  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接

tell me how to solve the problem with the tests
my main js (activeBtnClick.js):

export default function activeButtonClick (button) {
 if (button.classList.contains ( 'active')) {
 button.classList.remove ( 'active');
 } else {
 button.classList.add ( 'active');

activeBtnClick.test.js – test:

const activeButtonClick = require ( './ activeBtnClick');
describe ( "activeBtnClick", () = & gt; {
 const pencil = document.createElement ( 'div');
 activeButtonClick (pencil);
 it ( "add class to the button", () = & gt; {
 . I expect (pencil.classList.contains ( 'active')) toEqual (true);

jest.config.js HAS NO
babel NOT use
use webpack

"Name": "simple-piskel-clone", "Version": "1.0.0", "Description": "Simple Piskel Clone", "Main": "index.js", "scripts": { "Test": "Echo \" error: no test specified \ "& amp; & amp; exit 1", "Build": "webpack", "Watch": "webpack --watch", "Test": "jest" "Author": "", "License": "ISC", "DevDependencies": { "Css-loader": "^ 3.4.0", "Eslint-loader": "^ 3.0.3", "Html-webpack-plugin": "^ 3.2.0", "Jest": "^ 24.9.0", "Node-sass": "^ 4.13.0", "Sass-loader": "^ 8.0.0", "Style-loader": "^ 1.1.1", "Url-loader": "^ 3.0.0", "Webpack": "^ 4.41.4", "Webpack-cli": "^ 3.3.10" "Dependencies": { "Eslint": "^ 6.8.0", "Eslint-config-airbnb-base": "^ 14.0.0", "Eslint-plugin-import": "^ 2.19.1"


Answer 1, Authority 100%

Apparently, Jest without Babel does not understand the ESM (import and export is the syntax ECMAScript Modules) – then, in the syntax CommonJS be so:

module.exports = function activeButtonClick () {...}
const activeButtonClick = require ( './ activeBtnClick.js');

Answer 2

has worked like that for me.

npx mocha --require ts-node / register --require esm src / ** / *. Spec.ts

or package.json scripts (both options work, use one that is more like it):

"scripts": {
  "Test": "mocha -r esm -r ts-node / register src / ** / * spec.ts.",
  "Test-ts": "ts-mocha -r esm -p tsconfig.json src / ** / * spec.ts."

The main thing do not forget to add a esm to devDependencies :

npm install --save-dev esm

In order to package.json was

"devDependencies": {
  "Esm": "^ 3.2.25"

If you use the ts-mocha is it just to add to the package.json .

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