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Oct 02, 2017
Oct 02, 2017
This worked great and was the last key to doing what I wanted once I figured out what it was doing. Thanks!
The z-index: style is the key. You don't even need to use JS to attach the canvas to a div if you're using CSS to make them overlap. I did this using Flask, so the {{width}} and {{height}} are jinja that's being replaced by variables from python code.
<div id="div_outer" class="outerImageContainer" style="width:{{width}}px;height:{{height}}px;">
<div id="div_inner" class="innerImageContainer">
<canvas id="can" class="coveringCanvas" style="z-index: 999;" width="{{width}}px" height="{{height}}px" ></canvas>
<video id="vid" onplaying="startDrawing()" onsuspend="stopDrawing()"
src="/static/myvideo.mp4" controls="true" type="video/mp4" class="coveredImage"></video>
Then the CSS that makes canvas and video overlap the same area.
{ margin: 20px;}
{ width: 100%; height: 100%; position: relative; }
{ width: 100%; height: 100%; position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px;}
{ width: 100%; height: 100%; position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; pointer-events: none;}
Finally I have this to draw the animations in canvas
function draw() {
var time = vid.currentTime;
if(time !== lastTime) {
var c=document.getElementById("can");
var ctx=c.getContext("2d");
//no reason to redraw image but you can. it will overlap video controls:
//ctx.drawImage(vid,0,0,{{width}}, {{height}}, 0,0,{{width}}, {{height}});
//draw stuff here on top of the video each frame
lastTime = time;
function startDrawing() {
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