  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接
  • Creating a communication with options
  • Creating more communicators
  • Using multiple NCCL communicators concurrently
  • Finalizing a communicator
  • Destroying a communicator
  • Error handling and communicator abort
    • Asynchronous errors and error handling
    • Fault Tolerance
    • Collective Operations
      • AllReduce
      • Broadcast
      • Reduce
      • AllGather
      • ReduceScatter
      • Data Pointers
      • CUDA Stream Semantics
        • Mixing Multiple Streams within the same ncclGroupStart/End() group
        • Group Calls
          • Management Of Multiple GPUs From One Thread
          • Aggregated Operations (2.2 and later)
          • Nonblocking Group Operation
          • Point-to-point communication
            • Sendrecv
            • One-to-all (scatter)
            • All-to-one (gather)
            • All-to-all
            • Neighbor exchange
            • Thread Safety
            • In-place Operations
            • Using NCCL with CUDA Graphs
            • NCCL API
              • Communicator Creation and Management Functions
                • ncclGetLastError
                • ncclGetVersion
                • ncclGetUniqueId
                • ncclCommInitRank
                • ncclCommInitAll
                • ncclCommInitRankConfig
                • ncclCommSplit
                • ncclCommFinalize
                • ncclCommDestroy
                • ncclCommAbort
                • ncclCommGetAsyncError
                • ncclCommCount
                • ncclCommCuDevice
                • ncclCommUserRank
                • Collective Communication Functions
                  • ncclAllReduce
                  • ncclBroadcast
                  • ncclReduce
                  • ncclAllGather
                  • ncclReduceScatter
                  • Group Calls
                    • ncclGroupStart
                    • ncclGroupEnd
                    • Point To Point Communication Functions
                      • ncclSend
                      • ncclRecv
                      • Types
                        • ncclComm_t
                        • ncclResult_t
                        • ncclDataType_t
                        • ncclRedOp_t
                        • ncclScalarResidence_t
                        • ncclConfig_t
                        • User Defined Reduction Operators
                          • ncclRedOpCreatePreMulSum
                          • ncclRedOpDestroy
                          • Examples
                            • Communicator Creation and Destruction Examples
                              • Example 1: Single Process, Single Thread, Multiple Devices
                              • Example 2: One Device per Process or Thread
                              • Example 3: Multiple Devices per Thread
                              • Communication Examples
                                • Example 1: One Device per Process or Thread
                                • Example 2: Multiple Devices per Thread
                                • ReduceScatter operation
                                • Send and Receive counts
                                • Other collectives and point-to-point operations
                                • In-place operations
                                • Using NCCL within an MPI Program
                                  • MPI Progress
                                  • Inter-GPU Communication with CUDA-aware MPI
                                  • Examples

                                    The examples in this section provide an overall view of how to use NCCL in various environments, combining one or multiple techniques:

                                  • using multiple GPUs per thread/process
                                  • using multiple threads
                                  • using multiple processes - the examples with multiple processes use MPI as parallel runtime environment, but any multi-process system should be able to work similarly.
                                  • Ensure that you always check the return codes from the NCCL functions. For clarity, the following examples do not contain error checking.

                                    Communicator Creation and Destruction Examples

                                    The following examples demonstrate common use cases for NCCL initialization.

                                    Example 1: Single Process, Single Thread, Multiple Devices

                                    In the specific case of a single process, ncclCommInitAll can be used. Here is an example creating a communicator for 4 devices, therefore, there are 4 communicator objects:

                                    ncclComm_t comms[4];
                                    int devs[4] = { 0, 1, 2, 3 };
                                    ncclCommInitAll(comms, 4, devs);

                                    Next, you can call NCCL collective operations using a single thread, and group calls, or multiple threads, each provided with a comm object.

                                    At the end of the program, all of the communicator objects are destroyed:

                                    for (int i=0; i<4; i++)

                                    The following code depicts a complete working example with a single process that manages multiple devices:

                                    #include <stdio.h>
                                    #include "cuda_runtime.h"
                                    #include "nccl.h"
                                    #define CUDACHECK(cmd) do {                         \
                                      cudaError_t err = cmd;                            \
                                      if (err != cudaSuccess) {                         \
                                        printf("Failed: Cuda error %s:%d '%s'\n",       \
                                            __FILE__,__LINE__,cudaGetErrorString(err)); \
                                        exit(EXIT_FAILURE);                             \
                                    } while(0)
                                    #define NCCLCHECK(cmd) do {                         \
                                      ncclResult_t res = cmd;                           \
                                      if (res != ncclSuccess) {                         \
                                        printf("Failed, NCCL error %s:%d '%s'\n",       \
                                            __FILE__,__LINE__,ncclGetErrorString(res)); \
                                        exit(EXIT_FAILURE);                             \
                                    } while(0)
                                    int main(int argc, char* argv[])
                                      ncclComm_t comms[4];
                                      //managing 4 devices
                                      int nDev = 4;
                                      int size = 32*1024*1024;
                                      int devs[4] = { 0, 1, 2, 3 };
                                      //allocating and initializing device buffers
                                      float** sendbuff = (float**)malloc(nDev * sizeof(float*));
                                      float** recvbuff = (float**)malloc(nDev * sizeof(float*));
                                      cudaStream_t* s = (cudaStream_t*)malloc(sizeof(cudaStream_t)*nDev);
                                      for (int i = 0; i < nDev; ++i) {
                                        CUDACHECK(cudaMalloc(sendbuff + i, size * sizeof(float)));
                                        CUDACHECK(cudaMalloc(recvbuff + i, size * sizeof(float)));
                                        CUDACHECK(cudaMemset(sendbuff[i], 1, size * sizeof(float)));
                                        CUDACHECK(cudaMemset(recvbuff[i], 0, size * sizeof(float)));
                                      //initializing NCCL
                                      NCCLCHECK(ncclCommInitAll(comms, nDev, devs));
                                       //calling NCCL communication API. Group API is required when using
                                       //multiple devices per thread
                                      for (int i = 0; i < nDev; ++i)
                                        NCCLCHECK(ncclAllReduce((const void*)sendbuff[i], (void*)recvbuff[i], size, ncclFloat, ncclSum,
                                            comms[i], s[i]));
                                      //synchronizing on CUDA streams to wait for completion of NCCL operation
                                      for (int i = 0; i < nDev; ++i) {
                                      //free device buffers
                                      for (int i = 0; i < nDev; ++i) {
                                      //finalizing NCCL
                                      for(int i = 0; i < nDev; ++i)
                                      printf("Success \n");
                                      return 0;

                                    Example 2: One Device per Process or Thread

                                    When a process or host thread is responsible for at most one GPU, ncclCommInitRank can be used as a collective call to create a communicator. Each thread or process will get its own object.

                                    The following code is an example of a communicator creation in the context of MPI, using one device per MPI rank.

                                    First, we retrieve MPI information about processes:

                                    int myRank, nRanks;
                                    MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myRank);
                                    MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nRanks);

                                    Next, a single rank will create a unique ID and send it to all other ranks to make sure everyone has it:

                                    ncclUniqueId id;
                                    if (myRank == 0) ncclGetUniqueId(&id);
                                    MPI_Bcast(&id, sizeof(id), MPI_BYTE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

                                    Finally, we create the communicator:

                                    ncclComm_t comm;
                                    ncclCommInitRank(&comm, nRanks, id, myRank);

                                    We can now call the NCCL collective operations using the communicator.

                                    ncclAllReduce( ... , comm);

                                    Finally, we destroy the communicator object:


                                    The following code depicts a complete working example with multiple MPI processes and one device per process:

                                    #include <stdio.h>
                                    #include "cuda_runtime.h"
                                    #include "nccl.h"
                                    #include "mpi.h"
                                    #include <unistd.h>
                                    #include <stdint.h>
                                    #include <stdlib.h>
                                    #define MPICHECK(cmd) do {                          \
                                      int e = cmd;                                      \
                                      if( e != MPI_SUCCESS ) {                          \
                                        printf("Failed: MPI error %s:%d '%d'\n",        \
                                            __FILE__,__LINE__, e);   \
                                        exit(EXIT_FAILURE);                             \
                                    } while(0)
                                    #define CUDACHECK(cmd) do {                         \
                                      cudaError_t e = cmd;                              \
                                      if( e != cudaSuccess ) {                          \
                                        printf("Failed: Cuda error %s:%d '%s'\n",             \
                                            __FILE__,__LINE__,cudaGetErrorString(e));   \
                                        exit(EXIT_FAILURE);                             \
                                    } while(0)
                                    #define NCCLCHECK(cmd) do {                         \
                                      ncclResult_t r = cmd;                             \
                                      if (r!= ncclSuccess) {                            \
                                        printf("Failed, NCCL error %s:%d '%s'\n",             \
                                            __FILE__,__LINE__,ncclGetErrorString(r));   \
                                        exit(EXIT_FAILURE);                             \
                                    } while(0)
                                    static uint64_t getHostHash(const char* string) {
                                      // Based on DJB2a, result = result * 33 ^ char
                                      uint64_t result = 5381;
                                      for (int c = 0; string[c] != '\0'; c++){
                                        result = ((result << 5) + result) ^ string[c];
                                      return result;
                                    static void getHostName(char* hostname, int maxlen) {
                                      gethostname(hostname, maxlen);
                                      for (int i=0; i< maxlen; i++) {
                                        if (hostname[i] == '.') {
                                            hostname[i] = '\0';
                                    int main(int argc, char* argv[])
                                      int size = 32*1024*1024;
                                      int myRank, nRanks, localRank = 0;
                                      //initializing MPI
                                      MPICHECK(MPI_Init(&argc, &argv));
                                      MPICHECK(MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myRank));
                                      MPICHECK(MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nRanks));
                                      //calculating localRank based on hostname which is used in selecting a GPU
                                      uint64_t hostHashs[nRanks];
                                      char hostname[1024];
                                      getHostName(hostname, 1024);
                                      hostHashs[myRank] = getHostHash(hostname);
                                      MPICHECK(MPI_Allgather(MPI_IN_PLACE, 0, MPI_DATATYPE_NULL, hostHashs, sizeof(uint64_t), MPI_BYTE, MPI_COMM_WORLD));
                                      for (int p=0; p<nRanks; p++) {
                                         if (p == myRank) break;
                                         if (hostHashs[p] == hostHashs[myRank]) localRank++;
                                      ncclUniqueId id;
                                      ncclComm_t comm;
                                      float *sendbuff, *recvbuff;
                                      cudaStream_t s;
                                      //get NCCL unique ID at rank 0 and broadcast it to all others
                                      if (myRank == 0) ncclGetUniqueId(&id);
                                      MPICHECK(MPI_Bcast((void *)&id, sizeof(id), MPI_BYTE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD));
                                      //picking a GPU based on localRank, allocate device buffers
                                      CUDACHECK(cudaMalloc(&sendbuff, size * sizeof(float)));
                                      CUDACHECK(cudaMalloc(&recvbuff, size * sizeof(float)));
                                      //initializing NCCL
                                      NCCLCHECK(ncclCommInitRank(&comm, nRanks, id, myRank));
                                      //communicating using NCCL
                                      NCCLCHECK(ncclAllReduce((const void*)sendbuff, (void*)recvbuff, size, ncclFloat, ncclSum,
                                            comm, s));
                                      //completing NCCL operation by synchronizing on the CUDA stream
                                      //free device buffers
                                      //finalizing NCCL
                                      //finalizing MPI
                                      printf("[MPI Rank %d] Success \n", myRank);
                                      return 0;

                                    Example 3: Multiple Devices per Thread

                                    You can combine both multiple process or threads and multiple device per process or thread. In this case, we need to use group semantics.

                                    The following example combines MPI and multiple devices per process (=MPI rank).

                                    First, we retrieve MPI information about processes:

                                    int myRank, nRanks;
                                    MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myRank);
                                    MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nRanks);

                                    Next, a single rank will create a unique ID and send it to all other ranks to make sure everyone has it:

                                    ncclUniqueId id;
                                    if (myRank == 0) ncclGetUniqueId(&id);
                                    MPI_Bcast(id, sizeof(id), MPI_BYTE, 0, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

                                    Then, we create our ngpus communicator objects, which are part of a larger group of ngpus*nRanks:

                                    ncclComm_t comms[ngpus];
                                    for (int i=0; i<ngpus; i++) {
                                      ncclCommInitRank(comms+i, ngpus*nRanks, id, myRank*ngpus+i);

                                    Next, we call NCCL collective operations using a single thread, and group calls, or multiple threads, each provided with a comm object.

                                    At the end of the program, we destroy all communicators objects:

                                    for (int i=0; i<ngpus; i++)

                                    The following code depicts a complete working example with multiple MPI processes and multiple devices per process:

                                    #include <stdio.h>
                                    #include "cuda_runtime.h"
                                    #include "nccl.h"
                                    #include "mpi.h"
                                    #include <unistd.h>
                                    #include <stdint.h>
                                    #define MPICHECK(cmd) do {                          \
                                      int e = cmd;                                      \
                                      if( e != MPI_SUCCESS ) {                          \
                                        printf("Failed: MPI error %s:%d '%d'\n",        \
                                            __FILE__,__LINE__, e);   \
                                        exit(EXIT_FAILURE);                             \
                                    } while(0)
                                    #define CUDACHECK(cmd) do {                         \
                                      cudaError_t e = cmd;                              \
                                      if( e != cudaSuccess ) {                          \
                                        printf("Failed: Cuda error %s:%d '%s'\n",             \
                                            __FILE__,__LINE__,cudaGetErrorString(e));   \
                                        exit(EXIT_FAILURE);                             \
                                    } while(0)
                                    #define NCCLCHECK(cmd) do {                         \
                                      ncclResult_t r = cmd;                             \
                                      if (r!= ncclSuccess) {                            \
                                        printf("Failed, NCCL error %s:%d '%s'\n",             \
                                            __FILE__,__LINE__,ncclGetErrorString(r));   \
                                        exit(EXIT_FAILURE);                             \
                                    } while(0)
                                    static uint64_t getHostHash(const char* string) {
                                      // Based on DJB2a, result = result * 33 ^ char
                                      uint64_t result = 5381;
                                      for (int c = 0; string[c] != '\0'; c++){
                                        result = ((result << 5) + result) ^ string[c];
                                      return result;
                                    static void getHostName(char* hostname, int maxlen) {
                                      gethostname(hostname, maxlen);
                                      for (int i=0; i< maxlen; i++) {
                                        if (hostname[i] == '.') {
                                            hostname[i] = '\0';
                                    int main(int argc, char* argv[])
                                      int size = 32*1024*1024;
                                      int myRank, nRanks, localRank = 0;
                                      //initializing MPI
                                      MPICHECK(MPI_Init(&argc, &argv));
                                      MPICHECK(MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myRank));
                                      MPICHECK(MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nRanks));
                                      //calculating localRank which is used in selecting a GPU
                                      uint64_t hostHashs[nRanks];
                                      char hostname[1024];
                                      getHostName(hostname, 1024);
                                      hostHashs[myRank] = getHostHash(hostname);
                                      MPICHECK(MPI_Allgather(MPI_IN_PLACE, 0, MPI_DATATYPE_NULL, hostHashs, sizeof(uint64_t), MPI_BYTE, MPI_COMM_WORLD));
                                      for (int p=0; p<nRanks; p++) {
                                         if (p == myRank) break;
                                         if (hostHashs[p] == hostHashs[myRank]) localRank++;
                                      //each process is using two GPUs
                                      int nDev = 2;
                                      float** sendbuff = (float**)malloc(nDev * sizeof(float*));
                                      float** recvbuff = (float**)malloc(nDev * sizeof(float*));
                                      cudaStream_t* s = (cudaStream_t*)malloc(sizeof(cudaStream_t)*nDev);
                                      //picking GPUs based on localRank
                                      for (int i = 0; i < nDev; ++i) {
                                        CUDACHECK(cudaSetDevice(localRank*nDev + i));
                                        CUDACHECK(cudaMalloc(sendbuff + i, size * sizeof(float)));
                                        CUDACHECK(cudaMalloc(recvbuff + i, size * sizeof(float)));
                                        CUDACHECK(cudaMemset(sendbuff[i], 1, size * sizeof(float)));
                                        CUDACHECK(cudaMemset(recvbuff[i], 0, size * sizeof(float)));
                                      ncclUniqueId id;
                                      ncclComm_t comms[nDev];
                                      //generating NCCL unique ID at one process and broadcasting it to all
                                      if (myRank == 0) ncclGetUniqueId(&id);
                                      MPICHECK(MPI_Bcast((void *)&id, sizeof(id), MPI_BYTE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD));
                                      //initializing NCCL, group API is required around ncclCommInitRank as it is
                                      //called across multiple GPUs in each thread/process
                                      for (int i=0; i<nDev; i++) {
                                         CUDACHECK(cudaSetDevice(localRank*nDev + i));
                                         NCCLCHECK(ncclCommInitRank(comms+i, nRanks*nDev, id, myRank*nDev + i));
                                      //calling NCCL communication API. Group API is required when using
                                      //multiple devices per thread/process
                                      for (int i=0; i<nDev; i++)
                                         NCCLCHECK(ncclAllReduce((const void*)sendbuff[i], (void*)recvbuff[i], size, ncclFloat, ncclSum,
                                               comms[i], s[i]));
                                      //synchronizing on CUDA stream to complete NCCL communication
                                      for (int i=0; i<nDev; i++)
                                      //freeing device memory
                                      for (int i=0; i<nDev; i++) {
                                      //finalizing NCCL
                                      for (int i=0; i<nDev; i++) {
                                      //finalizing MPI
                                      printf("[MPI Rank %d] Success \n", myRank);
                                      return 0;

                                    Communication Examples

                                    The following examples demonstrate common patterns for executing NCCL collectives.

                                    Example 1: One Device per Process or Thread

                                    If you have a thread or process per device, then each thread calls the collective operation for its device,for example, AllReduce:

                                    ncclAllReduce(sendbuff, recvbuff, count, datatype, op, comm, stream);

                                    After the call, the operation has been enqueued to the stream. Therefore, you can call cudaStreamSynchronize if you want to wait for the operation to be complete:


                                    For a complete working example with MPI and single device per MPI process, see “Example 2: One Device per Process or Thread”.

                                    Example 2: Multiple Devices per Thread

                                    When a single thread manages multiple devices, you need to use group semantics to launch the operation on multiple devices at once:

                                    for (int i=0; i<ngpus; i++)
                                      ncclAllReduce(sendbuffs[i], recvbuff[i], count, datatype, op, comms[i], streams[i]);

                                    After ncclGroupEnd, all of the operations have been enqueued to the stream. Therefore, you can now call cudaStreamSynchronize if you want to wait for the operation to be complete:

                                    for (int i=0; i<ngpus; i++)

                                    For a complete working example with MPI and multiple devices per MPI process, see Example 3: Multiple Devices per Thread.
