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As root, I installed Eclipse 2019-03 (and run it under them as well). In Eclipse IDE when I launch a project using PyQt5 (and working fine under Kubuntu 18.10), I get the following error:
*ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘PyQt5.sip’
In Preferences -> pyDev -> Python Interpreter the “Packages” section already contains installed PyQt5-sip. Re-installing it successfully, using the “Manage with pip” button and accepting the changes, doesn’t change the situation. On the next tab, “Libraries” I added “/root/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages” where PyQt5 is installed by:

  • sudo pip3 install PyQt5-sip
  • *sudo pip3 install --user pyqt5 *

    How to install PyQt5 under OpenSuse?

    It turned out that the installation should be performed without sudo and with the --user key:

    pip3 install --user PyQt5-sip
    pip3 install --user pyqt5 

    Note that by using pip,
    You are installing from the official Python repositories and not from openSUSE which means that the packages you just installed will not be managed (updated, upgraded as needed) by zypper or YaST.

    Recommend ithat you decide on only one source for your packages, openSUSE or the official repos of whatever dev language, and stick with that.
    If you want to find missing files in openSUSE, I wrote the following Wiki article


    Otherwise, if you want to use a Python from PyPi (the official Python repos), then I recommend you install virtualenv (or any other Python management) and use that to download and manage your Python