even if you’re a seasoned pro, it’s important to know the fundamentals in order to establish a solid foundation of understanding, so that you can be as effective as possible.

Your adventure starts here in Chapter 1, where we’ll cover the basics of variables, expressions, and types.

Let’s get to it!

Introduction to Variables

This is a circle.

  • When we write var r , we’re declaring a new variable called r . You can think of declaring a variable as creating a bucket .
  • When we write r = 5.2 , we’re assigning the value of 5.2 to the variable r . In other words, we’re putting the number 5.2 into the bucket .
  • var is a keyword that tells Kotlin to create a new variable.
  • r is the name of the variable. You might also hear this referred to as the variable’s identifier .
  • The number 5.2 is the value that is being assigned.
  • var is just one of many keywords that we’ll see as we continue to learn Kotlin. The important thing to remember about keywords is that they can’t be used as the name of your own things. For example, you can’t use var as the _name of the variable~:

    When reassigning this variable, we didn’t need to use the var keyword again, because the variable was already declared on that first line.

    Variables that Cannot Be Reassigned

    Let’s look at that circumference equation again:

    The Greek letter π (pronounced like the word “pie”) is very different from the variable r . Whereas r can hold any number in it, π only ever holds one very specific number, which we’ll abbreviate to 3.14.

    In the same way, when programming in Kotlin, there are times when you want to make sure that a variable never changes.

    Once you put something in this bucket, you can never replace it!

    Declaring your variables with val is a great way to make sure that you don’t accidentally change something that shouldn’t change. In fact, it’s a great idea to always start with val , and only switch to var when you absolutely need to.

    For the Nerds

    If you’re already familiar with the concept of objects , it’s important to note that val does not make objects immutable. In other words, you can’t put something new in that bucket, but what’s in that bucket could still change itself in some way. That’s why Kotlin programmers tend to call variables declared with val “read-only” instead of “immutable”.

    We’ll cover this distinction in more detail once we get to the chapter on classes and objects.

    Naming Variables

    It’s been fun using the letter π in our code, but unless you live in Greece, you probably don’t have it on your keyboard. From here on out, we’ll make life easier for everyone by naming it pi instead. Also, instead of r , we’ll name it radius , so that any other developers who come along later will know exactly what that variable represents - we don’t want others to have to guess what the letter r stands for!

    Sometimes you need more than one word for a variable’s identifier. In Kotlin, it’s customary to start the first word lowercased, and then capitalize the remaining words, like this:

    Best Practice

    It’s a good idea to write your code in a way that’s similar to other developers, so that when everyone looks at it, they don’t have to think too hard about it.

    The official Kotlin documentation provides a set of coding conventions , and it’s recommended that you follow those. In case you use IntelliJ or Android Studio, that document also tells you how you can configure a formatter that will help you more easily conform to some of those conventions.

    Now that you’ve got down the basics for declaring and assigning variables, we can start assigning more than just simple numbers - we can start assigning more complex calculations, such as our circumference equation! Let’s dive into expressions !

    Expressions and Statements in Kotlin

    Let’s look at that equation again:

    We’ve already created a variable for pi and a variable for radius , so now we just need Kotlin to do some math for us, and we can get the circumference of any circle, regardless of how big that circle is.

    All we have to do is multiply together 2 , pi , and radius . In Kotlin, as in most programming languages, multiplication isn’t represented with an x , it’s represented with an asterisk: * , so our code can look like this:

    So far we’ve only assigned simple values - such as 5.2 and 3.14 . This is the first time we’re assigning something more complex: 2 * pi * radius .

    When Kotlin sees this, it simply calculates the result for you - it multiplies 2 times pi times radius , and then, of course, it takes the resulting value and assigns it to the variable named circumference . In this case (with a radius of 5.2 ), circumference will equal 32.656 .

    Since 2 * pi * radius can be calculated into a value like this, we say that it can be evaluated . Code that can be evaluated is called an expression . Here are a few examples of expressions:

  • 2 + 3
  • 2 * pi * r
  • pi * r * r
  • Variables by themselves are also expressions - they evaluate to whatever value they hold:

  • radius
  • When you type out a number by hand (as opposed to typing a variable), it’s called a number literal . Literals themselves are also expressions - they evaluate to themselves! Here are a few examples:

    All of those examples will evaluate to some value. On the other hand, when you have a chunk of code that does not evaluate to a value, it’s called a statement .

    Here’s an easy rule of thumb to know if you’ve got an expression or a statement:

    Rule: If you can assign a chunk of code to a variable, it’s an expression. Otherwise, it’s a statement.

    Let’s apply this rule to the first expression from each of the three lists above ( 2 + 3 , radius , and 2 ). The parts highlighted below are the expressions:

    If you try to do this, Kotlin gives you a helpful error message, “Expecting an expression” . If you ever see this error message, it just means you tried to use a statement where Kotlin wanted an expression.

    The distinction between statements and expressions is important as you’re learning Kotlin, and we’ll use those terms often in this book.

    So far, whether we’ve used literals or complex expressions , we’ve still only ever assigned numbers to variables. But there are lots of different things that variables can hold! Let’s explore some of these things next.

    Types: Different Kinds of Values

    In Kotlin, different variables can hold different kinds of values. The kind of value that a variable holds is called its type .

    Let’s take another look at the variables radius and pi :

    When we do this, we are explicitly specifying the type.

    Very often, you do not have to specify the type of a variable yourself. In that case, Kotlin will do its best to infer the type based on whatever it is that you’re assigning to the variable. That process is called type inference .

    So, when we write this…

    …then Kotlin can tell that 5.2 is a Double , so it automatically uses Double as the type of radius .

    Quick Tip

    It’s usually nice to let Kotlin do type inference for you, but sometimes it’d still be nice to see what type it inferred.

    To see what type Kotlin inferred, IntelliJ and Android Studio have a feature called Quick Documentation . Just put the text caret on the variable name, and hit the keyboard shortcut. By default, that shortcut is F1 on Mac, and Ctrl+Q on Windows and Linux.

    In addition to Double , there are some other basic types that are good to know about! Let’s take a look at some of those now.


    So far we’ve only used numbers that have a decimal point in them, such as 5.2 and 3.14 . But you might also use a number that does not have a decimal point, such as just 5 or 3 .

    These kinds of numbers are called integers , and in Kotlin the type for an integer is just called Int for short. Here’s an example of creating an integer variable:


    Sometimes you want a variable to hold a value that is either on or off , yes or no , true or false , and so on.

    In those cases, you want a Boolean variable.

    Why is it called a Boolean ?

    It’s named after a British chap from the 1800s, George Boole, who created a branch of algebra that works with true and false values instead of numbers.



    You can also store text into a variable. The fancy programmer word for this is string , because it’s a bunch of characters - such as letters, numbers, and symbols - “strung” together:

    Other Types

    These are just some common types of variables. Throughout this book, we’ll find out how we can create our own types - classes - which build upon these basic types that we just looked at.

    Types and Reassignment

    In Kotlin, the type of each variable is established when you’re writing the code, and its type will never change (unless you rewrite the code). This is why we call it static typing . Once a variable has been declared with a particular type, no other type of value can go into it. For example, if we create a variable of type Int , we can’t later reassign it with a String :

    In future chapters, we’ll see how this static typing plays out in more ways than just reassigning variables. We’ll also see how some types can have subtypes .

    But we’re getting ahead of ourselves - for now, let’s wrap up this chapter!


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  • Using var for variables that can be reassigned.
  • Using val for variables that are read-only.
  • Expressions and Statements
  • Expressions can be evaluated to a value.
  • Statements do not evaluate to a value.
  • You can try assigning a chunk of code to a variable to see if it’s a statement or an expression.
  • Basic Types
  • Number types like Double and Int .
  • The Boolean type for true and false values.
  • The String type for text values.
  • Now that we have a good grasp on variables, it’s time to put them together in exciting new ways! Stay tuned for Chapter 2 , where we’ll learn all about functions in Kotlin!

    Thanks to Matt McKenna , Jacob Rakidzich , and Doug Smith for reviewing this article.

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