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NANOMO research unit at University of Oulu offers several possibilities in
I4WORLD program for doctoral studies.
You can always contact any of NANOMO
researchers mentioned below.

See below and www.oulu.fi/i4world for details.


Energy dissipation by electron emission in X-ray exposed inorganic ions

In radiation biology, the primary absorption of X-rays causes only a minor part of the total damage to the

system. Secondary processes producing slow electrons, ions, and radicals play a larger role. Recently, a new

group of intermolecular mechanisms has been discovered (intermolecular Coulombic decay (ICD), electron[1]transfer mediated decay (ETMD)), which are predicted to trigger an avalanche of secondary genotoxic

particles after X-ray ionization. The doctoral researcher’s research topic is electron-nuclear dynamics in

intermolecular decays of nanosolvated metal ions. The investigation of prototypical doped water clusters

enables tracking of the characteristics of individual steps of radiation damage experimentally inaccessible in

bulk matter.

Related I4WORLD research theme : Good Health and Wellbeing

Location of the position : Nano and Molecular Systems (NANOMO)

Supervisors : Assoc. Prof. Minna Patanen (NANOMO), Prof. Arno Ehresmann (Institute of Physics, University

of Kassel) and Dr. Andreas Hans (Institute of Physics, University of Kassel)

Partner : University of Kassel (Germany)

Double Degree information: Intended double degree between University of Oulu and University of Kassel

Molecular photoswitches: exploiting fast molecular dynamics in biomimetic model molecules

Photoisomerization plays a crucial role in many biological functions and in a range of applications. While the

concept of molecular photoswitches is well established, the photoisomerization mechanism crucial to the

function is still debated. As early as 1939 Teller showed that conical intersections (CI) between potential

energy surfaces (PES) can lead to fast radiationless transitions, but the ubiquitous nature of CIs in chemical

reactions was acknowledged only 50 years later. For example, cis-trans isomerism, out-of-plane ring

distortions and proton transfer result from CIs where nuclear motion brings PES into near degeneracy. In this

project we use laboratory and synchrotron radiation sources to study these photoinduced processes in model

systems and characterize their dynamics and how hydration or clustering affects them.

Related I4WORLD research theme : Good Health and Wellbeing

Location of the position : Nano and Molecular Systems (NANOMO)

Supervisors: Assoc. Prof. Minna Patanen (NANOMO), Prof. Stacey Sörensen (Department of Physics, Lund

University) and Dr. Antti Kivimäki (MAX IV Laboratory, Lund University)

Partner : Lund University (Sweden)

Smart Nanopore Biosensor Device for Automatic Selection and Analysis of Single Molecules from Biofluid


Nanopores integrated with electrical and optical readouts have been intensively explored as the cutting-edge

technology for single-molecule protein analysis. However, they depend heavily on traditional lab-based

molecule fractionation pretreatments, which hinders their applications in point-of-care diagnosis. In this

doctoral research, we plan to apply the Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) technology to our recent

plasmonic nanopores for active feedback control on biomolecule translocation through the nanopores by

their resistive pulses and then Raman spectroscopic analysis of the translocated molecules. The goal is a

proof-of-concept demonstration of a high-through nanopore device capable of automatic online selection

and label-free analysis of single molecules from biofluid mixture.

Related I4WORLD research theme : Good Health and Wellbeing

Location of the position : Health Sciences and Technology (HST)

Supervisors : Dr. Jian-An Huang (HST), Dr. Yingqi Zhao (HST), Dr. Aleksei Tiulpin (HST), Prof. Wei Cao

(NANOMO) and Prof. Linbao Luo (Hefei University of Technology)

Partner : Hefei University of Technology (China)

STXM Imaging and Spectroscopic Techniques to Reveal Natural Nano- and Micro Size Signaling Vesicle

Molecular Composition

The extracellular vesicle (EV) signaling is universal in nature and serves to transfer wealth of molecules from

one cell to another. The EVs composition may be substantially modified during their transmission but

technologies to analyze this are limited hindering EV therapeutic development. Thus, EV imaging,

composition and structure-based analytics are needed. ESR will perform interrogation of EV by integrating

scanning transmission X-ray microscopy (STXM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) techniques. A high[1]resolution EV molecular composition will be obtained via synchrotron-based STXM owing to elemental and

chemical sensitivity of X-ray absorption spectra. STXM analyses are complemented with AFM images locating

protein, nucleic acids, and metabolites packaging inside or on the EV surface.

Related I4WORLD research theme: Good Health and Wellbeing

Location of the position : Disease Networks (DN) and Nano and Molecular Systems research unit (NANOMO)

Supervisors : Prof. Seppo Vainio (DN), Associate prof. Minna Patanen (NANOMO) and Dr. Karina Thånell (MAX

Partner : MAX IV Laboratory (Sweden)

The first steps of radiation damage in radiosensitizers on a molecular scale

Right after W. Röntgen’s discovery, X-rays were used in medical diagnostics and treatments and have been

an extremely important tool in science. X-rays induce radiation damage to biological entities, which can be

used to destroy cancerous tissue but at the same time may induce cancer due to genetic modifications in

cells. On a molecular level, the interaction of single X-ray photons with biomolecules causes photoionization

with subsequent decay cascades. In this project, the doctoral researcher studies the X-ray induced dynamics

and decay cascades in commonly used radiosensitizers in aqueous environments using established

spectroscopic methods. Detailed insight to the response of solvated biomolecules to X-ray exposure is

envisioned to contribute to the improvement of radiation therapies.

Related I4WORLD research theme : Good Health and Wellbeing

Location of the position: Nano and Molecular Systems (NANOMO)

Supervisors : Assoc. Prof. Minna Patanen (NANOMO), Prof. Arno Ehresmann (Institute of Physics, University

of Kassel, Germany) and Dr. Andreas Hans (Institute of Physics, University of Kassel)

Partners: University of Kassel (Germany)

Double Degree information: Intended double degree between University of Oulu and University of Kassel


Antireflective Roll-to-roll (R2R) Hot Embossed Patterned Polymer Foils For Improving Solar Cell Efficiency


Nanopatterned functional foil for new applications project carried out at the University of Oulu has been

successfully accomplished to a phase in which R2R hot embossed patterns from in-house made seamless R2R

Ni master sleeve could be fully replicated. Measured antireflection properties of the produced foils were

outstanding. Full master tool replication has been performed by using a certain polymer types. Current set

of polymers were intentionally chosen for indoor solar cell (SC) aka indoor light energy harvesting (LEH)

applications. Outdoor SC foil patterning requires different weather-proof polymer(s) to be used in order to

replicate the indoor master Ni sleeve patterns for outdoor applications. The R2R process conditions, i.e.

temperature and pressure, are demanding for the new type of polymer. This requires extensive work to be

addressed to ESR employee.

Related I4WORLD research theme: Affordable and Clean Energy

Location of the position: Nano and Molecular Systems (NANOMO)

Supervisors : Prof. Wei Cao (NANOMO) and Dr. (Tech), Janne Remes (Centre for Material Analysis) and Dr.

(Tech) Raimo Korhonen (iScent Oy)

Partners : iScent Oy (Finland)

Application and development of time-resolved Infrared spectroscopy and ambient pressure x-ray

photoelectron spectroscopy -based methodology in atomic layer deposition

Atomic layer deposition (ALD) is a unique thin film deposition technique used to create highly conformal and

ultrathin films on 3D structures with atomic level accuracy. ALD plays an integral role, e.g., in semiconductor

fabrication and nanomaterial synthesis. For optimizing the processes, the precursor-surface interaction

needs to be well understood and characterized. In this project ALD processes will be studied in situ, starting

from first layers of growth on different types of substrates using time-resolved infrared spectroscopy (IR) and

ambient pressure x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (APXPS). The aim is to develop and apply new

methodology for combining IR and APXPS on ALD systems of high relevance to novel semiconductor devices

and energy and environmental applications.

Related I4WORLD research themes: Affordable and Clean Energy; Sustainable Industries and Production

Location of the position : Nano and Molecular Systems (NANOMO)

Supervisors : Doc. Samuli Urpelainen (NANOMO), Prof. Joachim Schnadt (Lund University), Assoc. Prof. Rainer

Timm (Lund University), Dr. Esko Kokkonen (MAX IV Laboratory) and Dr. Ashley Head (Brookhaven National


Partners : Lund University (Sweden), MAX IV Laboratory (Sweden) and Brookhaven National Laboratory (US)

Double Degree information: Intended Double Degree between University of Oulu and Lund University

Important: Only 1-2 doctoral researchers can be hosted with this project.

CO2-removal and transformation into solar fuels

Global CO2 emissions remain a nearly constant by-product in many industrial branches despite the changes

for example in energy production. Instead of storing CO2 in caves, the better way is to reuse it in a cycle of

regenerative energy carriers. CO2 can then be seen as an abundant source of an inexpensive raw material to

be transformed using solar irradiation into other energy carriers such as methane or methanol. The doctoral

researcher's task is to study the combination of photocatalysts with plasmonic active metals that enhance

absorption of light beyond the band gap limitations and drive selected reactions to enhance the output of

specific solar fuels based on utilization of CO2-emissions. The work benefits both from catalytic materials

engineering and advanced spectroscopic studies.

Related I4WORLD research themes: Affordable and Clean Energy; Clean Water, Biodiversity and


Location of the position: Nano and Molecular Systems (NANOMO)

Supervisors: Prof. Wei Cao (NANOMO), Prof. Max Lemme (Electronic Devices, RWTH-Aachen and AMO

GmbH), Dr. Ulrich Plachetka (AMO GmbH.) and Doc. Satu Ojala (ECE)

Partners: RWTH-Aachen (Germany), AMO GmbH. (Germany)

Development of novel 2D materials and Van der Waals heterostructures for green hydrogen production

combining experiments and first principles methods.

Growing energy demands need technological developments for photocatalysis. Semiconductors with band

gaps ranging from visible to ultraviolet are favorable photocatalysts, as incident photons with energies

greater or equal to the band gap liberate charge carriers that migrate to the surface leading to redox

reactions. Existing technologies are limited by low quantum efficiency, charge recombination, and chemical

back-reactions. The doctoral student will develop novel two-dimensional (2D) materials and Van der Waal’s

heterostructures that satisfy band gap requirements using extensive density functional theory calculations

combined with high throughput simulations. In a secondment in Switzerland, the student will conduct

photoemission spectroscopy experiments to test/refine the predictions.

Related I4WORLD research theme : Affordable and Clean Energy

Location of the position : Nano and Molecular Systems (NANOMO)

Supervisors : Doc. S. Assa Aravindh (NANOMO), Prof. Matti Alatalo (NANOMO) and Prof. Claude Monney

(University of Fribourg)

Partner : University of Fribourg (Switzerland)

Disruptive innovations in photocatalytic reactor design

Photocatalytic materials and processes have already been developed for decades. Still, full commercial

exploitation of these environmental technologies waits for a break-through. The major obstacle in adaptation

of the photocatalysis is the high price, that could be overcome with development of more economic, still

efficient catalytic materials, and new innovative reactor technologies. The World is also in a turn point in

seeking clean and economic energy production alternatives. In this perspective production of hydrogen from

water using solar light could be the answer. This work will focus on the development of a novel photocatalytic

reactor for solar hydrogen production. The doctoral thesis work may include reactor design and prototyping,

CFD modelling, in situ characterization of novel catalytic materials, reaction experiments.

Related I4WORLD research themes : Affordable and Clean Energy; Clean Water, Biodiversity and


Location of the position : Environmental and Chemical Engineering (ECE)

Supervisors: Doc. Satu Ojala (ECE), Prof. Marko Huttula (NANOMO) and Prof. Sergio Botelho de Oliveira,

(Federal Institute of Goias)

Partner : Federal Institute of Goias (Brazil)

Engineering and understanding low-dimensional semiconductors for photocatalytic HER

Hydrogen will be the key energy carrier of the coming century. Large-scale production of green hydrogen can

hardly circumvent materials engineering along with deep mechanistic understanding of the processes. In

photocatalysis the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) is dictated by the semiconductor absorption and carrier

recombination. To enhance HER efficiency, semiconductors have been formed to heterostructures. The focus

of this project is on the heterostructure formation via materials engineering and characterization of tailored

low dimensional 2D/1D composites through advanced spectromicroscopic studies. The electronic and optical

properties of 2D/1D heterojunctions, which define light absorption, carrier distribution and redox potentials,

will be studied on immobilized thin film layers.

Related I4WORLD research theme : Affordable and Clean Energy

Location of the position: Nano and Molecular Systems (NANOMO)

Supervisors: Prof. Wei Cao (NANOMO), Prof. Max Lemme (Electronic Devices, RWTH-Aachen and AMO

GmbH), Dr. Ulrich Plachetka (AMO GmbH.) and Doc. Satu Ojala (ECE)

Partners: RWTH-Aachen (Germany), AMO GmbH. (Germany)

Simulation and implementation of novel electrocatalyst materials for sustainable hydrogen production

The energy transition from fossil fuels to sustainable and clean resources as zero-carbon energy demands

technologies propelling Power-to-X strategies such as hydrogen production from green electricity. Currently,

green hydrogen generated from water electrolysis is massively dependent on expensive noble-metal

catalysts (eg. Pt, Ir). This project focuses on designing and fabricating cost-effective Multi-element Transition

Metal Phosphide (MTMP) electrocatalyst systems for green hydrogen production, employing electrochemical

methods followed by characterization and electrochemical testing. The project goals are 1) Modelling and

simulation of optimised MTMPs by first principle calculations 2) Synthesis of MTMPs by electrochemistry 3)

Performance analysis, and (OER/HER) catalyst testing.

Related I4WORLD research theme: Affordable and Clean Energy

Location of the position: Nano and Molecular Systems (NANOMO)

Supervisors : Doc. Assa Aravindh Sasikala Devi (NANOMO), Dr. Zhenyuan Xia (Industrial and Materials Science,

Chalmers University of Technology), Doc. Samuli Urpelainen (NANOMO), Prof. Matti Alatalo (NANOMO)

Partners: Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden) and MAXIV (Sweden)

Surface studies of nanoparticle interfaces

Inorganic and metal nanoparticles are key components in many applications such as photovoltaics, medical

imaging, and catalysis. At their interface with the environment (solid substrate or surrounding fluid),

important coupling takes place defining their properties and performance in these applications. Both can be

controlled and modified via an interlayer of organic or non-organic ligands. In this project, we study surface,

interlayer and interfacial properties of nanoparticles using pump-probe techniques at ultrafast laser facility

(CELIA), and X-ray based spectroscopic methods using in-house and synchrotron (e.g. SOLEIL, MAX IV)

sources. The early-stage researcher carries out experimental work and takes part to the implementation of

the nanoparticle instrumentation at CELIA.

Related I4WORLD research theme : Affordable and Clean Energy

Location of the position : Nano and Molecular Systems (NANOMO)

Supervisors : Assoc. prof. Minna Patanen (NANOMO), Dr. Anna Levy (Institut des Nanosciences de Paris,

INSP), Dr. Jérôme Gaudin and Dr. Valerie Blanchet (The Center for Intense Lasers and Applications, CELIA),

Dr. Christophe Nicolas and Dr. Denis Ceolin (Synchrotron SOLEIL)

Partners : INSP (France), CELIA (France) and SOLEIL (France)


Defect studies in High-Nickel Lithium-Ion Cathodes combining experiments and high throughput


This project aims to provide insight into the workings of high-nickel Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) and opens a

pathway to a sustainable energy transition by next-generation battery materials design. LIBs are based on

the reversible flow of Li+ ions between electrodes, and related redox reactions. LIBs are used in wireless

electronics smartphones, laptops and in auto motives. We will synthesize high-nickel LNO/LNMO

(LiNiO2/LiNixMn1-xO4) cathodes, and use a combined approach of experiments including X-ray Compton

Scattering and Positron Annihilation spectroscopies as well as theoretical approach such as density functional

theory (DFT) modeling and momentum-density calculations, to gain atomic-scale understanding on the redox

mechanisms of LIBs.

Related I4WORLD research theme : Sustainable Industries and Production

Location of the position: Nano and Molecular Systems (NANOMO) and Sustainable Chemistry (SusChem)

Supervisors : Doc. S. Assa Aravindh (NANOMO), Prof. Matti Alatalo (NANOMO), Prof. Ulla Lassi (SusChem)

and Ilja Makkonen (University of Helsinki)

Partner: University of Helsinki (Finland)

Detecting elusive reaction intermediates in catalytic methane conversion to methanol on model copper[1]containing zeolites

Methane is a potent greenhouse gas, and its emissions from point sources must urgently be curbed to slow

climate change. Selective methane oxidation to more easily transportable methanol on Cu-containing

zeolites is a promising solution, but the reaction mechanism and the nature of active sites are still poorly

understood, hindering this technology. We will study 2D model catalysts with Cu sites on external surfaces

by means of transient kinetic experiments, including Temporal Analysis of Products as well as synchrotron[1]based photoionization mass-spectrometry and surface spectroscopy, with the aim of capturing highly[1]reactive intermediates (e.g. peroxo radicals) of this reaction that are otherwise challenging to detect due to

their microporous transport in 3D zeolite crystallites.

Related I4WORLD research themes : Sustainable Industries and Production; Affordable and Clean Energy

Location of the position: Nano and Molecular Systems (NANOMO)

Supervisors : Dr. Samuli Urpelainen (NANOMO), Prof. Unni Olsbye, Dr. Evgeniy Redekop and Dr. Sebastian

Prodinger (Catalysis Section, University of Oslo)

Partners: University of Oslo (Norway) and MAX IV Laboratory (Sweden)

Double Degree information : Intended double degree between University of Oulu and University of Oslo

Development of extraction and application processes for biobased antivirals (BioANTIVIRALS)

The chemical industry is in a green transition: synthetic, harmful biocide products, such as those used in

antibacterial and antiviral products, need to be replaced with biobased ones. These can be extracted from

e.g., forestry side streams using environmentally benign processes, and then applied into functional

products. The doctoral researcher will study the in-situ extraction process kinetics by monochromatic beam

and phase-contrast imaging: how the biomass cellular structures affect the extraction efficacy and solvent[1]structure -interplay. Characterization and analysis of the products when immobilized into material surfaces

will be performed by using synchrotron radiation X-ray tomography. The aim is to find novel ways for process

optimization and improved product functionalities.

Related I4WORLD research themes: Sustainable Industries and Production; Good Health and Wellbeing

Location of the position : Nano and Molecular Systems (NANOMO)

Supervisors: Doc. Samuli Urpelainen (NANOMO) and Doc. Tuula Jyske (Natural Resources Institute Finland)

Partners : Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) and MAX Laboratory (Sweden)

In situ characterization of heterogeneous catalysts and carbons formed in thermocatalytic conversion

reaction of methane

This project aims to provide in situ characterization and deep insight into the structural properties of

heterogenous catalysts and solid carbons formed in thermocatalytic conversion (TCD) reactions of

(bio)methane. We will characterize the properties of catalysts and carbon materials using synchrotron

irradiation with existing beamlines. This will enable us to design more selective and active, inexpensive

catalysts for the TCD process, and also to tailor the properties of carbons formed. Secondly, we will use those

carbons in our electrochemical applications, such as in batteries and in electrochemical cells for hydrogen


Related I4WORLD research theme: Sustainable Industries and Production

Location of the position : Sustainable Chemistry (SusChem)

Supervisors : Prof. Ulla Lassi (SusChem), Dr. Harishchandra Singh (NANOMO) and Dr. Riikka Kupila (Hycamite

TCD Technologies)

Partner : Hycamite TCD Technologies (Finland)

Investigation of steel slag activated CO2 capture and conversion by multi-scale modelling and machine

learning techniques

In addition to significant CO2 emissions, steel manufacturing leaves behind harmful chemicals called slag that

are dumped into landfills. Given the drive to reduce CO2 emissions, typical components in the slag including

FeOx, CaO or SiO2 may be useful for CO2 capture and/or activation and conversion. This project investigates

CO2 capture using steel slag materials, focusing on active sites at the surfaces and conversion of CO2 to value

added chemicals. We combine multiscale atomistic modeling and machine learning. Density functional

theory (DFT) and abinitio molecular dynamics are employed to address different time & length scales and

temperature effects on dynamics. High-throughput DFT is combined with machine learning to identify

efficient slag materials for CO2 capture and conversion.

Related I4WORLD research theme : Sustainable Industries and Production

Location of the position: Nano and Molecular Systems (NANOMO)

Supervisors : Doc. S. Assa Aravindh (NANOMO), Prof. Poulumi Dey (TU Delft), Prof. Matti Alatalo (NANOMO)

and Prof. Michael Nolan (Tyndall National Institute, Cork, Ireland)

Partners : TU Delft (Netherlands), Tyndall National Institute (Ireland)

Multivariate calibration models for spectroscopic data for portable and handheld devices for crop analysis

Novel, fast and portable spectroscopic tools are revolutionizing agriculture to optimize the time of harvest

and controlling the quality and distribution of the crop. The information is critical in maximizing the yields of

harvests and thus addressing food crises, accelerated by e.g., global warming and water scarcity. In this

project methods related to multivariate calibration models applied in analytical near-infrared-based analysis

tools will be studied. This may include topics, such as research of calibration transfer, and neural networks

for predictive models from NIR spectra and images. Reference spectra using NIR spectroscopies will be used

to analyze protein, carbohydrate and oil contents using FTIR, and models build to advance portable analysis

of the crops in the field.

Related I4WORLD research theme : Sustainable Industries and Production

Location of the position: Nano and Molecular Systems (NANOMO)

Supervisors : Dr. Samuli Urpelainen (NANOMO), Dr. Kari Jänkälä (GrainSense Oy) and Prof. Marko Huttula


Partner: GrainSense Oy (Finland)

Synchrotron radiation -based methods for studying hydrogen-based green reduction processes of metal


Steel is an integral part of society with increasing global demand and there is a continuous pressure to reduce

the emissions of the industry. Hydrogen (H2) reduction of iron oxides is seen as the path towards

environmentally benign steelmaking, but the molecular level mechanisms of the processes are largely

unknown. The harsh conditions also set high demands on the durability and resistance of materials used in

process equipment, perhaps only met by Al2O3-forming steels. The challenge of reducing the Al2O3 surface

for joining is still hindering fabrication, but H2 is foreseen as a solution. The project focuses on H2 reduction

of metal oxides at various conditions and process parameters using synchrotron radiation to obtain

fundamental understanding critical for addressing the challenges.

Related I4WORLD research theme : Sustainable Industries and Production

Location of the position : Nano and Molecular Systems (NANOMO)

Supervisors : Doc. Samuli Urpelainen, (NANOMO), Dr. Filip Lenrick (Department of Mechanical Engineering

Sciences, Lund University) and Prof. Timo Fabritius (Process Metallurgy)

Partners : Lund University (Sweden) and MAX IV Laboratory (Sweden)

The role of CO2 in extracting critical raw materials

Critical raw materials Pt, Pd and Li, e.g., are only found in limited parts of the world and the current global

situation has further emphasized the importance of finding new sources for them. It has been shown recently

that CO2 could be utilized to boost the recovery of the minerals containing critical metals. CO2 might also be

captured and stabilized via an incidental mineral carbonation reaction. CO2 could therefore have a twofold

sustainable impact on the production processes of the critical metals. The PhD student will study these

processes computationally using first principles methods and characterize the mineral surfaces

experimentally. The results provide insight on the phenomena occurring during the beneficiation of these

critical metals and aid in bringing forth new use for CO2.

Related I4WORLD research theme : Sustainable Industries and Production

Location of the position: Nano and Molecular Systems (NANOMO)

Supervisors : Prof. Matti Alatalo (NANOMO) Doc. S. Assa Aravindh (NANOMO), Doc. Samuli Urpelainen

(NANOMO), Prof. Saija Luukkanen (Oulu Mining School) and Prof. Ron Zevenhoven (Åbo Akademi)

Partners: Åbo Akademi University (Finland)

Time-resolved spectro-kinetic characterization of heterogeneous catalytic reactions for sustainable

industrial processes.

Industrial transition to sustainable feedstocks must be accelerated to avert the irreparable anthropogenic

impact on climate and ecosystems. Heterogeneous catalysis is a key enabling technology for the transition,

but significant knowledge gaps still pose fundamental challenges for innovation in catalysis. This project will

advance the state-of-the-art in time-resolved kinetic and spectroscopic studies of reaction intermediates and

dynamic states of catalytic materials by combining Temporal Analysis of Products (TAP) kinetic experiments

with synchrotron photoionization mass-spectrometry and surface spectroscopy. Mechanisms of

sustainability-relevant reactions will be elucidated in unprecedented details, including catalytic methane

pyrolysis and methanol to hydrocarbons conversion.

Related I4WORLD research themes : Sustainable Industries and Production; Affordable and Clean Energy

Location of the position: Nano and Molecular Systems (NANOMO)

Supervisors : Dr. Samuli Urpelainen (NANOMO), Prof. Ulla Lassi (Sustainable Chemistry), Dr. Evgeniy Redekop

and Prof. Unni Olsbye (Catalysis Section, University of Oslo)

Partner: University of Oslo (Norway), MAX IV Laboratory (Sweden)

Double Degree information: Intended double degree between University of Oulu and University of Oslo

Stabilization and solidification of sulfidic mine tailings towards sustainable super sulphated cement


Super sulphated cement (SSC) is mainly produced from industrial side streams with ettringite being the

predominant hydration product. In general, SSC is made of slag (75-85%), a sulfate source e.g. gypsum (10-

20%) and calcium-based activator (1-5%). Instead of gypsum, sulfidic tailings can be used to make similar

composition with two advantages: using tailings as a high-value material and stabilizing tailing heavy metals

within this binder. SSC is well known for its sulphate resistance but poor carbonation properties. Drawbacks

include low early age strength and slow hardening. The doctoral thesis focuses on employing the full potential

of sulfidic tailings as a secondary raw material for SSC, improving SSC’s early age properties through

pretreatments and additives, and characterizing the reaction products with advanced spectromicroscopic


Related I4WORLD research theme: Sustainable Industries and Production

Location of the position: Fibre and Particle Engineering (FPE)

Supervisors : Prof. Mirja Illikainen (FPE), Dr. Priyadharshini Perumal (FPE), Assoc. prof. Minna Patanen (Nano

and Molecular Systems) and Dr. Jaakko Saukkoriipi (Agnico Eagle)

Partner : Agnico Eagle Finland


Advanced characterization of aerosol particles

This project sheds light on aerosol particles and their formation processes using novel lightsources such as

synchrotrons and X-ray free electron lasers. Aerosol formation is a ubiquitous process in nature (e.g. sea salt

aerosol production from breaking waves), and important part of many industrial spray-drying processes (e.g.

pharmaceuticals, food powder production). Despite their importance, there is a lack of understanding how

particles form in these processes and how their properties emerge from their chemical structure and

morphology. In this project, the early-stage researcher carries out research on chemical and morphological

characterization nanoaerosols at large-scale facilities and takes part to the development of the related


Related I4WORLD research theme: Clean Water, Biodiversity and Environment

Location of the position: Nano and Molecular Systems (NANOMO)

Supervisors : Assoc. prof. Minna Patanen (NANOMO), Prof. Olle Björneholm (Uppsala University) and Dr.

Noelle Walsh (MAX IV)

Partners: Uppsala University and MAX IV Laboratory (Sweden)

Double Degree information: Possibility for double degree between University of Oulu and Uppsala University

Quantifying atmospheric wet processing of micro and nano plastics

Micro and nano plastics (MNP) are widely considered as an emerging threat, even crossing the planetary

boundary threshold. Yet, information on the atmospheric processing and transport of MNP particles is still

scarce, although accumulating evidence suggests that MNP are abundant in the troposphere. The doctoral

researcher’s research topic is to study the role of MNP particles in atmospheric condensation (heterogeneous

nucleation) and ice formation (deposition/immersion nucleation) processes focusing either on modelling or

imaging and cloud activation/ice nucleation experiments. Expected outcome of the work are

parameterizations that can be utilized to describe interaction of MNP particles and water vapour from simple

CFD models for lung deposition to large-scale atmospheric transport models.

Related I4WORLD research theme: Good Health and Wellbeing; Clean water, biodiversity and environment

Location of the position: Nano and Molecular Systems (NANOMO)

Supervisors: Doc. Jussi Malila (NANOMO), Acad. Prof. Ari Laaksonen (Finnish Meteorological Institute) and

additional co-supervisor(s) from U. Oulu or FMI depending on the exact focus of research


Partner: Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI) (Finland

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