叶朝阳(1976- ),男,浙江省新型互联网交换中心有限责任公司总经理、中国互联网协会互联网互联互通工作委员会副主任委员,主要研究方向为新型互联网交换中心网络架构与协议设计、云网交换等
沈辰(1989- ),中国信息通信研究院工程师,主要研究方向为互联网网络互联互通、互联网路由安全、互联网测量与性能分析等
黄明庆(1969- ),男,华为技术有限公司高级IP技术研究专家,主要研究方向为网络空间安全、互联网协议架构等
张士聪(1990- ),男,浙江省新型互联网交换中心有限责任公司技术部经理,主要研究方向为新型互联与网络架构
刘伊莎(1992- ),女,浙江省新型互联网交换中心有限责任公司IT工程师,主要研究方向为新型互联与网络架构信息化
Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) is the de facto inter-domain routing protocol of today’s global internet for exchanging routing information.However, it was supposed that all participants were reliable without generating routing security issues by mistakes or on purpose when BGP was designed 50 years ago.As Internet is getting involved in all aspects of our society, internet routing security is becoming the problems that couldn’t be ignored anymore.A general architecture was proposed which coved inference of BGP routing knowledge database and provided visibility of global internet routing.Detection of route security events such as routing hijacks and routing leaks were realized.The deployment shows that the system can provide good visibility of internet routing and precise detection of routing security events.
Key words:
internet routing security,
routing hijack,
routing leak
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