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一、学科简介 Introduction

上海交通大学动力工程及工程热物理学科始建于 1913 年, 1953 年招收我国解放后第一批研究生,是国家首批一级重点学科,首批一级学科博士点。 2011 年所依托的机械与动力工程学院入选国家高等教育改革试点学院。在百年发展的历史上,培养了“两弹一星”科学家钱学森、王希季等一大批杰出人才。 2016 5 月入选全球 ESI 工程学万分之一学科。本学科设有“动力工程与工程热物理”一级学科博士点并设有 " 动力工程及工程热物理 " 博士后流动站。

学科拥有汽车电子控制技术国家工程实验室、燃煤污染物减排国家工程实验室(上海)、船舶与海洋工程动力系统国家工程实验室(上海交大)等 3 个国家级基地,动力机械与工程教育部重点实验室、太阳能发电及制冷教育部工程研究中心、燃气轮机与民用航空发动机教育部工程研究中心等省部级基地,下设叶轮机械、新能源动力、热能工程、制冷与低温、工程热物理和燃料电池等研究所。本学科师资力量雄厚,有工程院院士 3 人,中科院院士 1 人,国家创优争先奖 1 人,国家级教学名师 1 人,国家特聘专家 3 人,长江特聘(讲座)教授 3 人,国家杰青基金获得者 7 人,优青 4 人,青年长江 1 人,“百千万人才工程”国家级人选 4 人。拥有国家自然基金创新群体、教育部创新团队和科技部创新人才推进计划重点领域创新团队等先进群体。本学科科研成果丰硕,近年来主持承担国家自然科学基金重大项目、重点项目、国家重点研发专项等 20 余项, 2005 年以来获国家自然科学奖 3 项,国家技术发明奖 2 项,国家科技进步二等奖 2 项。


The discipline of Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics(PEET) in Shanghai Jiao Tong University was established in 1913. In 1953, it was selected as the first batch of state key discipline as well as one of the first disciplines in China that offered Doctoral degree program in Power and Energy Engineering. Affliated to the School of Mechanical Engineering, it was selected as one of the national pilot schools by Ministry of Education MOE in 2011. Over the past century, the discipline has nurtured tens of thousands of graduates, contributing significantly to scientific and technological developments as well as economic growth at the national and international levels. Notable alumni include Xuesen Qian (co-founder of Jet Propulsion Laboratory) and Xiji Wang, whom were awarded the highest national honor – the Two Bombs and One Satellite Meritorious Award. Engineering discipline including PEET was rated as one of the top 0.01% ESI disciplines in May 2016. Aiming to develop an internationally renowned and cutting-edge research in PEET, there has been rapid progress, engagement with world-class scientists, grooming of national talents, and scientific research in the recent decades.

Cutting-edge research activities currently conducted in PEET are rooted in several national and key regional laboratories, which include National Engineering Laboratory for Automotive Electronic Control Technology, National Engineering Laboratory for Reducing Emissions from Coal Combustion (Shanghai), National Engineering Laboratory for Marine and Ocean Engineering Power System SJTU ), Key Laboratory for Power Machinery and Engineering of MOE, Engineering Research Center of Chinese Ministry of Education (MOE) for Solar Power and Refrigeration, Gas Turbine and Civil Aero-engine. The full spectrum of research directions include Turbomachinery, Advanced Energy and Powertrain Technology, Thermal Energy, Refrigeration and Cryogenics, Engineering Thermophysics and Full Cell. The faculty includes one member of Chinese Academy of Sciences, three members of Chinese Academy of Engineering, one National Excellence Awardee, one National Renowned Teacher, three National Distinguished Professors, and three Chair Professors of Changjiang Scholars Program. In addition, seven faculty members were awarded The National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, four faculty members were awarded The National Science Fund for Excellent Young Scholars, one faculty member were awarded the Young Changjiang Scholars Program. Our pursuit of research innovation and global excellence has been recognized worldwide. The research were mainly granted by National High Technology Research Development Program China, National Natural Science Foundation of China, and National Basic Research Program of China. Research outcomes have led to 3 National Natural Science Awards, 2 National Technology Invention Awards and 2 Second-grade State Science and Technology Progress Award.

As a key institute of doctoral degree education in China, PEET is dedicated to nurturing academically inclined, all-rounded, and innovation-orientated students with global perspectives, who can become top engineers or renowned scholars in the global community. There have been thousands of Ph.D. degree students thus far, most of the alumni have grown to scientists, technology experts and industry leaders. Focusing on engineering practice and oriented to solve technical problems in major projects, graduates are aimed to becoming the technical backbone and elites of the energy and power industry.

二、培养目标 Program Objective

1、 系统性地掌握能源与动力工程领域坚实宽广的基础理论知识和系统深入的专门知识;

Having a systematic grasp of the basic theories as well as a systematic and in-depth knowledge of power engineering and engineering thermophysics.

2、 了解本学科的技术进展和学术前沿;

Deeply understanding the progress, tendency and frontier of his/her own research field.

3、 具有一定的独立从事科学研究的能力,能够运用相关的基础理论、专业知识和新技术开展研究,并取得一定的研究成果;

Apable of independent research utilizing the fundamental theories, professional knowledge and frontier technology. Obtainment of innovative achievement.

4、 能熟练地阅读本专业研究资料,并具有良好的写作能力和交流能力;

Fluent reading and translating of professional documents, good professional writing and academic communication skills.

5、 能够胜任科研助理、工程应用或科技管理等工作。

Qualified for the research assistant, engineering application or scientific and technical management.

三、培养方式及学习年限 Training Mode and Study Duration



Full-time International Academic Master Program students are tutored full-time by supervisors.

The length of Full-time Professional Master Program is 2.5 years. Students who fail to complete the program within 2.5 years could apply for extension, with a maximum length of 3.5 years upon approval.

四、课程学习要求 Course Requirement

全日制国际硕士生 ,课程总学分 ≥30 学分, 总学分上限为45学分。 其中:选择 GPA 统计源的课程 ≥19 学分, GPA≥2.7 方可以进行论文答辩。
Full-time International Academic Master Program. Minimum credits: 30 credits, including at least 19 credits from GPA courses. Students whose GPA of the GPA courses is above 2.7 are eligible for doctoral study.

1. 公共基础课程 15.5 学分
General Courses. 15.5 credits.

a. CHN620 7 汉语,4学分,必修,符合条件可免修

CHN6207 Chinese Language, compulsory. Exemption can be applied for qualified students.

b. CHN0 916 中国文化概论,2学分,必修
CHN0916 Introduction to Chinese Culture, 2 credits, compulsory.

c. FL6001 学术英语,2学分,必修
FL6001 English for Academic Purposes, 2 credits, compulsory.

d. GE6001 学术写作、规范与伦理, 1 学分,必修,院系开课
GE6001 Academic Writing, Norms and Ethics, 1 credit, compulsory offered by ME school.

e. GE6003 实验室安全教育,0.5学分,必修,院系开课

GE600 3 Laboratory Safety Education 0.5 credit, compulsory, offered by ME school.

f. 数学课, 6 学分,必修

Mathematics, 6 credits, compulsory.

2. 专业前沿课:GE6011 学术报告会,1学分,必修

Frontier Course.
GE6011, Academic Seminar , 1 credit, compulsory.

3. 专业基础课、专业选修课: ≥ 13.5 学分

Core Courses and Elective Courses. Minimum credits: 13.5 credits.

4. 统计如下: Summarized as below.


Course Type


Required Credits


Required Courses

GPA 学分要求





General Courses



硕士阶段 ≥19 学分 ,GPA≥2.7

19 credits and GPA≥2.7

专业基础课 Core   Courses、 专业选修课 Elective   Courses




No more than 2 interdisciplinary courses   can be selected, which are counted as non-GPA course.

专业前沿课 Frontier Courses


五、培养过程要求 Training Requirement

开题报告: 在第三学期起开题。开题报告要求就学位论文选题的科学根据、目的意义、研究内容、预期目标、研究方法和课题条件等做出论证,并由导师组织 3 5 位教授加以审核。

Thesis proposal: Thesis proposal work will start in the 3 th semester, which requires an argument on the scientific basis, purpose and significance, research content, expected goals, research methods, and project conditions of intended thesis topic and shall be evaluated by 3 or 5 professors invited by supervisor .

年度报告(论文中期考核): 在开题报告完成后,第四学期。由硕士生本人提交、导师给出评语、学科、学院审核。年度报告的形式也可以结合学术讨论会或专题研究报告会进行。年度报告的内容含: 1 、已完成的论文工作、阶段性成果。 2 、下一步工作内容、拟发表论文计划等。 3 、导师对已有工作的评价、以后工作的估计和指导。

Annual report (Thesis Project Intermediate Evaluation): The evaluation usually takes place in the 4 th semester after thesis proposal gets passed. The report shall be submitted by students with supervisor’s given comments, which will go through the evaluation of each department and school as well. The format of the annual report can also be done in the form of academic discussion or symposium on selected topics. The contents of the annual report include: 1. Completed thesis-related work and periodic results. 2. The content of the next-phase work and plans on paper publications. 3. Supervisor's evaluation of the finished work, estimation and guidance of the future work.

论文答辩: 在第五学期结束前后完成。论文答辩由一级学科统一组织,各一级学科推举后 15% 的同学到学院层面上进行二次答辩。

Thesis Defense: The defense shall be held before the end of 5 th semester by the discipline. Those who ranks in the last 15% shall attend the second defense organized by school.

详见一览表: See the list for details


Full-time International Academic Master Program

资格考试 Qualification Examination

开题报告 Thesis Proposal

年度报告 Annual Report

预答辩 Pre-defense

答辩 Defense

实践实习环节 Engineering Practice

六、学术成果要求 Requirement on Academic Requirement


七、学位论文 Thesis/dissertation

1 、学位论文的基本要求 Basic Requirements


The master students should choose topics related to the frontier field of the discipline or that of great significance to the progress of science and technology or economic and social development as their thesis theme. The doctoral thesis should demonstrate that the author is capable of undertaking scientific research independently and has a good grasp of the basic theories as well as a systematic and in-depth knowledge of the field of study.


A graduate thesis shall be a systematic and complete academic paper, and should be completed by the applicant under the instruction of his/her supervisor. No cheating or plagiarizing is allowed. The graduate theses shall demonstrate clear academic insights, with accurate arguments, rigorous reasonings, reliable statistics, well-organized structures and fluent expressions.

2 、学位论文的撰写要求 Format for Thesis

学位论文应使用中文或英文撰写,硕士学位论文字数一般为 4 5 万。学位论文中使用的术语、符号、代号必须全文统一并符合规范化要求。计量单位一律采用国务院发布的《中华人民共和国法定计量单位》。学位论文一般包括以下 12 部分,依次为封面、题名页、扉页、摘要、目录、符号说明(非必须)、正文、参考文献、注释(非必须)、附录(非必须)、致谢、学术论文和科研成果目录。

The thesis should be written in Chinese. The terms, symbols and codes used in the thesis must be unified and conform to the requirements of standardization. All units of measurement shall adopt the "Statutory Unit of the People's Republic of China" promulgated by the State Council. The thesis generally consists of the following 12 parts: cover, title page, flyleaf, abstracts, contents, List of Symbols (if necessary), main body, reference, annotation (if necessary), appendix (if necessary), acknowledgements, List of Publications and achievements.